Should I kill myself?

Life is so boring and so meaningless. I have tried multiple times but I see no point in going on.


If there is no point in living why die? I Say that you should live with no fear, if you die you die. Unless ofcourse if you are a pussy, then go ahead and die for all I care.

What excites you?
What would you do anything to accomplish?
What do you not want to do?

Make your own meaning

idk senpai, you might miss out on something cool happening.

If you really want a big change of pace you can always throw yourself into Rojava, access is pretty easy.

>Killing someone
>Get old

join the army then you edgy faggot

>I have tried multiple times
just give up on killing yourself, you're bad at it


If you already fucked up multiple times then don't you think there's a reason you've stuck around? Just ride it out dude that's what we're all doing. It's better to enjoy the possible opportunities you might get later in life than to tap out because you're too bored of whatever.

fair enough, but I hate the idea of countries.
I'd much rather be an assassin or ufc fighter, that way I make a shitload of money and don't get cucked by the government

>an assassin

nevermind, kill yourself


oh shit
has that actually happened to people ?

Go live in Alaska and fight a bear. You'll either be eaten or you will become a man

sounds fun, but I'm lean and do muay thai, to go against a bear would require some huge guy that does wrestling or something

good thing your on a fitness board
where you can learn how to be a big guy(4U)
and learn how to wrestle

Suicide rates for veterans are waaay higher than civilians.

Just drown your suicidal feelings, repressed rage and overall downtrodden, depresses perspective in a healthy self-harm... Heavy fucking deadlifts for example.

It happens all the time actually

So join a damn mma gym. Unless this is all bullshit or you're just a whiner who wants everything handed to him

Fuck off

dude I've been fighting since I was 15, I just responded some greentext questions.
I love fighting, I think killing someone would be interesting, and I'll probably kill myself or die before 40, fuck off.

If dubs yes

you wont be able to jerk off if youre dead