Forearms training

Is this thing worth something?

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Fingertip push-ups. Look up progressions so you don't snap a finger. But the roller, yeah they make your forearms burn like no other.

Double overhand deadlifts and hold it at the top

Are you asking whether that tool is worth using, or whether forearm exercises are worth doing?

The wrist-roller is a solid way to train your forearms. Definitely one of the best ways to do so.

Unless it's just for aesthetics, you don't really need to train your forearms outside of rock climbing or similar activities.

Just take up rock climbing. It's also a great way to meet people. Careful once you start outside, you might end up living in a van.

Pro tip: Chicks that climb won't be fat, but they might smell.

I'm going to second this. When I boulder'd I had monster forearms. It's a really fun way to get a workout in too.

>Unless it's just for aesthetics
I do it for aesthetics desu, I have long bitch forearms. I catch myself mirin malet forarms

>but they might smell.
I'm ready

Fair enough brother. I have long-ass limbs too, so I can respect that. The wrist-roller will get you shredded forearms in no time at all, and will easily fit into your routine. Rock climbing will also get you shredded forearms, but you'll have to commit more time to it, and is honestly a bit tougher to do regularly in tandem with a gym routine. But it's a fuckin blast, and is a great way to meet outdoorsy chicks and people in general.

They will build forearm size, for strength and endurance I recommend:
>Support grip: Farmers walk
>Pinch grip: Plate hold
>Crush grip: Towel pull ups


>forearm training

how about you try lifting some heavier weight?

>writing laughter onomatopoeia


>Weighted hangs
>Farmer walks
>Farmer stands
>Rack holds
No special equipment required. I do these for my forearms and they work wonders. The last three are also good trap exercises too.

Also towel pull ups

Started doing heavy static holds and wrist curls/reverse wrist curls recently, and have actually seen noticeable forearm gains for the first time ever in the last couple months.

>Unless it's just for aesthetics, you don't really need to train your forearms
What are deadlifts
what are farmers walks
what is grip strength

Biceps are more worthless than forearms.

roll are barbell around your hands using your fingers this will make your forearms explode.
and do wrist curls with dumbells with your palms facing down for a super set.

tfw girl forearms

>fall for "deadlifts, rows and pull-ups are enough for your forearms" meme
okay forearm gains
>add reverse curls and wrist curls
markedly better gains
>use ops pic instead
sameish gains as before but save some time
>do manual labour for two months - basically lug heavy and awkwardly shaped shit up-hill all day, don't go to gym
almost every muscle group regresses slightly, forearms and calves absolutely explode

I always thought that the whole "no better forearm training than manual labour" thing was overblown, but now I'm not sure what to think anymore.

I've got a friend who is a mechanic. His body is about a normal build (a bit bigger than average) but his forearms are fucking H U G E. Manual labor is no meme.

>secure tripcode


>reddit spacing


>retarded advice ("you don't really need to train your forearms outside of rock climbing or similar activities")


doing l-sit, planche, crow pose, whatever exercise which supports your whole weight with your fingertips only

these 2 will work wonders

did this for hockey.. literally just make one

Ya it does the trick. Concentrate on the stretch and burn. Deadlifts and other grip training didn't do much for my forearms. If the wrist isn't moving, you're only training crushing grip rather than the muscles near the elbow that give the forearms size..

Is there a recommended method for using the wrist roller as far as sets and reps vs a timed burn out? What does a progression scheme look like with this?

Use fat gripz as an accessory. There are generic cheaper grips called gorillas grips also.

You'll have to reduce your lifts, but the gripz will make your forearms explode.

yeah but you dont need to buy it, literally get a piece of string and a stick and then tie around a weight that is going to give you the burn desired.
It's one of those overall low intensity but effective for the specific muscle exercises you can just do at home whilst watching a 20 min show like curls or abwheel

Load 2pl8s on the bench rack and roll that instead of buying stupid shit.

I would just do reps to failure a few times and gradually increase the weight that you're reeling up, i think you're mainly just looking for the burn but you might as well program some form of progression in there.