6 weeks after a moderate mcl injury, i have noticeable atrophy in the leg that was injuried. I can now walk...

6 weeks after a moderate mcl injury, i have noticeable atrophy in the leg that was injuried. I can now walk, squat light and fully bend my knee. Is this normal? I only had to wear a sleeves for a few weeks.
Anybody has had a similar misfortune and care to share experience?

It will grow back lightning quick once you start lifting again
Had my right shoulder dislocated,in a sling for a month
Before the incident my right arm was noticeably bigger than my left,when i got the sling off,my right arm was as thick as my left wrist.
Two months later my right arm was back at full size,bigger than my left,once more

6 weeks after ACL surgery my injured leg looked like a fucking weak little sausage.

Op here, i feel you. I had a pattelar dislocation, my leg was a spaghetti when they took the cast off.
Took me two year to get back the taste of training legs. Reached 120 kg atg and now this shit.

I had a patella dislocation one month ago and relocated it myself in the middle of the bowling alley. I went to hospital and they finally saw me at 4am.

They said "yep you dislocated it, and yep its not dislocated now. So... any other problems or anything?" and they sent me off. I never had a cast or crutches or advice or physio or anything. I couldn't walk out I had to kind of shuffle.

Idk what is safe to do and what isnt. It took you 2 whole years to get back to normal? How come? Am I risking injury? I did 3x5 of 70kg squats last week and plan to move up until i get back to 95

1. Post this on your facebook/instagram with the caption "Never skip left leg day"

2. Get a load of likes and mires and PMs from grills - its one of the few chances you will have for posting muscles on FB and not being hated for it as you are being self-deprecating.

3. Post results in this thread

How does one go about doing this? Squat/deadlift blow outs or something?

Some ligament were fucked. It was impossible for me to put weight on. Had to wear a cast for 3 weeks then try slowly to walk with a brace.
By the time they took the cast off, my leg was a noodle.
It took me a long time because i was scared of squatting. I thought i would never train leg again.
I just did 10*40 relatively easy. The thing is, i trully go atg. 40KG on the top part was extremely easy, but when going really low, it doesnt feel good. I'm sure i could go heavier.
Did you notice obvious muscle loss ? is it coming back fast ?
You must be lucky, could not bend my knee more than 30° when i had the dislocation

Dislocation when playing football.
MCL Sprain twice, one for each leg when fighting drunk. The only two time i actually fought. Those were years appart.

Had patella tendinitis for 4 months. Left leg shrinked. It took me around 4 months to get it to be big again and it's still not as defined as my right leg.
fuck muscle atrophy.

I'm not sure that's how bro splits are supposed to work

How did you keep working out your other leg, OP?

Consider doing box squats. They are slightly easier on your knees according to AlphaDestiny. Box height will determine whether you are going atg or just slightly below parallel. Either way: you will be squatting from a consistent height so you can be sure that on heavier weights you dont go too low and hurt knee.

I had no ligament damage. But It hurts under my patella. I worry that i rubbed some cartelige off. I didn't lose much size at all as I was only immobile for a week and even in that week I slowly bent my knee and stretched it. All the size I lose was off both legs for just not squatting much in a month.

I've dislocated my left knee 5 times in my life. The last time was 9 years ago. I was super skinny back then. I assumed it would never happen again. But it happened to my right knee while I was bowling. I know how to relocate it as its happened before so I relocated it myself immediately. It didn't swell up too much but was painful to bend.

I might do that, thanks.The thing is, this time i was able to walk on it from the very next day with a sleeves. There was no immobilization. Still i lost a strongly noticeable amount of strength and size

Am I the only one who thought your right leg is the one that has problems

What the fuck is wrong with its shape? seriously what the fuck is the hollow thing on the left side

You'll have the same when you start squatting.
It isn't my leg btw. The size difference isn't as bad

I fractured my shoulder about 5 weeks ago and my arm had been in a sling for the whole time. Haven't done any thing and my injured side looks dyel and non injured side still looks big by normie standards. The road to recovery will be fun but it sucks missing out on prime tank top weather because I'm ashamed.

Trust me, it won't be. No exercices will feel comfortable and you will want to cry at the gym.

doctor stole your gains

go into that fuckers office and tell him you know he cut out your leg muscles and you want them back

GTFO Newfag. You are not welcome here. Nobody wants you and you'll learn that soon enough. Save us both the time and go user

Physical therapy doesn't start for two weeks. All i can right now are pendulums and eventually pulleys. Strength training won't start for a month atleast.