Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

I know some of you guys are probably in health studies

What's this on my arm ? Been there for 2 days now and don't know how it appeared.
It began by inflaming then it get scratchy, now it's just all red and dry.

Will see doc in the coming week but asking advive anyway

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Fok me m8
So I need to put lotion and wait ? nothing else ?

Can't be Eczema ?

see your gp or better yet a dermatologist. what you need is a steroid cream.

i see this regularly at work

even if it is, the treatment is basically the same.

it doesn't look like any eczema i've ever seen (i have eczema) but could be.

also what's your diet like?

Pretty random (some fastfood and junk) i'd say, i'm not in bad shape, rather thin.


yea you will get a cortisol cream as first line treatment. if that does the job, then it will stay at that. else you will get a stronger cream, after that topical light therapy and in hard cases mtx as oral medication or monoclonal antibodies as injections.

Alrighty then
Anything I should be worried about ?

skin problems are notoriously affected by diet. i have BAD eczema for most of my life, and have scarring from it on my lower legs and the insides of my arms. after a year of eating clean it almost went away entirely on its own. still sometimes get a little in my armpits which sucks, but i have so much steroid cream from the before times that will probably all expire before i can finish off a single tube lol

I'm stoping weed/smoke and starting to get in shape , eat good etc.
Goodddbbyyeeeeeeeee youth

ew you smoke tobacco? :/

yes please stop that immediately. weed should be okay, but switch to vaping it to avoid any lung tar nonsense.

do you know how to eat well? a lot of people don't. if you need help let me know. eating meat can be perfectly healthy so i'm not like a crazy militant vegan.

It's probably not psoriasis based on the fact you've not had it before and it's not in the typical location (extensor surfaces i.e. outside of elbows, knees OR scalp).

To me it looks like either tinea (ringworm) or possibly pityriasis rosea - the latter being more likely if you've had a recent cold and start developing spots elsewhere on the body.


I'd be happy to hear your advise.
What I thought i'd do is

Eat only 1 kebab/fastfood per week
Eat more vegetable - 3/4 days a week
Eat fish 1 time per week
Run 3 times a week for 5/10km
Eat a more in the morning and less at night
Only eat grain for midnight snacks


I've had some rash near my junk on the legs when i was 12, it when away after i used some spray my doc gave me.

when you hear hoofbeats think horsies not zebras.

Both of my suggestions are more common than psoriasis mate, but please educate a doctor on his profession

In both case it's just a wait game right ? Nothing I can do healf faster ?


It might be a fungus desu

clean eating can be done gradually, but the end goal should be to eliminate all bad foods (imo). but having said that, the best diet is the one you can stick to longterm.

the science is still out on grains but my inclination is to say that wheat, rye, barley type grains should be avoided. corn and rice seem to be relatively harmless.

more seafood is good, in spite of the mercury issues. most people don't seem to eat nearly enough seafood and upping their intake a little would benefit them much more than the risk of harm from mercury. so once a week is a good goal if you're not there :)

the thing with meat is that if you want to eat clean while being a carnivore you need to be very careful what meat you eat. processed stuff is generally harmful, but there are some exceptions. with beef you always want to go organic grass-fed if you can to avoid most of the hormones and antibiotics. if you can't afford this go for super lean cuts, as the antibiotics and hormones are absorbed in fatty tissue and you'll get higher levels of it eating high fat meats.

lamb, buffalo, pork (kinda...), and stuff like ostrich and yak are better alternatives because the laws at least in usa are more strict about when you can give antibiotics, and the use of hormones is generally not allowed.

if you can't give up your bacon find uncured, hopefully without added sugar. and the world health organization found that the more cooked a piece of meat is the more carcinogenic it is. so go with rare or medium-rare.

eggs are almost a must if you're not vegan. so much nutrition packed into such a tiny package :)

veggies always, every meal, as a snack, whatever. same with fruit but limit if you're cutting. never eat dried fruit, it's so bad for your teeth and is basically candy. tons of sugar, leaves you hungry.

kebabs can be plenty healthy. make your own if you have the time. add veggies.

the biggest bit of advice i can give on diet is to stay far away from processed

No, you dont have anything threatening, but that shit is better to get it treated with some steroid or fungal cream

*processed snack foods.

like chips. frozen TV dinners. crackers. lunch meats.

also get frozen or fresh veggies. canned veggies are shit.

It looks like this. Get some cream.

Thanks for taking time to answer in depth that's some good insight you gave me.

>if you need help let me know.
You really don't have any room to be giving out any advice considering you were begging to be spoonfed and complaining about the bar hurting your puny ruined body not long ago.

He's reply isn't that bad cmon don't be such a killjoy

my pleasure
>pityriasis rosea
>The prevalence in people aged between 10 and 29 years is 0.6%

>In the USA, approximately 2% of the population is affected.

>tinea corporis [...] had a prevalence of [...] 0.6%

can you tell me your name, so I won't ever will have to visit you? cause on top of practicing non-evidence based you are pretty pretentious

You got super AIDS gayboy.

thanks :)

i'm going to school to become a dietitian.

dude i have like zero physical intelligence. getting started with this fitness stuff has been crazy hard for me lol.

but i'm a bookworm and i've read several books on nutrition, including textbooks. so whatever xD

If the top starts forming a ring, it's ringworm. Probably from some unwiped gym equipment. Better see a doctor so you can get some antifungals and not spread it.

Looks like Tinea Corporis aka Ringworm, could be eczema though.

I'd suggest seeing a dermatologist soon.If the rash doesn't disappear when you press glass against it I'd strongly suggest going to the ER soon.

Jokes asides, can it really be some kind of sexual desease ?

also- ruined puny body? :O


can, yes. likely, no.

Turn your trip code off you mentally ill faggot.

Orighty then

I hope that's not meant to be impressive.

Definitely ringworm

it's progress :)

Hey Veeky Forums I gave myself a vitamin b injection over a week ago and ever since then a giant spot in my leg where I stuck it has been numb. Will it ever get better?

Probably not, stop sharing fucking towels in the gym.

eryhtema migrans caused by borrelia

Looks like parapsoriasis either small plaque or large plaque type. Would be weird that you only have it in 1 spot tho. But might just be the beginning. It doesn't look like real psoriasis tho so that's good.

>This thread

Go get some antifungals.

OK guys thank you all for replying
I think we can /Tread all of this now

Time to finish my weed while looking who's going to be my next President


>First study looking at worldwide prevalence
>Second study looking at US prevalance
>Third study looking at prevalence in South Western Nigeria
>OP is most likely American

Nigga what, did you even read your own studies?

Heres one from the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
>"Tinea Pedis is one of the most common superficial fungal infections, affecting up to 70% of Adults in the US"

And just to compare for Psoriasis, also taken from the American Academy of Dermatology

>"Prevalence of up to 3.2% in US Adults above 20"

I'm french tho
24 yo
1m90 85k


prevalence != lifetime prevalence

please post numbers that are actually statistically comparable e.g. prevalence and prevalence or incidence and incidence, not pears and apples.

Mistake on my part.

Prevalence of Tinea infections in the US taken from the same study was reported at 10-20%, still significantly larger than that of Psoriasis.

Prevalence for acute conditions like Tinea still do not accurately represent population burden of disease given its acute nature.

sorry but that number is simply not correct, especially when the number you use is for all forms of tinea:
>Ten percent to 20% of the population is estimated to be infected by a dermatophyte. Of these infections, tinea pedis is the most common, occurring in up to 70% of adults.

What OP has is clearly not tinea pedis. If he posted his foot, yea I would agree, thats more common than psoriasis, as he has it on his forearm its tinea corporis, and the prevalence of that is not mentioned in your source, in mine it is. So go find an article with a tinea corporis prevalence or we are still comparing apples with pears.