Why do religious societies hate communism?

why do religious societies hate communism?

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Mostly because communism is almost always anti-religious.

Because communism believes religions are obsolete opiates that keep the masses unconscious to the class struggle.
Ironically communism as an ideology is the most religion like of all ideologies.
Communism promises heaven on earth. While religion promises heaven after life.

One of the biggest problems with Marxism is Marx kept making enemies of everyone. He saw that there might not be a need for religion in the future, but by deriding religion as the opiate of the masses, he turned the church into a reactionary force. Prior to Marx there were several attempts as communal theocracies.



giving to the poor equals communism?
ive never seen something so fucking retarded

because religion is the opiate of the masses

when you are american even basic health care is communism


Like what societies? Latin American communists' for example, were fairly religious.

Initial communist revolutions had strong anticlerical component because every church was purely pro-old regime institution politically, just like with liberal revolutions, but churches too embraced new values.

We have to go deeper

No, wall street is run by WASPs! I couldn't name a single Jew at Goldman Sachs, that's just a conspiracy theory!


>what is Liberation Theology

Wall street is run by the Irish actually.


Pretty much, what are you gonna do when you can't get enough doctors to work for shit pay and endure all the red tape and end up with doctors who are swamped and don't give a shit because muh pension?

I used to go to the VA for my healthcare but I dropped it like a sack of bricks the second I was able to get insured through my employer, I used to hear horror stories about surgeons leaving scalpels and other foreign objects in people. Why should they give a shit anyways? They get paid regardless at the end of the day


>why does everyone with half a brain hate communism?

>Communism despises religion
>Therefore, religion despises communism
Gee, I wonder why


Why does everyone with a full brain like communism?

the meme is true

It was shit, why would I endure shitty healthcare and waste more government money when there are better alternatives available to me simply from working?

The USSR banned religion punishable by gulag and exile. Possession of holy books and services were outlawed. Even in China today party members are not permitted to claim a religion, and will be removed from the party if they're caught involved in this apparently frowned upon activity.

Fugg-- did the Tsar allow the revolution? Did he escape to Britain? Someone tell me that happened.


>He formally repealed the impediments within his firm against lending to Russia.
Just in time to fund the 85% of (((bolshevik))) leaders. I'm getting real sick of this.

Because it’s against god

indeed, good luck trying to produce your own insulin.

Because marxism doesn't work.
Communism doesn't work.
Socialism doesn't work.

Because not even people who believe in retarded bullshit like forbidden fruit, sky daddy and talking snakes are stupid enough to believe in communism.

It takes a special kind to be communist.

>american education


>Like what societies? Latin American communists' for example, were fairly religious.

Yeah, in El Salvador there was a far-right saying: "be patriotic, kill a priest", because so much of the fuckers were helping communist guerrillas.

do you just dump any memes which are somehow supposed to mock leftypol despite that they don't even fit context of discussion

Heh, that sure showed him comrade

>Why should they give a shit anyways? They get paid regardless at the end of the day

Because maybe they are decent people who take pride in their profession and find joy in bettering their communities?

But does it work?

Because Communism is the real God of course

Communism is a materialistic ideology and usually forbids non-materialistic beliefs especially faith in God

Because communists always try to kill them?

Because envy is a sin.

>thinks that voluntary charity is the same as mandatory seizure and redistribution of private property
>what is liberation theology
>what is Christian distribution

Why do godly people hate godless systems of oppression?


>godless systems of oppression
aka capitalism

Priests preach heavens to poor people while building heavens for themselves on the earth. Communists naturally are against any sort of capitalism, so priests would be forced to live their spiritual life without enjoying fruits of someone else's labor. Franciscans often left for partisans to fight against fascists during WW2 in Yugoslavia simply because they already lived in stone monasteries with no electricity or commodities, so they had no materialistic things to lose.

Because religions are a money machine

T. Retard who will never even consider leaving the luxury of a capitalist system