Never had pic related in my entire life

>never had pic related in my entire life
>muh genetics
>start squatting heavy
>appears after a few months

why does nobody talk about this?

Squatting is great for your core, this is well known.

I'm squatting 2.5 plates and still don't see those motherfuckers at 18% bf

you cant know your bf perc. cuck

Thats because youre fat

>why does nobody talk about how my routine was shit and not full body?
I dunno user maybe because no one gives a shit?

Also; doing squats for abs work is a bad joke

Probably why
Also do oblique work

>doing squats for abs work is a bad joke

how should I incorporate ab work if I'm doing a 3 day full body routine?

after starting to try and progress from kneeling ab wheel to standing ab wheel my lower abs are always slightly sore and those things started to grow.

but holy shit is it hard. i could do 8 kneeling ab wheels with relative ease before i wanted to make them harder.

now 5 months later i am still not fully stretched out (bumping the wheel against a wall at a set distance).

Standing ab wheel?

>you cant know your bf perc

>18% BF That's pretty high. Especially cause you're probably at 22%.

>full body
so you already do ab work?

Via compounds, sure. Isn't he implying you should isolate them because compounds aren't enough?

bullfuckin shit, unless you´re on roids squatting will only have core bee´nefits til a certAIN degreee fagggggggeeeeeeeeeet

>Great for core

>Will have core benefits up until a certain degree

Or put simply

>Improves core

>yes it improves core but only up until a point, so you are retarded!

Kill yourself faggot

Umm I was just passing by and happened to see your post and I was wondering who you were quoting?

because this became a meme board and recommending squats elicits a meme reaction

>you cant know your bf perc.
cmon man

Bitch ass nigger.

Op wants those muscle roads that point towards his dick.
I gave him advice.
Why dont you go back into the gym and lurk in the showers for extra protein, you probably need it.

Go commit suicide boylover

My point was that what you said makes no sense. All you said was that heavy squats do in fact increase core strength (but only to a degree?), which is what the person you were replying to also said.

You only added the fact that squats are good "up to a point" for adding core strength, weirdly enough, OP clearly hadnt been doing enough squatting, as after a few months of squats, he gained a v taper (stronger core).

Your "advice" was meaningless, you added nothing, thats what i was trying to say.


how do you breathe from kneeling ab wheels, my back just gives up, how tall are u? 6.3 here

I have those with 20% bf tbqh

you tried so hard and then you tried even harder. Take it easy, man.

I read the OP and i thought it´s almost cringeworthy to spill bullshit like that.
I fact, squats do strengthen parts of the abd muscles, however the "V-Taper" can be not achieved through this kind of compound movement. They are hardly even activatet while squatting. When people talk about strong core muscles as a result from squatting, they mean upper abs, oblique externus and the other oblique muslce.

OP can see this muscles mainly because xhe is a genderfluid queer fag xwho stands 3 hrs in front of a mirror to look for the right lightning in order to get the most natty gainz. Xhe does this only half aware of its cheating and is asking therefore on a forum for comfirmation.

Told ya your a bitch ass nigga, post you stats then we talkin

if your back gives up then that just mean that part of your core is weak.

train your lower back.

isolation at the end of your workout

His back caves in because his abs are weak...

nice body man keep at it

his core is weak.

the lower back is part of the core.

That's correct. You shouldn't be using lower back when doing ab wheels though

you are using your ENTIRE core when doing ab wheels of any kind. including your lower back

Yeah like 10% lower back.

Obliques has nothing to do with bf%

>you cant know your bf perc. cuck
why you got to be like this

happened to me too