I look like this. Give me one reason to lift. I will NEVER make it!

I look like this. Give me one reason to lift. I will NEVER make it!

To not look like that is a pretty good reason.

There's no hope for me.

Not with that attitude.

ok, then go away fatass

Just lose weight fatass.

Won't know if you never try.

I've been solid and let it go. Ended up looking like you, to an extent. I have more mass but the disgustingness is there. 6 weeks back in, making great progress, wife panties get more moist daily. Go get it bruh.


Hahaha, dont worry fit user im not here to hurt your fee fees

Then you should quit then. You don't deserve any better if you have that kind of a disposition.

I'm just lozing hope guys. I'm fat I know but no muscle so not sure if to bulk or cut first.

Should I lose the fat first?

you are fat but it wouldn't even be that hard for you to lose that much weight. you arent huge

How much would you say I need to lose before I look passable as a normal person?

Try lifting weights.

Lifting weights alone will give you muscle and burn a little fat. Don't bulk or cut, just maintain.

If you read the sticky, it tells you to do SS and eat _slightly_ more. If you hit your macros, you're in the right direction.

Cant tell you how much fat to lose without knowing your


at a minimum


Like 180lbs at 6feet

Kill yourself.

>people like this browse the same board as you

Pretty sad

Lifting is pretty fun, friend. It's rewarding to look hit an PR, or make progress aesthetically. Hell, it's fun to shoot the shit every once in a while with some of the guys at the gym. Just the activity itself is fun, to test your limits every day.

Suck my fucking dick, I looked way worse than that when I first started. Go find a spine then come back when you're ready to work out.

You will always be a beta cuck with that build remember if you dont train your wife will be ugly and even she will cheat on you with sexier guys fucking get a grip

I fucking hate guys like you that come here crying and looking for a reason to lift. If you started browsing this website then you already have a motivation.

And OP stop asking should I bulk or cut, you probably never exercised more than a 20m light jog to the TV remote in the past two years, start getting the fuck out of your bed and start jogging or doing push ups to see what it feels like.