What the fuck can i expect from 1-2 months with this shit? Semi fat 19 yo. big shoulders, big gut, small arms...

what the fuck can i expect from 1-2 months with this shit? Semi fat 19 yo. big shoulders, big gut, small arms, thicc ass. 93 kg 185 cm
also how to use

>shaped like hearts

what are you some kind of faggot


also, will pumping iron without cardio do anything to reduce muh fat


enjoy your gyno, your water retention, your acne and your oily skin in general.

tl;tr enjoy looking like shit while lifting 20% more weight.

20% more weight > Acne and oily skin.

Do you have literally any idea what the fuck you're doing

nah. will do it anyway and write down results.

Dont do it man. You will regret it. You need a test base or if you are afraid of pinning at least take a cutting oral with less androgenic effects. Diana will raise your estrogen and you will be miserable with mantits after your cycle.

enjoy your gyno and fucked up liver values faggot

Like what? winstrol? Anavar?

>running dbol without any sort of test
Just remember, you reap what you sow

Yeah. Good luck getting anavar tho. Winstrol is the first one coming to mind. use diana for bulking

>suppression of testosterone production
>gyno, acne, impotence, crying lots, fused growth plates, widening of hips if they aren't fused, smaller dick, everything else that comes with high estrogen
>potential liver damage, definitely if you drink
>massive bloat
>increase in glycogen
>increased strength from said glycogen
>losing all strength gains when you come off
>exploding liver if you don't come off

Go for it

don't take it, you dumbass. you will get bitch tits, dbol raises estrogen.

Rightrightright. So D-Bol is shit. Thoughts on Winstrol?

It's shit if you are fat fuck yes

Also if i stop jerking it, will i get better gains?

lots of bloat while you're on, decent strength gains and not much in the way of muscle gains

>implying you dont build muscle on dbol
>implying he wont come off

Will fuck up your joints, especially without a test base since you'll have nothing to convert to estrogen which stops the joints drying out

Why don't you pin, pussy?

will dry you out and is absolutely pointless without a test base

much better for dry gains and cutting. be sure to eat right and lift

>implying anyone will give a shit about an extra few pounds of muscle when you have cystic acne and c cups

why the fuck do people think you need to pin? yeah it is better to pin, but the fuck you think it is pointless to take orals alone? Still better than natty. His liver will recover, his hormones will balance out, and in the end if he doesnt fuck up will be leaner and meaner

fair point, it depends on genetics though. arnold said he took dianabol and never had shit skin

orals are less effective (with the possible exceptions of sdrol and halo) and more liver toxic

He wont get leaner, he will bloat like mad and be a big mess of estrogen. He probably doesnt even know how to lift or eat properly.

Dont take dbol at high bf% its stupid.

A suppressed endocrine system and a fair bit of bloating.

Stupid fuck

Not dbol, but winnie or var alone. Why not?

You can do it but you wont keep much in the way of gains, and the time you can stay on is minimal.

No point, orals are good to kick start a cycle but not good for solo cycles.

Post a picture of arnold above 10% bodyfat when he took Dbol.

Protip: you cant faggot

Amateurs jumped into roids... What a shame

Do you even fucking lift you faggot
If the first time you lift is when you're on roids, I will literally find you and assrape the fucking roids out of your system
At least do some goddamn research instead of expecting to be spoonfed like a fucking woman

Oh no

>research roids and the effects on the human body for 1 year now reading something about it every day and think about to roid or not to roid and how to get the best results while damaging my body as little as possible
>faggot OP hops straight on DBOL while being a fat fuck

why do i value my body and life so much?

Arnold didn't take Dbol by itself.

He also used primobolan (the pharmaceutical kind) which for some reason had the effect of giving people nice skin. He was also at a genetic advantage because he simply didn't convert much to female hormones, he took 100mg dbol and 600mg-1g deca damn near year round and never had to fuck with AIs or any of that. That's one in a million genetics right there.

>smaller dick

Because your not an utter moron like OP.

>Semi fat
aka full on fat

Is this bait?