What routine/ diet should I follow to get this thic?

What routine/ diet should I follow to get this thic?
And how long would it take me taking into account that I'm a 6''2' skinnyfat beginner?

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2 - 3 years natty


>2-3 years natty
>OP is 6'2" skinnyfat
>OP's pic related physique

>several years
>heavy compounds
>eat alot
>get on test (in the future)


So it would be more than 2-3 years natty?
What about steroids?

for real eat a fuck load
commit and anyone that says you wont be close in 3 years is a pussy

roids is up to you, obviously would make it easier

Judging by the gyno, hop on test and don't take any AI

Does getting fat not matter? Would it improve gains at all? I don't know whether I'm starting to get fat or whether I'm skinnyfat.

work out you bf% that will tell you

post your body and time lifting

13-16% by navy calculator

bring it down to 12% and you're "athletic" apparently, there's your new goal

you will get fatter, but your goal pic has a pretty high bf%, so I guess thats what you want

and being in a large calorie surplus means more muscle too, not just fat. it also means faster recovery


So despite a higher bodyfat, if I'm THICCer will it not look as bad as I am now?

>if I have more muscle will I look better

the guy in pic has more fat than you. he also has more muscle. do you see what you need to do to look like him now?

SS for like 3 months, go easy in the squating.
Do like 1 month cycle of some programs.
etc See whats feels better, wich one are you making more progress all from (pumps, reps and totals)
Dont dirty bulk, and dont eat like an idiot, dont over do it you fucking dingus.
Evan centopani is 5'11'' ish or 6' ish and weights 260 and he eats 4.5 Kcal. so you fucking amateur fgt cuck should eat below that

he's around 20% at most and he has shit ton of muscle. op will look just become fat if he starts to eat insane calories. an no, more calories don't equate to more muscle. there is a limit how much muscle a body can build in a day.

Absolutely. I'm not OP, just didn't know whether to cut or not because I might need more muscle to pull off any kind of physique anyway.

what are you genetics like? he has a thicc frame

>there is a limit how much muscle a body can build in a day

and hes not going to be anywhere near that limit without being in a significant surplus

also, the guy in his pic is on roids. if he want to look like him, he should bulk, lift heavy then get on gear after a few years

>significant surplus
And by near that limit you mean scarring his skin for life right?

for a complete noob that is just 500 above tdee