This is Germany, say something nice about it

This is Germany, say something nice about it.

It's green

It doesn't exist

It's seems to be spreading some form of bacterial disease to its neighbors.

Tht's the >HRE, not Germany


doesn't go far enough into north east "poland"

You make all the leftists on Veeky Forums mad, so you're good in my book.

Ahmed's dick doesn't go deep enough in your ass

Should be deleted, it is fake nation just like Prussia was.

Is it fair to say that if you're not from inside the green area then you're not european ?

seems legit

Krauts are less European than Balts and Polacks

that's clearly rome OP

they have cool helmets

Surely by "Germany" you meann the only legitimate succesor to the Roman Empire


>muh genetics


It kinda looks like an empire that the Roman pope could use for manipulation/power, making it, in a twisted way, “Holy”.

Their scientific and cultural contributions to the world are noteworthy

>Be Germany
> Good Engineers.
>Scared the Brits.
>Brits played with money a bit (big thanks to Montagu Collet Norman, you can thank him for a worldwide depression also)
>With that manipulation, caused a perfect reactionary storm. (Brits knew Hitler would happen, Hitler might have been on the payroll.)
>Were actually crushed pretty easily.

Needs to be bigger.

Yo Germany, lose some weight ya fatso

It has nice wooden architecture

A very nice realm

It should all be Austrian you absolute fag

Austria is a region of Germany.

I am having a hard time with this thread.

>p*le obsessed with gay interracial
Why am I not surprised?

goes too far into west poland

Fuck off Krautnigger.

What are you trying to say with this picture? Explain


Oh fuck off

I like the way you think kid


Why yes they are

Do it again, le Epic Bomberboy Harry


You don't even know the half of it

Wo kommste her?

Bohemia is not German

I mean I get your point but as someone whose spoken to Bohemians and heard their rhapsodies I can tell you that they're happier under the EICH AR IIIII

Thinking about it, it's the best of both worlds:
- they kept most of their own sovereignity and sometimes even were the Emperor; also, were an Elector state
- they got the protection of the Empire against outside threats

Somebody here played Eu4!



The Huns should've exterminated the Slavs when they had the chance

That's a town name map, not surnames

Kannst du, oder willst du mir nicht antworten? Ich bin dem 1. Reich zwar sehr ergeben, aber ich mags wirklich nicht wenn Fremde ihren Urteil darüber erteilen, selbst wenn es positiv ist. Ich stimme deinem ersten Post ehrlich gesagt zu, nur hass ich Ami LARPer die unseres kulturelles Erbe für sich einnehmen wollen.

Tut Mir Leit, Aber Ich Have Deutsch fergessen

They have tried recently.

Germany doesn't extend south of the Alps.