That last SIP of your life

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Sorry I am just upset I didn't mean to post this

We sip not because it is easy.
But because it is hard!



non sippers just don't understand

worth it


>go to gas station to pick up 2 sips
>fat fuck clerk looking smug when he sees me walking up
>scans the cans
>that'll be 5.45 sir
>shit eating grin
>the 2 for $4 deal is over, bro


>By The Sun

RIP sippers, you fell for the meme.

I'd rather die a sipper than live as a nonsipper.

>get to die quicker by enjoying sips

I knew following this meme was a good choice.

The article doesn't even finish. It just stops halfway through.

Hahahahahahaha! Get rekd sip boi faggots.

So are you only a sip boi if you drink monsters? I drink rockstars habitually

It just kind of stops halfway through a quote. I'm guessing whoever copy and pasted it from The Sun didn't really give a shit.

I'd rather die sipping /sips/ then live sucking cock


Why do we sip, Master Bruce?

Fuck i wish a wizard would make more trump sips

>that second sip of the day


If one sip kills you then you probably weren't made for this world.

This so called study refers to one "sip" as being 32 oz, 320mg caffeine. A regular 16 oz sip is 140mg.

It also doesn't mention if it factored caffeine tolerance or how long it took them to consume it.

Considering it has a disgusting low sample size of 18 kids divided into 2 groups I am guessing not.

S I P B O I S 4 E V A H

i've never sipped because i'm not a fraud who needs liquid gear to give me energy

all natty baby

u jealous?

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

that article op posted is such shit i don't even want to get into it.

I have about 5 energy drinks a day and have for the last few years(about one gram). I've never had any health problems and my resting heart rate is 60. This article is bullshit, and even refers to the energy drinks as having sugar. What people who criticize energy drinks don't realize is that drinking sugared energy drinks has the same negative health effects as drinking soda. I have yet to see a real study showing that energy drinks are unhealthy aside from the ones with sugar.

32 oz is 0.9 liters right?

I didn't choose the S I P lyfe, the S I P lyfe chose me

>tfw uni only sells second rate sips

Mfw people try to tell me Taurine is dangerous and from bull testicles but I have done basic googles and know that shit is good as hell for your heart and shit.

>Just one energy drink can trigger potentially “life threatening” changes in blood pressure and the heart, warns new research
Here's the hook that gets you to read the article. Make it seem like energy drinks will cause sudden death and get you worried.
>The study showed that drinking one 32 ounce can of a commercially available energy drink resulted in more “profound changes” in the heart’s electrical activity and blood pressure than drinking the same amount of a control drink containing the same amount of caffeine.
Didn't even mention the effect of sugar. They also imply that the ingredients in energy drinks aren't written on the fucking can. You can literally Google search all of the ingredients you find in energy drinks, which I have.
>Researchers warned that people who have high blood pressure, underlying cardiac conditions or other health issues might want to avoid energy drinks until more is known about their impact on heart health.
Vague vague vague
>They said that while the U.S. Food and Drug Administration generally considers caffeine in daily doses of less than 400 mg as safe, energy drinks often consist of a host of other ingredients.
Get to the fucking point
>rambling about why they did the study
>For the study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, 18 young participants were randomly divided into two groups.
A sample size of fucking 9 for each group. For anyone who has taken an intro stat class, its easy to realize that the power of this statistical test is incredibly small.
>The first group received 32 ounces of a commercially-available energy drink containing 108 g of sugar, 320 mg of caffeine, and various other compounds.

The second group was given a control drink containing 320 mg of caffeine, 40 ml of lime juice and 140 ml of cherry syrup in carbonated water. After a six-day washout period, participants switched d

Researchers measured the electrical activity of the volunteers’ hearts by electrocardiogram.

There's no more caffeine in my S I P than there is in my pre workout. I have at least one per day on top of a pre workout that has DMAA in it. BP is steady 115/65, RHR is steady 45-55
t. Dude who's been sipping since before this fucking meme

>The first group received 32 ounces of a commercially-available energy drink containing 108 g of sugar, 320 mg of caffeine, and various other compounds.

The second group was given a control drink containing 320 mg of caffeine, 40 ml of lime juice and 140 ml of cherry syrup in carbonated water. After a six-day washout period, participants switched drinks.

Researchers measured the electrical activity of the volunteers’ hearts by electrocardiogram.

They also measured their peripheral and central blood pressures at the study’s start and at one, two, four, six and 24 hours after drink consumption.

My rundown of this study:
>null hypothesis: the electrical activity of the heart in people who drink this unnamed energy drink we picked that has 108 grams of sugar will be the same as this concoction we made with 3 ingredients.
>alternative hypothesis: they will be different
>should we use a reasonable sample size that will give us some statistical power for the test?
>nah senpai just fuck my shit up with a sample size of 9.
>but that gives a big risk of coming to the wrong result
>also aren't there lots of confounding variables like the numerous other ingredients and sugar?
>I don't care this is just for a clickbait article

>this concoction we made made peoples heart activity different than another energy drink off the shelf, and with out sample size of 9 were certain of it. Our conclusion is that energy drinks will cause SUDDEN DEATH

Fuck whoever wrote this article...
>S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7


Sip boys stay informed
Sip boys think critically
Sip boys stay sippin

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7

My SIPs are best SIPs.

So is this meme real or is it propagated by advanced robots/shills? Nonetheless, its working, I love this jew piss.

This shit should be banned from Veeky Forums. Monster purchased shills and start a trendy meme on Veeky Forums and it worked, you autists are actually buying their disgusting bile. Imbeciles.

fuck guys i'm still cracked out from my second sip, had it around 7-8 when I was studying for finals.
wat do?

Same dude I'm at like 9 sips today. I just drink lots of water and it usually flushes it out

Stay sippin sip-bros

sips are ruining my life
I fucking drink this before going to be now then when I wake up and then 2 more across the night

You are drinking the wrong g SIPs.

i need a sip before and after i wake up each day. it's an addiction.

>fell for the sipping meme
Enjoy your ass cancer

like... 9 cans?

Only Red Bull should be allowed all others are heretical puccis

Lebron James sips
>dont you, user?

someone should make a wordfilter for this what bans, really annoying this marketer faggot.

Though I also use "sipping" the whole theme as a way to shame people because it is getting associated with sugary drinks, also thanks to fags like the marketer.

Marketer fag, I am your worst enemy, I have not consumed any kind of sugary drink for over 4 years now.

It's just a meme, I've done similar things shilling for dumb shit for no reason. On another board I was once accused of being a "canned fish salesman"

well, good thing i've made it past the first one without dying.

I'm pleasantly surprised my favorite energy drink is now a meme. I've been drinking sips for 5+ years (lo carb version before there was sero ultra ).

My brother in law had some fucked up enzymes, quit drinking sips, now enzymes back to normal. Doesn't stop me from drinking sips. I wouldn't want to die without experiencing heaven.

its a viral marketer "meme", its kinda cringe. Sage.

are you seriously drinking this sugary shit

Nonsipper detected

>no source

>energy drink containing 108 g of sugar, 320 mg of caffeine, and various other compounds.

The second group was given a control drink containing 320 mg of caffeine, 40 ml of lime juice and 140 ml of cherry syrup...

>108 g of sugar


i feel bad for you, it literally is pure caffeine it barely has any sugar in it


Please tell me where I can find a pwo with dmaa in it

Sorry user. Was in sleep mode. I use Enraged xrtreme and I get it from a local nutrition shop. Every scoop is 70mg of 1,3 DMAA. So it's not overkill or anything. Very balanced, always makes me feel nice. I'm pretty sure you can find it online but I'm not 100% sure.

I also used to love Stimul8 by Finaflex. But recently they've taken out one of the powerful ingredients:
It's just not the same anymore. But I did see the old formula stocked at GNC so you could check them out. It'll be pricier because of GNC's innate Jewery but it's worth it. Good shit.

Can someone explain to me this meme


Okay Veeky Forums I did the research.
The research article they did is here:

The conclusion they came to, and basically all they did in the study at all, was that sips have more of an effect on your QT interval (which is a measurement of the irregularity of heartbeat, of sorts) than straight up caffeine, but actually both are actually not significant at all.
Basically, their conclusion was:
"The change in corrected QT interval from baseline in the energy drink arm was significantly higher than the caffeine arm at 2 hours (0.44±18.4 ms versus −10.4±14.8 ms, respectively; P=0.02)"

FIRST of all, the fucking margin of error is higher than the fucking finding. The margin of error for caffeine heart irregularity is fucking 42 TIMES the actual result.

SECOND of all, the maximum irregularity they found is LESS than the difference you get by raising your heartbeat by 10. Reference attached pic.

Your heart has more risk by you using fucking stairs than sipping.



S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7