"SS is a meme! So are any other strength linear progression routines!"

>"SS is a meme! So are any other strength linear progression routines!"
>"PPL will get you aesthetics, just do 3x10 everything and watch your muscles explode!"
>Do PPL, exhausted because there's only 1 rest day and I went gained like 10 lbs on a squat over a month
Holy fucking shit why do you people recommend roid routines to beginners? I'm switching to SS


so just rest as much as you need for your training to be optimal? why do people just parrot routines that they saw somewhere and never think with their own fucking head?

Show me a powerlifter who has to stay in their weight class that isn't aesthetic

why are you doing a strength oriented routine if your goal is aesthetics? that is the question you need to ask yourself when starting out

the underage guy with a 250 kg squat from /plg/.

the aesthetic powerlifters you're referring to are juicing

you're only paying attention to the powerlifters that are smashing WRs or competing in untested/shit feds. almost all powerlifters i know or have heard from break their training into main lifts and accessory/hypertrophy lifts. if someone's competing, you can be damn sure they're doing extra shoulder, tricep, chest, and upper back work to up their bench. people who excel in the squat or dl are naturally more bottom heavy, and since those are 2/3 of what powerlifters want to improve on the selective pressure will make many of the elite tier lifters have less aesthetic frames.
not only that, but a shitton of PLers have hypertrophy phases in their training cycles that have comparable levels of exercise selection to a BB split

you could also switch to a push/pull or upper/lower if you wanna go 4-5x a week and not 3

Rep ranges don't FUCKING matter. With strength comes size. SS+ accessories

He fell for the meme

Im not a guy
Also there any many studies that back up my point

>'many studies that back up muh point.'
>Doesn't link studies

heads full of meat

just roid you faggot

>Do PPL, exhausted because there's only 1 rest day
>roid routines
Thanks for the laugh pal.

This is your daily reminder the average modern male has lived a life of such gluttony and sloth that his body does not have the capacity to handle an hour or two of intense physical exertion more than three days a week without the help of performance enhancing drugs.

People on this board have no fucking clue how building muscle actually works.

To get bigger AND to get stronger you require progressive overload, strength training and "aesthetics training" are the exact same thing if you're natural. You cannot separate getting bigger from getting stronger, it just doesn't work.

When you have progressive overload there are 2 responses:
>CNS adaptation (Getting better at the lift)
>Hypertrophy (Bigger muscle = stronger muscle)


As for this whole SS vs. PPL routines for novices:
Clearly SS works. PPL can work just fine for getting stronger, the problem is most people suck dick at programming and can't write one to save their fucking lives and usually rape their recovery because they think "muh gym everyday #gymlife". Find a tried and true program that has testimonials and actually WORKS and set up a realistic progression scheme and you will get gains. I guaran-fucking-tee it.

Now stop bitching and actually do something that works instead of running in circles year after year wondering why you aren't getting anywhere.


? he wasnt restricted to a weight class and actually competed in the higher weight class than he planned for on the day.

anyone still got those pics from when a pair of identical twins did SS and PPL for six months?

how it ended was SS was marginally stronger upper body, and a fuckton stronger lower body. Like was repping higher than the PPL twins maxs.

>6 or so simple lifts a session for 6 days a week


No but I got this


What is an aesthetic workout, but not crossfit-tier meme?

>no source
>no idea if real or not
>even if it's real, no knowledge of the routine, diet or other factors

I'm getting tired of this shit
I know it's a meme and all, but recently I'm starting to see people unironically stating SS is bullshit
Don't be retarded guys

With strength comes size that is for sure, but the results will be diminishing over time compared to just hypertrophy training, which is why you see empty muscle guys being bigger and more aesthetic than powerlifter type of guys

If you don't do a linear progression based program (with accesories if you are really that low test, kek) regardless of your program, you are fucking retarded

*If you don't do a linear progression based program (with accesories if you are really that low test, kek) as a beginner regardless of your goals

>exhausted because there's only 1 rest day
this is why it's not working for you. For me, 1 rest day is awesome. And I do LOTS of volume.
you're a just a low volume baby.

>exhausted because there's only 1 rest day and I went gained like 10 lbs on a squat over a month
You did something wrong then user. I do a PPL and progressed from 185-225x6 in like 3 weeks. 2 weeks ago I squat 275x1, now I do 275x3. You need to remember progressive overload, double progression, etc. 3x10 is where you're fucking failing, you still keep things compound heavy.

Rippetoe where are you

>Be Mark Rippetoe
>Write programme for novice lifters
>Notice that there's more lower body work
>Helpfully include chin ups and other suggested upper body movements
>Have over 30 years of coaching experience
>Know that the best way to make skellies gain weight is to consume calories dense food
>Offer a gallon of milk as a suggestion
>Publish book
>Am proud
>Retards ignore the chins, dips, and curls
>"Wtf why am I Trex mode?"
>Fatties drink a gallon of milk a day
>"Wtf why am I more fat? Fucking Rippletits"

>Be Mark Rippetoe
>Write programme for Ferrari
>30 years of unsuccesfull coaching
>Doesn't understand the best way to gain muscular weight is to do more
>Writes to fatties on his own board, that they should do gomad and cut afterwards
>Morons do what fatass says
>"Wtf why am I Trex mode?"
>"Wtf why am I more fat? Fucking Rippletits"
>"Wtf why did I hurt my lower back, squats are full body exercises and you shouldn't train abs"

holy fuck youre the dumbass that chose a fucking terrible routine


fucking retard how are you supposed to grow?

you want a good beginner program go fucking do fierce 5 or stronglifts idiot

>tfw got confused and did PPL with 10 sets 3 reps

>tfw bench gained 15kg in 3 weeks

I started lifting a while ago and did a basic 3x5 strength routine.

I then quit lifting

When I restarted I did a PPL.

I'd post my progress pics on both for caparison but I don't want to get bullied.

>needing proof to show SS is shit
do you also need proof that earth is spherical?

dont go SS, I've been there, do not do it except if you want full trex mode and fucked aestetics
>pic related, the better alternative

Lol this.
I'm on a PPL and I'm a sorta kinda a beginner and natty
I fucking love it.
I make sure I train the big 4 for strength, then do lots of accessories with more of a hypertrophic focus
It's been 3 months, I've added 25 pounds to bench and 30-40 to dl and squat

It's probably not perfect, but there's plenty of time to recover.

earth is flat bro

topkek you would have gained twice those numbers had you done linear progression
>beginner getting meme'd into intermediate program

I dont even have a routine I just do everything in random order or whatever I feel like until I gas out then I go home

Usually takes me an hour to hour 20 minutes


Like I said I'm not exactly a beginner. I lifted 8 months last year without a plan, since doing this plan I've nearly reached 1/2/3/4. I may not be doing a perfect plan, but I can see progress and haven't been slowing down.

Sure, maybe I could have gained more, but I wouldn't have had as much fun.

Okay this is one thing that literally everyone in the fitness world will tell you is fucking retarded and a waste of time. I don't care what routine you like or don't, you need a the very minimum some kind of routine.

>So are any other strength linear progression routines
No one has ever said this
>Do PPL, exhausted because there's only 1 rest day
eat more

What do you guys think of my ppl routine? I've been at it for 4 months now and I see good progression. Rest days are not a problem if you separate the muscle groups and let them rest while working on other parts.



Well I just started so it's not a big deal, but I don't know what to pick there are so many and so much debate about which one works and which one doesn't

Plus I'm eating at a deficit and trying to lose weight (15 lbs) and doing cardio after I lift so it's not like I'm obsessed with gains

My real problem is I can't take a day off otherwise I go crazy

Running and lifting plus not smoking weed has actually fixed all my mental health issues

So it's Metallicadpa's program but with good mornings?

If you say so m8 :p calling it "my" program was incorrect. I'm just using it. But I'm kinda new so I want opinions on it

Only hard part about PPL in the beginning is the recovery. Give it a few weeks.

Is PPL really not good? It hits every muscle group 2x a week and you can make the reps 3x5 or 5x5 for strength gains on the main lifts, how is that not going to get you gains as fast as a beginner strength routine?

>just do a sub optimal routine and cut your progress in half

>If you don't do a linear progression based program (with accesories if you are really that low test, kek) regardless of your program, you are fucking retarded
Tell me then, is 5/3/1 then shitty?????? You fuck

holy shit it's someone who understands progressive overload on Veeky Forums

Well metallicadpas program has got some good testimonials and success stories. It's great if you have a flexible schedule because every workout is 1-1.5 hour. Why remove pullups though?

You're doing PPL wrong
It's supposed to have 5 rest days a week, not one.
If you do PPLPPLx, you can clearly see that there are only 2 L workouts per week, making the other 5 days "rest" as far as legs are concerned

I certainly don't need proof to know that you are retarded

I mean, isn't this basically just saying the problem is squatting 3x a week. People who complain about the t-rex status could just lower the frequency of squatting...

been on SS for around 4 months and i'm starting to stall.
Is it worth switching to something like this or should I switch to more volume?

Shut the fuck up and listen to the ppl posters, I wasted 9 months on strong lifts and got to 2pl8 bench 1rm but barely noticed it visually. Switched to PPL and by now I cut out heavy barbell lifts and make better progress after all this time

You can progressively overload at lower comparative weight though, e.g. by controlling time under tension. You can get strong without gaining size by not incorporating enough volume

T. Bigger than you, Bodybuilding high Rep acessories do Wonders to your size and youd have to be retarded to Not incorporated atleast 1-2 exercises per day if you want to get big

Where is the curvature my dude

more volume, makes more sense instead of repeating with lower weight and same amount of reps.
either continue with starting strength with 10% less, but 5x5,4x5,3x5 to new pr or select one programm that has more hypertrophy on the places you lack muscle or increase total muscle mass.
If you are intermediate(look up for your weight or you can't increase weight much), you can do sheiko(weekly increase) or juggernaut method(monthly increase, beginner no deload), phat and phul(weekly)

What do you guys think of the Hepburn method? Especially for someone interested in upper body strength.

Pic related

will work

I never said adding weight is the only way to get progressive overload, but it is the easiest way to do it and to track from a numbers standpoint. Novices should not be worrying about things like TUT, they need to worry about getting big enough and strong enough that they aren't moving baby weights with good form.

There are a bunch of different ways to overload, but imo for a NOVICE all they need is to increase the weight on the bar, no point worrying about TUT when your max is 135.

How do you know when you're not a novice

When linear progression is no longer working. If you have been stuck at one weight after multiple deloads and you KNOW that recovery and eating is not the issue then you are no longer a novice on that lift. After e reaching this point on most of your primary lifts periodization becomes mandatory and you will need to hop on a more complex program.

If you find that you stall in one half of your body and not the other I would suggest AlphaDestiny's free programs.

There are also websites like symmetric strength and exrx that have strength standards but it will vary from person to person (ex. I reached a 345lb squat before having to deload once, but according to Symmetric strength I was beyond intermediate), so you can use these as landmarks but I would stress that you should be milking linear progression as much as possible since it's the fastest gains you will ever get.