Hello Chaintards,
Please read the following article. It is the banks that met at SIBOS and they have officially announced a for-profit partnership to build THEIR OWN BLOCKCHAIN without Chainlink. Boom. Done. Now quit fucking spamming this board.

My future is destroyed
Noooooooooook ahhhhhhjhhhhhhh

Kek are you an ethereum bagholder? Then you should be worried. We linkholders are comfy as fuck. If ever this blockchain takes off LINK can easily have support for it just like its current support for Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Hyperledger blockchains.

Kekekek meanwhile other whitepaper oracles (ETP and Aeternity) only have support for their own blockchain. Which means smart contract developers can only create smart contracts in their platform in order to be able to use their oracle that they will implement in the future.

Read the article again and delete your post to avoid the feeling of shame.

Kek so this blockchain is hyperledger? LINK already has support for it. Shame on you OP.

I don't get it. Where's the problem?

Literally great news for LINK



>you can't stop thinking about us



>mfw OP doesn't know this is good news

LOL are embarassing. Should be ashamed of yourself. Learn to read and understand


lol as if the only application of Chainlink's tech is banking... its just one of a million use cases.

stay poor OP. 0/10 FUD.

Someone contact Confido and tell them ChainLink is only for banks kek

This is GOOD news for chainlink dumbass. How is it that barely anyone knows what link does when there's 50 threads a day on it

I'm dying

>they have officially announced a for-profit partnership to build THEIR OWN BLOCKCHAIN without Chainlink

You might want to re-read the article. They are not building their own blockchain - they are building on Hyperledger.

Guess what decentralized oracle platform supports Hyperledger? I'll give you a clue - it was demo'd at SIBOS recently.

Either you are FUDding to keep the price down so you can accumulate more (hi, fellow LINK holder), or you are trying to rationalize your decision to not buy what is obviously a massively undervalued asset.

Lmao, Chainlink already works with that particular blockchain (Hyperledger).

The fact that more shit is going onto Hyperledger is fantastic news for Chainlink.

Chainlink is literally a separate network that is an add-on for blockchains.

>Guy FUDing LINK
>able to read

Pick one

Fuckin lulz lmao

thanks op

i knew this will be big

but you jsut helped me reaffirm my position, son

>good on your

the best memes

>we are sensitive to users being able to influence product evolution

God what blow yards. Let this be a lesson, never trust the banks.

This -- some banks announce they're going to be investing serious money into a blockchain venture and that spells bad news for a technology that will address some of their key pain points?

>Literally great news for LINK

Ok guys see you at 10 cents. Every time link gets good news it tanks

>falling for reverse FUD