Its one of those too depressed with slight anxiety to hit the gym episodes

Its one of those too depressed with slight anxiety to hit the gym episodes...

>it's one of those overworked/underslept user tries to go to the gym while also studying for his finals that he knows he is going to fail anyways so why even try days

just kill me now, there isn't enough motivation in the world to get me through this

get to the gym faggot

Go to the gym

Sleep more

>sleep more

okay let me just make a day more than 24 hours real quick. thanks man!

No motivation bros... its like theres no point in lifting... and no gymbro either... no qt to see you shirtless..

>it's one of those go to the gym because fucking angry episode

Trust me, you will feel even shittier if you dont go to the gym. A shitty workout is better than no workout at all, it took me many times before i figured it out.

>150 lbs
>massive social anxiety
>too scared to go to gym and work out
>too scared to ask for spot help
>too scared to have girls see me

why livft?

that's a tough one, but one day you'll learn that it doesn't matter what they think of you as long as you manage to find a way to be proud of yourself each and every day, going to the gym is a start.

you huge fucking pussy.

You are holding yourself back.

Great men in the world face fear and uncertainty with courage, not depression and anxiety.


Best shit ive read today

Thats a gay song.. i hate when they play it at the gym

>browse Veeky Forums
>decide to take iron pill
>go to the gym for the first time
>get ridiculed by guys who spend all day there
>nobody will give me a spot
>girls at the gym point and laugh at me while I'm benching the most I can without a spot
>gym rat guys mock me for how little I can bench
>they make fun of how small my legs are in shorts
>they mock me by doing curls right next to me
>they start doing push ups next to me while I'm trying to do squats
>doing bar curl
>guys start doing one handed pull ups on the machine next to me
>get ridiculed the whole 5 hours I was there

I'm never going back.

Find a better gym/change what time you go or workout at home. Don't let those gaping assholes take this away from you.

this what the fuck

haven't taken a rest day in over a month...I just don't have it in me

its one of those off days from the gym so you just drink too much and shitpost on Veeky Forums

>take shower before gym
>look in mirror
>repulsed by how i look some days
>dont go to gym out of embarrassment of how I look
>only go to gym when I feel presentable

sucks man

Ignore people that ridicule you at the gym - it's pretty much the only place I don't mock someone for being fat, skinny, ugly, etc. Everyone is (usually) there to better themselves. Anyone that mocks someone else at a gym is a douchebag plain and simple.

The only time I ever gave someone a dirty look was when I worked out during evening rush hour and some asshole was hoarding TWELVE dumbbells.

Damn bro, I felt this way when I first went in. Just listen to some guided meditations and try to zone out. For me it's gotten to the point that I have to be severely injured to avoid going to the gym. Just get on a routine and the release you feel will keep you coming back.

Realize that it's silly that people that strangers have power of you. If it's really bad, I'd consider seeing a therapist.