Looks maxing

All I want to know, is it possible at all to change facial structure?
Obviously looking like pic related is genetics, but does mewing/chewing mastic gum change facial structure or muscles at all?
All looks maxing thread

>mewing/chewing mastic gum change facial structure



When i was young user, I'd fill a bag of ice and chew that stuff nightly. Now I have a statuesque jaw.


Post pics.

chewing is legit for masseter hypertrophy but somehow affectijz bone structure is easiest when you are young. look into wollfs law

Don't do this, you'll ruin your teeth kek


Simple, safe, effective, and relatively cheap.

I don't know why people find this so hard to understand.

its pretty much like jelqing. something only a complete imbicile would actually try and do

Tongue pressure on the palate combined with masticatory forces will change your bone structure to what you're genetically determined to have. Works much better if you're a child though because growth and sutures not being completely fused n' shit.

Is 20 too old?
Sorry if that doesn't make sense im drunk haha

It's bone you faggots. It alters with time, one way or the other. Give it a time frame of 3 - 10 years to see notable differences beyond puberty.

That's a long ass time lol

Why do I still have a fucking babyface even though I'm at 11 percent bodyfat. Couple that with a shitty/small chin/jaw.

Man, seriously fuck my life.

>babyface at low bodyfatpercentage
>otter mode, so im not big and my baby face makes it look like i am skinnyfat unless I take my shirt off, im pretty ripped but fucking small
> fucking ugly parents, my dad had a small - medium sized skull but all the features were proportionate and he was fairly handsome back then meanwhile mom is a fucking ugly hag with a big nose and a medium chin/jaw to compensate
> big forehead and balding
> small dick
> only got her big nose, and have a chin /jaw smaller than my dads, I lack a brow ridge too
> only good part about my face is that im tan and i have nice eyebrows and have a good side part haircut
> manlet
> try to dress fashionable but end up looking like a tryhard asshole
>mewed for a year, only tucks in neck and fat and doesnt change anything
> college freshman, gets mistaken for a 9th grade student in the high school near uni campus
> barely have any success with girls sexually, only seen as a beta friend that girls can talk to ( think clay jensen from 13 reasons, wishing that I can be born with chad genetics like jeff atkins or the other jocks (not justin tho) )

Then again, I'm only 18. Will my chin/jaw keep developing and get biggger??? (obviously not too big but probably my parents size) And will I lose buccal/cheek fat? I have high cheekbones but fucking baby fat keeps covering it up. Fucking hell. I'm depressed right now over my shitty genetics. Should I just keep lifting and just waiting for my features to develop, or just get plastic surgery? Surgery seems like a great option, to be honest. Lots of attractive instagrammers and hollywood celebrities resort to plastic surgery. But I dunno. Help me out, Veeky Forums.

I checked out lookism.net and there was a guy who got plastic surgery and I think it was like Jaw wings or something and he literally went from a 5 to a 9.
I can't find the link cause I'm pretty drunk but if you're that bad I'd probably recommend it.
I'm like 6/10 with decent jaw and mediocre chin so not enough to warrant surgery.

idk about jaw wings. Maybe a Chin Implant or sliding genio might be enough. but idk. i think the chin and jaw will fill out soon.

I hope I go through a transformation like this guy.

You're 18 there's still a little time.
Like I'm 20 and I'm.m not really done growing bit idk how much my face will change

i think faces develop until our mid to late 20s or something.

and also, I envy those who look like they are 28 and chiseled with a robust face despite being only in college and 19 years old

Wtf me too