I've done it, I visited snap city

>doing strength training
>got insufficient rest for the last week
>smaller injuries pop up, ignore them
>evening after deadlifts, lift my gf from seated position
>back starts hurting
>nevermind it
>wake up next day, can't stand up
>manage to stand up, lose vision, lose hearing
>almost black out from pain
>been on pain meds for 2 days with relative mobility
>training won't be possible
>seeing doctor tomorrow

What's the quickest way out of snap city? Or I should ask the best way, I want your experiences so I don't make unneccessary mistakes.

Thank you

sounds like you fucked it my man, good luck

I didn't snap it but back before I started lifting again I picked up the chubby girl I was dating while messing around and felt a pinch. Next two days I was on the floor in pain. Resolved myself to get more fit immediately. Also dumped her fat ass

I'm no doctor but this doesn't sound like snap city.

By all means see a doc but the fact that you can move around (even if on pain meds) is encouraging.

I fucked up my back deadlifting once and for 48 hours afterwards I was in enough pain that moving (nevermind bending over) was limited to trips to the bathroom.

My advice is to:
1) see a doctor
2) get back under a bar (start with just the bar) as soon as you feel up to it

The longer that you spend not immobilized the longer it will take to rehab the injury (I fucked myself up pulling 285 and now pull 450+ pain free) It's a setback for sure but you'll be okay.

I Bulged a disc deadlifting due to my legs being rotated. 1. Lie on the ground on your stomach for 15 minutes. 2. Try to do a cobra pose. 3. Get a Mri immediately. 4. Stop lifting for at least a week.


I just coughed and pulled something in my lower back

maybe its just spasming? i sometimes hear a little crack in my neck during heavy overhead lifts and usually the morning after my neck is in bad pain and i can barely move it. it goes away when i get muscle relaxers (valium) from the doctor's.

if you just lifted your gf you might find that's what it is, breh. maybe i'm wrong tho.

Maybe do 4 before 3 and just see if you can even do 1 or 2

I visited snap city 1 month ago during squats

what happened? I usually lift at night when no one is around. During my third rep of the second set, I saw someone walking by. This messed up my focus, I did not take a deep breath to make my core tight, so I went down with 100 kg on my back (I am a newbie), made a buttwink and on my way up I felt something being pulled in my lower back. A sharp as fuck pain. It's funny because I can see the video on my desktop... the title "20170328_215729", 2017, 03, 28, i.e. 28th of March, 2017.

It did not hurt too much at the time, hell I was even thinking of doing deadlifts, but thankfully I didn't. I wake up the next day and I can't walk, literally, can't fucking walk.

I returned to the gym after 1 week. I deloaded in all the compound movements. After 1 month I returned to my best form. Today I broke some PRs for the first time.

Be careful with your forms guys. But at the end of the day, never give up.

OP has strained his spinal erectors, and no doctor worth a damn is going to order an MRI right now. They're going to tell him to stay active and return to normal activity as pain allows, while taking NSAIDs for pain relief. If pain persists, they'll likely refer to PT. If PT fails, then they'll pursue imaging.

Back pain is one of the top reasons people visit doctors. 90% of acute back pain is self limited and resolvs within 4-8 weeks.

I walked in and same day got a Mri... I didn't know the wait time was so long. My Bulged disc still hurts but my doctor said it would heal in anoit a years time.

I've had a back pain from my disc for about 7 months. It's gone down so I think it's healing.

Daily reminder that it doesn't matter how much you lift, what matter is the proper form.

brother you didn't visit snap city, you took up residence in snap city


God damn. Wow.... Good thing it's only a bulged disc for me....

Doctor here.

Sorry OP, but you have AIDS.

That's really unusual, and not standard of practice. Your doc might be one the guys that has investments in the imaging center. Stark Law mandates they disclose any financial interests in the labs or imaging places they send you to, but that doesn't always happen.

Now, there are obviously exceptions to the "rule" about imaging in back pain, but having acute onset pain while lifting weights generally is not one of them.

This is fake. No imaging modality looks like that. There's literally no fucking tissue around the vertebrae.

Either way, im grateful to only have a bulged disc instead of literally falling over in pain. Phew. Have yoy hurt your back before?

Please elaborate on the "legs being rotated."

What, all that happened is this guy passed out from not breathing and the straining. Pretty common.


The quickest way out of snap city is not ignoring your body when it tells you something's wrong, retard.

Late reply. My knees are straight but my feet out

I know brahs who have went to snap city from warming up from the bar and these are guys who squat 4 plate. It's pretty much just comes down to luck and genetics.
