Has anybody got any tips for putting on weight? I'm 5'10 and 9 stone so I want to put on some weight...

Has anybody got any tips for putting on weight? I'm 5'10 and 9 stone so I want to put on some weight. What's the best food for putting on weight and is there a way I can do it without eating so much junk food?

Drink at least 5 pints a day on top of what you normally eat.

This is a troll right? How can anybody drink 5 pints of milk a day?

And this ladies and gentlemen is why people fail at things.

You know how you have to shit every few days? Stop doing that. Stop pissing too. Your weight will skyrocket.

calories in and out is a fucking myth.

anyway organic nut butters. not just peanut, get cashew and almond and that so you don't get bored

Well I'll try to drink a lot more milk. Not 5 pints though otherwise I'll go insane
Hmm will look into. Cheers.


i only eat turkey and mashed potatoes on thanksgiving, and i dont drink alcohol at all.

I hate eating in general and just cooking all the time. I recommend peanut butter, olive oil, nuts and milk. Great stuff that takes a few mins to down.

>Not 5 pints though otherwise I'll go insane

Why do you think it should be easy?
Nobody has an easy time changing the body they have created over decades.
The difference between you and someone who looks great is that they don't whine and bitch about the difficulty of doing what's necessary.
5 pints of milk is fuck all anyway... I could drink that in 2 hours without issue.

>thermodynamics is a myth
>it is impossible to put on weight by taking more energy in (by eating more) than you expend

Peanut butter
Nuts and seeds in general, particularly macadamias/walnuts. Add these to other foods
Coconut oil

Eat more and eat consistently, problem solved

drink a lot of your calories
eat throughout the day
eat quickly

I'm the same height as you and I gained a lot of weight by drinking whole milk with every thing I ate and I would make a protein shake every day with milk, oats, natural peanut butter, melted dark chocolate and a banana.

I have a degree in Physics, I understand thermodynamics tyvm.

But it's very hard to quantify how many of the calories are actually absorbed. What is excretion, secretions, metabolic rate, body temperature, satiating effect, insulin spiking, metabolic pathways ect. Just eat clean, high vitamin, mineral and fibre foods.

Pint of whole milk with every meal, increase the size of your meals by double and make sure you have breakfast, if you skip it now make time. Also get nuts and snack constantly through the day on them.

it's true that calculating calorie expenditure to a reasonable degree of precision isn't yet possible, but (1) that doesn't falsify CICO and (2) practically, calorie expenditure being unknown to a person is irrelevant to their gaining weight, as they can keep increasing their daily calorie intake until they reach energy imbalance; the body doesn't compensate for (arbitrarily) large sustained increases in calorie intake (otherwise people wouldn't become obese in adulthood)

that said—i think you're right that clean, lean bulking is the way to go. don't drink a GOMAD or HGOMAD a day, OP, but do drink some of your daily calories if you're struggling to gain weight; it's easier

Thanks for the advise. Not looking forward for my food the next couple weeks but hey what you going to do. Peanut butter, milk and pot noodles for my lunch currently. Great.

Eat more, faggot.

Now that I've typed that, though, it occurs to me that since you weigh yourself at "9 stone" that you're probably a brit-fag and you guys use the word "faggot" much differently than we do.
So, you're probably wondering why I've just called you a cigarette. In this case, I'm using the American meaning of "faggot", which is to say that I'm calling you a homosexual.

Anyway, yeah, eat more, faggot.

no, we also use the word 'faggot', just because I don't eat all the time like you, you amerifat