Ok guys, I drink this shit like 4x times a day, mostly between big meals

Ok guys, I drink this shit like 4x times a day, mostly between big meals.
Redpill me on this shit, am I gonna make it drinking it or I have to stop?

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>making it
Pick 1
I drink 18 of these a day.
Get on my level scrub

How much? The only thing I've found is that I sometimes get the shits from it, and the whole caffeine dependency thing, but otherwise there's only benefits to coffee.

Not fitness related but
>sister claims she has caffeine addiction
>she can't sleep at night because she drink too much coffee
>she doesn't want to stop drinking coffee in the evening because she likes it too much
mfw I made a mistake when buying our monthly supply of coffee bean powder and bought some decaf
Placebo is one hell of a drug

>getting addicted to dirt water

grow up

Stopped drinking the devils sludge for about a month now after having one every morning. Feel much better. My energy is more streamlined and my skin looks clearer.

Nah coffee is good for you don't worry.

Proper ground coffee and high quality tea basically count as vegetables.

Coffee is Gods gift to the world but the best thing to do is to time yourself and not drink it 6 hours before you plan to go to sleep.

I'm taking a summerlong coffee tolerance break.
Will this affect my gains?

116mg of potassium a cup.

Then switch to expresso

Do you think potassium is bad for you?

Man I wish I looked like spongebob there, those thick spongy quads hnggg

> should I habitually purchase and consume a liquid that blocks my adenosine receptors, raises blood pressure, makes me anxious, blows out my adrenals, disturbs my sleep, and is addictive?

Figure it out yourself big guy

Billions of people get through life just fine without coffee. Stop drinking it or limit it to one cup a day.

And billions of people get through life without lifting. You don't see me telling you to stop lifting or limiting it to once a week.

Well, I think there is an increased chance for a heart attack when you drink this. Especially if you put cream and sugar. I remember reading some peer reviewed article on it but am not totally certain.


No shit, there's an increased risk of heart attack when you do cardio too, doesn't mean cardio is bad.

t. starbucks

if you're drinkin it black, i don't see a problem. you might want to cut back to 2 cups a day though

Caffeine has a similar molecular structure to adenosine, which is essentially the chemical that "makes you sleepy".
Caffeine binds to your adenosine receptors, and its effects are twofold:
1. It blocks actual adenosine from reaching these receptors, which will defer sleepiness
2. As your dependence on caffeine increases, the amount of adenosine receptors you have will also increase, thus, you need more coffee to get its benefits, and it can become more difficult to fall asleep

Overall, from what I've read, the effects are mild enough that as long as you are not overdoing the liquid jew (as you seem to be doing), you will be fine. I've read also that there is a positive correlation between caffeine intake and lifespan. I'd say, wean yourself off to 1 or 2 times a day and replace the urge with water. Alternatively, drink green tea.

Source(s): my ass
Don't forget to comment, like, and subscribe, and if there are any medfags/biofags/chemfags who want to back me up/correct me, let me know in the comments below.

Do you do cardio throughout the whole day? I'm pretty sure this was about coffee drinkers who drink it throughout the day bud, chill out.

chemfag here, not sure about this but the whole increasing receptors thing due to increased amount of some substance that is similar to a hormone is true.

> bud, chill out

I'm not your "bud", and no.

Anything that increases heart rate will increase risk of heart attack, it's acute and only relevant to people with bad hearts already, but people or news-reports citing "scientific studies" won't tell you that.

18 Volkswagens?

>only relevant to people with bad hearts

Yea no shit. I said it increased risk for people who drink it throughout the day, I didn't say you will most definitely get it. Anyone with systole and diastole ratio different from 120/80 throughout the whole day will have some heart problems, can you at least agree on that? And not just during some cardio session.


so, if caffeine causes adenosine receptors to increase, and adenosine causes you to feel drowsy, after the increase, in the absence of caffeine, would you fall asleep more easily? Let's say I had trouble falling asleep normally, and I went hard with caffeine for a month or so, afterward would I drift off to sleep like a baby?

No, because you fooled your body into thinking more of the natural adenosine hormone is being produced due to the intake of the caffeine that is similar. So when your body actually naturally produces adenosine, the extra receptors that are now present will not have anything bound to them. Of course this is implying that those extra receptors stay and don't decrease over time.

i figured this would be the case. but how long does adenosine stay in the body before naturally decaying. assuming one was near constantly using caffeine, and the adenosine is blocked by the caffeine from the receptors, would there be at least a short term buildup of adenosine in the body, in that the body keeps producing it but it has nowhere to go, or would the body simply be fooled by the caffeine being attached to the receptors to where it would think there is already enough adenosine in the system and thus shut down natural production? Just curious.

there's still caffeine in decaf

You're fucking stupid.

ya he is

If you don't put cream/sugar/milk into your coffee you may make it.

Caffeine addiction from too much coffee is a thing, during exam time last semester I drank like a liter every day and after 2 weeks I'd feel sleepy all day without it. Now I limit myself to 2 cups.