Current max bench is 175lb/80kg:

>Current max bench is 175lb/80kg:
>Current max squat is lower 300s/140kg:
>Current max deadlift is 415/188kg:
>At 129lb/58kg. I compete as a 57kg/125lb lifter.

Well, does she lift more than you?



lol no and im not even strong
>175 max 1 rep bench


>max bench is 175lb/80kg
girls heh

Are you a 129 lbs though? That's incredible pound for pound strength.

She also has a doctorate in chemistry and is a national record holder I think. Look through some of her pictures, hot as fuck.

>Those delts


>deadlift 188kg
Is this what peak performance looks like ?

Not the same user but i'm 132 and bench 190,knee is fucked so no lower body


I don't do 1RMs but pic related says no. I weigh 164lbs though.

She can definitely make money off from lifting like that though

Decent body and lifts. Meep face.

>roiding for this

can't take female lifters seriously

>massive surgical scar on her bicep

Yeah, I can lift all kinds of shit with garbage form too.


Who is the guy on the right op?

I think I've seen that guy before


Bench: 265
skwot: 425
diddly: 505
bw: 162

this to be quite honest with you family

She turns into Sean Penn taking a shit while lifting.