
How did he do it, Veeky Forums? How did a literal who become the most powerful man in the last five hundred years in such little time? What was it about Napoleon?

he read makaveli

Stop worshiping this autistic manlet. This is starting to get worse than WW2 posting.

>he was actually above average height

Unironically autism.

>t. arthur hornsby

He was WHITE


genius and luck. He literally grabbed every opportunity given to him, and executed it with a strike of genius, until he became overly confident. For instance his lack of grace on the Battle of Borodino

He lucked out living in the perfect storm of political instability that allowed a reasonably skilled leader like himself to rapidly rise through the ranks. He had a good grasp of what gave him legitimacy, and ended up in the perfect position to exploit that when he was put in charge of the Italian and Egyptian campaigns.

Once he was actually in power, he took advantage of the fact that the major powers hadn't yet recognized Napoleon as an existential threat. Napoleon was willing to mobilize France to its full potential and able to make use of better tactical and operational practices early on, while the rest of the powers in Europe were more expecting another war along the lines of those of the previous century. Because of that, he was able to subjugate most major powers piecemeal - the Austrians were soundly defeated, the Prussians routed and overrun, and the Russians mauled badly enough to convince them continued war wasn't in their interests.

He was pretty smart when it came to opportunities, when he was presented with a problem, he tried to solve it quickly. His battle plans were pretty good too.

Italians are white retard. Take your autism back to pol

he was damn confident
and he barely slept
he was autistic, clearly
but he like, knew people really well
he treated the average hardworking person with respect
also some great generals

>reasonably skilled

How did he do it, Veeky Forums? How did a literal who become the most powerful man in the last five hundred years in such little time? What was it about Adolf?


You would be surprised what you can accomplish through sheer autism being channeled by anger.

Autism, willpower and charism at their highest level

>Once he was actually in power, he took advantage of the fact that the major powers hadn't yet recognized Napoleon as an existential threat. Napoleon was willing to mobilize France to its full potential and able to make use of better tactical and operational practices early on, while the rest of the powers in Europe were more expecting another war along the lines of those of the previous century. Because of that, he was able to subjugate most major powers piecemeal - the Austrians were soundly defeated, the Prussians routed and overrun, and the Russians mauled badly enough to convince them continued war wasn't in their interests.

Wrong, tard
The French had been fighting a total war in full force since 1792, so the European powers were well used to that when the Napoleonic Wars started (1803) and tey knew exactly how dangerous it was (Vienna had almost fell to the French in 1799)

The real reason why the European powers couldn't moilize in full force like France did is because they feared that arming their peope massively would allow them to revolt
You have to remember that they were reactionnary states that had just witnessed one of Europe's biggest monarchy crumling into revolution

he was democratically elected. that's practically cheating compared to all the work Napoleon had to do.

Kys, bongscum

>Anglos STILL keep the propaganda machine turning.