How much of a difference does eating clean make?

How much of a difference does eating clean make?

Like, if I were to eat 2000 calories of dirty dirty calories like pizza and shit vs. 2000 calories of pure clean food would one of them make me fatter than the other?

I'm not talking macros, but it's like I have a shit tier diet yet I keep my calories in less than my calories out. I'm not obese, but my bf% is above 15%, maybe 20%.

Thing is it will affect your macros such as better carbs (less shugar and more slow carbs) better fat (less saturated fat). Also you will feel more full on clelan foot than junk food since you can eat more.

doesn't really make a difference for gains and it's mostly for health reasons and to a certain extent how you feel. what matters for gains is macros. "clean" doesn't even have a proper definition which makes your question even less meaningful.

My bad, my dietary knowledge is shit tier.

it does if you are an athlete. You will feel the difference between eating like shit and eating healthy.

It won't make you fatter since it's the same amount of calories but im sure your quality of life would be better eating clean than eating dirty

This could all be bro science but I notice if I eat perfect macros with lean foods I have more energy and look better than if I had protein powder and pizza.

Eating clean doesn't change your body weight, but can significantly impact the function. Eg digestion, acne, etc

It's not bro-science, if you eat better foods you feel better. OP seemed to be asking purely about calorie count, which there would be no different amount of "fattening", but if you only ate "dirty" foods all the time you'd feel like shit

>does it matter what I put into my body?

Doesn't it affect the amount of body fat % you gain or lose?

calories from carbs, protein and fat are metabolized differently
calories from natural food and from refined food are metabolized differently

calories in calories out is the stupidest meme of all time, only roid injecting literal retards fall for it

micronutrients m8

a slice of pizza wont have vitamin, zinc, magnesium etc. if you get my point

You will be able to eat more food if you eat clean. 2k calories of pizza and shit is not very much

Wont make you more or less fat but it will affect your gains just by being less protein on a junk diet.

>calories from natural food and from refined food are metabolized differently
This isn't true, your body doesn't know the difference, once the stomach breaks it down.


This is purely anecdotal.

When I was natty it make a small difference, you will see a little less bloat, but as long as you hit your macros it makes a very small difference unless your doing contest prep/sub 10% bf.

Now when your on gear, I've found it makes a huge difference, especially on high test no tren based cycles. You will feel way more energetic in the gym, bloat will be reduced significantly, and its basically the difference between looking good and looking and feeling like a demi-god.

Now on high tren low test cycles, you can literally eat fucking 100 mcnuggets and 3 chipolte burritos a day and still look and feel like a god among men if you keep your E2 in check.

Add some mast to this combo and you'll even get some dick gains.

Actually it very much does make a difference. You body processes fat, carbs, and proteins different. Fat isn't stored the same as protein. Also there are sub categories of types of data and proteins that also process differently- like how bad fat clogs arteries and good fat helps clean them.
Your body must be absolute shit with that level of stupid

theres a big difference between protein from meat and protein from vegetables or other non-meat sources.

there's a reason you do need to eat meat

goes from protein absorption to micronutrients

>there's a reason you do need to eat meat
Except you literally don't need to eat meat.

way better to waste money on supplements

way better than waste money and life to cancer

Vegans need one mandatory supplement and even that could be avoided with some effort. Also it's cheap as fuck, half a years worth is like one steak from the supermarket.

Oh and vegetarians don't need any supplement. If you're talking health plants generally have a way better nutrient profile for being that caloric dilute.

absolutely correct, animal protein for one raises igf-1 which is a growth hormone but since you all already fully grown up, what will happen is you'll age faster
igf-1 is also a cancer promoter, makes cancer cells growth rate raise like crazy
veggie protein doesn't

you don't need to eat meat otherwise 200 million vegetarians in the world will have nutrient deficiency diseases, which they don't, in fact they're healthier

and don't you even dare mention b12

>vegancucks literally this mad


and I barely even eat meat, fish and seafood is the patrician choice

>people called me out, they must be triggered and mad
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