I’m going to post this every day until you remember it

I’m going to post this every day until you remember it

what is it?

I don’t remember

i've seen that thing when i visited the Ripley's Believe it or Not

Does it have a basement?


literally what? as far as i'm concerned the alamo never happened but it should have. god, how i'd love to slaughter yankees down to the last man



That's Aleppo right? Shit I remember that, fuck the rooskeys.


nember amo


pls rembr almo

Yo quiero taco bell

I remember you forever.

I live in San Antonio and have only visited this stupid building once
Even when I'm out and about downtown it never crosses my mind it exists.

WHY Veeky Forums? WHY is the Alamo so hard to remember? Why must I constantly be reminded to remember this silly thing?

I remember when that dude took a piss on it.


>tfw didn't get a contested convention in 2016

What is it?

Trump will have at least one primary challenger in 2020. I just hope it's not some milquetoast fuck like Flake.

I remember it
That one time we made the texans eat shit and die

and then pledged to put a taco stand on every corner and an extended mexican family of 50+ on every street

what an unfortunate name, the dude actually looks like the biggest fucking flake

His eyes look like someone used photoshop to move them slightly over to the right

I rented cars from them a couple of times.

Typical Anglo goat face

because it was a fascinating moment in military history that forever characterized Texas's unique culture in a defining way.

it's not like it's a world heritage site or anything, but any American (Texan or otherwise) should be aware of the immense cultural value it has in early American/Mexican history

>hehe I was going to oppose Trump but uhhh something came up