Running Masks

Are these things a Meme?

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I use one myself

U mirin?

Looking sick brah


They limit oxygen intake which require your lungs to increase efficiency.

Which takes place over the course of a week, maybe 3 days.

so unless you keep it on for a week straight, it is a gimmick

I think the real benefits of high altitude training come from the atmospheric pressure on the body, not the respiratory system.

Seems like a waste of money.

if it works for joseph joestar it can work for me



Nope. They don't have any effect on Red Count or Diaphram strength. If you want to increase lung capacity you need to get better at HIIT's.

Start running sprints and time it. Get your time down to a certain amount and then get the time down to that time again with a parachute. Then increase the size of a parachute, etc.

Yes its a meme. Move to Colorado or some other high altitude area if you want the benefits those masks promise to give.

Or one of these. Increasing HIIT cardio means better lung/heart capacity.

nobody cared about my 10 min mile till I put on the mask

How does that make sense? It is absolutely about the respiratory system, there's simply less oxygen to go around.

>there's simply less oxygen to go around.

and the dyels are getting desperate
your turn

Can running in place really really fast a viable HIIT workout?

I guess, but it's probably better for you to move a bit. Nothing to back that up though

I saw some kid lifting at the gym today with one of these masks on. Seemed ridiculous, all that will do is deprive your body of oxygen, making your lifts weaker, and lessening your endurance. There's a reason people take stimulants before lifting, you want to be able to lift heavy and make it through your sets. Limiting oxygen flow will just make you weaker, which makes your sets weaker, and you weaker.

I can see the broscience argument in favor of using a mask for cardio, but even that seems stupid. Just run farther or faster you fucks. I think they honestly just like wearing the fucking mask

Doesn't reduce the concentration of oxygen, only the air resistance. Only would help with intercostals and other intake muscles

this is the only genuine answer in the thread, there has been so much fuss over these ridiculous things some uni did an honest to god study on their usefulness

that money could have gone to literally anything else, like a cure for autism

no, i saw asian females wearing this in china


It takes closer to a month of altitude training before your red blood cell count will adjust ( not 'lungs increasing efficiency' ). The mask doesn't reduce the amount of oxygen available to your body, it just makes it harder to breath. The oxygen density is the same. All you're doing is making your diaphragm stronger, which does about jack shit.

definitely meme status. shitty manlet at my gym wore one, sounded like he was trying to suck tapioca through a straw.

Do any professional endurance athletes train with them? Anyone with money on the line? Any Olympic athletes? The answer is no. They're not effective.

>They limit oxygen intake

Nope. They limit air intake. Very different.

>. The oxygen density is the same.

This is correct. The masks don't do anything but make it harder to fucking breathe.

mma fighters use[d] them which is why the became popular in the first place. but mma is extremely prone to quackery and broscience.

I have a couple of Respro ones
This thread dont make sense to me are people really only wearing them to starve there lungs of oxygen

Well thats not the plan but its what actually happens.

Everybody who buys one thinks it will be just like hes in Ethiopia or some shit

Training at least 3 weeks at at least 1800 meters altitude will yield a 3% increase in hemoglobin mass. This is from a study done at live high train high(LHTH). Altitude induced erythropoiesis takes a fucking lot and you won't really achieve the benefits with a mask alone. Also for the record, there isn't "less" oxygen at higher altitude. As the overall atmospheric pressure drops, the partial pressure of oxygen drops as well. Here's the study I'm referencing if any of you are interested.

>that nipple

100% meme. A doctor of PT was on the boards last year debunking them.

They just decrease the volume of air your mouth can breathe in, which does nothing. What DOES work is training in an environment where the air contains less OXYGEN by volume.

Don't u wanna be a big goy?

>totenkopf tattoo

why you tripping tard?

>limit air intake while not selectively filtering oxygen
>somehow doesn't limit oxygen intake

this fucking stupidity, is it real?

>this post


Unlikely to be effective, running in place has almost no resistance so is a lot easier on your body. Actually running means pushing yourself forward so there is resistance thus you have to breath hard - HIIT. In place isn't necessarily no energy cost, just greatly diminished so is a poor substitute.

The fuck?

Run in place for 60s, rest till you're recovered then actually run at the same cadence for 60s. Tell me which is harder. For a viable HIIT session actually running >> running in place. If there's fuck all resistance it doesn't make it hard so is not an effective HIIT style of training. Next step up is hill runs, again more resistance so good for HIIT

The wind resistance isn't what fucking makes running hard dumbass.
Not unless you're running in high as fuck winds or running with a parachute.

You should actually do those exercises. Like really do hiit, not just do an exercise for a bit without really pushing yourself then resting. That's just interval training.

I mean, for fucks sake. You're not sprinting as hard as you fucking can in place for 60 fucking seconds. I know you are not.

Read what I write fuckstain. Not the wind resistance idiot, the fucking resistance from the ground as you run, to propel yourself forward you gotta push against the ground. If you run on the spot you're just lifting your legs not propelling your body.

I'm not the deadshit asking if running in place is HIIT, I'm telling the deadshit it is a bad idea and explaining why.

Jesus this place is filled with fucking highschool level retards these days

Oh I see.
My mistake.
But you're still fucking stupid and wrong.
If you understand the basic concept and apply it correctly you can do HIIT with damn near any movement. Including running in place.
You're not even doing real hiit you fucking moron. Just some shitty interval crap.

>you can do HIIT with damn near any movement

So something like flapping your arms or running in place constitutes HIIT? Despite the fact it won't raise your heart beat to anywhere near sufficient levels to be considered the "high intensity" part of "high intensity interval training"?? One of the first things needed for HIIT to be effective is that it is actually hard, some sort of force needs to be exerted for it to be hard so resistance of some level is needed, fucking high knees/running in place is not sufficient unless you're some fat fucking cunt of a powerlifter.

Also note the third word of the acronym, interval...
>Just some shitty interval crap.
HIIT is interval training fucktard, a specific end of the interval training spectrum, that being the high intensity end.

Jesus fucking christ why do I bother trying to explain shit to noob kids who behave like they have an extra chromosome. Honestly dude, fucking read what you're replying to and at least have a fucking high school level education before trying to correct people.

Holy shit.
You're fucking serious.
Let me guess.
Your understanding of HIIT is running "really hard" and occasionally "running" a hill.
That's it right?
That's your fucking understanding of hiit.

You don't understand the basic goddamned concept of how it fucking works and think it's tied to TWO FUCKING EXERCISES and that's it.
You are literally more fucking ignorant then people who think you absolutely need a gym to workout or get stronger or healthy.
That you need magical diet soda to lose weight.

You're fucking retarded and you don't even know why. What's worse, you're going to keep fighting me on this because I hurt your itty bitty pride.

Still yet to actually contribute a single useful bit of information, just triggered as fuck someone called you on your bullshit and was able to explain why you are fucking retarded.

You' re a fucking retard. That's my contribution. Anyone whose actually trained with using the HIIT protocol will tell you that your dhit is all fucking retarded.

Am I the only one who runs with one of these?

Not only does it look epic, but it is also prepping me for the happening

