What's God's justification for babies born with skin cancer?

What's God's justification for babies born with skin cancer?

he deserved it because his ancestor ate the forbidden fruit

babies are designations, illusions; spooks - if you will

>grug no like thing
>skyman cant exist if thing i no like exist

So you're saying god isn't all loving?

no hes saying god is a cunt

Bit of a dick head then isn't he

Well if he’s a cunt then why worship him?

Yes, he is omnihating.


He'll burn you for all eternity otherwise

Random chance its not God's fault DNA isnt perfect.

This sounds like an actual Christian's justification for baby skin cancer.

>The absolute state of Christianity

So. Why didn't God make DNA better?

What if Thor or some other god will protect me? Why should he have power over me because when I don’t care for god and such?

It isn't random. You should've been more accurate with exactly how you made a child. A bit more left and it is other spermling who win the race.

How much of a failure must one be before one bases fundamental convictions based on what will give you the best reputation on an anonymous image board? Did you ever took a step back and looked at how pathetic you are?

Why make is better? You have to remember you were born from the randomness of DNA simply changing it in one way would have made you nor any human that existed in history ever exist.
So its random because it could be any of the millions of sperm in your jizz shot and you forgot the ovum that becomes the child might have fucked up genes too.

god create matter and soul

Thor is weak. You need at least someone like Shiva.

Why not just remove the baby skin cancer bit of DNA?

>Man with funny hat read old book to Grug
>Grug now believe in skydaddy, Grug going to cave in the sky

God allows tragedy and suffering on Humanity because of the transgressions of Adam and Eve. This does not mean he hates humanity, because even though humanity suffers, God's chosen people (and through the sacrifice of Christ, possibly all humanity) still have the option of experiencing paradise in Heaven at His feet.
God is not obligated to do whatever you want just because of your preconception of Love and Omnipotence.

t. Atheist

because its funny, just don't get it yet.

projecting there pal?

>all powerful
>everything is part of His plan
>but can’t control DNA because god was a good boy who dindu muffin
You do know what all-powerful means right?

Why even create life if he knows the majority of it will spend eternity in hell? Sounds fucking sadistic.

>Random chance
pretty sure by definition everything is as he wants it.

It isn't just an image board. This is a place where well-educated researchers from all cultural, political and national backgrounds can participate in a fair and balanced discussion, based on the credible source material.

Because it would mean redesigning the very biochemistry of DNA itself meaning we would never exist because we are the result of that randomness you dumbass.

Most christfags are brainlets who cant comprehend moral neutrality so they try to find any good reason for shit that happens in life.

Aboit what?

Because it doesnt want to, is that clear enough for you? You are animated carbon it constructed by creating the laws of physics and chemistry to somehow allow you to exist deal with your base mechanics.

>well-educated researchers
>based on the credible source material
Thisbetter be bait


>creates DNA with possibility of errors
>not responsible for it

Temporary problem caused by the fall of man and cured by God for the child in question, living in heaven in bliss forever.

You people kill me.

You pretend to be so worried about the savage who never heard the gospel, or the child born with bone cancer, but the children's lives are infinitely better than yours, and you don't give one single fuck about a savage who never heard the gospel.

You have heard the gospel, and rejected God.

You get what you get for that. So stop whining.

Morality is good and evil, so there is no neutral morality, you insipid fuck.

I dont believe in God individually crafting every lifeform I believe all living things are random.

OP here

So you're answer to the question:

"Why doesn't God prevent baby skin cancer?"


"Because he doesn't want to"

Do we have anything else or is that the peak of Christian philosophy?

Who said DNA was created with the possibility of errors? You?

You have a sample of Adam and Eve from before the Fall of Man?

yeah, stfu.

Because God turns what was meant for evil into good.

It's what he does.

Your futile rebellion against him led by the most pathetic being in the universe already failed, and here you are attempting to impugn the Almighty.

You get what you deserve.

Good, Evil and Neutral are morality.

Good-helping people
Evil-torturing people
Neutral-Obeying your parents

So God isn't all powerful or all knowing?

Well I mean what else could it be?

I can say the opposite too. The fall of man is a story about why things are good and bad. Adam and eve didn't actually exist.

>Neutral-Obeying your parents

Because the baby will go to heaven if it dies, and it won't have to see this awful excuse for a world.

Bait or insanity? You know a reply isn't automatically an answer?

you do understand that in Revelations iirc its stated that God will rescue the souls trapped in Hell after the Apocalypse.

Also don't ask why an omnipotent, omniscient being will do things as if you can comprehend its motivations. That's just asinine.

Then why worship him?

Adam and Eve also would have no DNA since they were constructed from nowhere not out of genetic randomness.

Then why not send us all to heaven?

> Obeying your parents
Pretty sure it is lawful.

You're an idiot. Sorry to have to be the one to help you with that realization.

Revelation is jewish bullshit prophecies.

Yes, you can be an idiot and lie as much as you want.

And then pay the price for it.

Then why not kill it immediately like he does with people that withhold his shekels? Why such a painfull way to relieve a child?

Obeying parents is a mindless instinct in humans making it morally neutral.

Why isnt everything perfect??? Why wont god just give me a gf??? Because there is no god and if he were real he doesnt deserve my love!!

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

I'll say it again.

The child born with bone cancer who suffers every day for five years and dies has a better existence than you will.

God gives us our souls in our mother's womb. After that, we're open season for the world. He doesn't intervene because that would impede on our free will. For example, if you pray to get promoted at your job, to fulfill that request directly, God would have to change your boss's mind that you aren't the best candidate. That would fuck over the guy who's the best candidate. I'm not exactly sure about natural disasters and stuff not caused by humans, but it seems like God probably has similar reasoning for that. If no one suffered, then there would be no one to help, which is kind of the main thing you do to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Divine intervention is rare and mostly used for making a point.

Because you're dead, and there is no place for the dead in the Kingdom of the Living.

So you're answer to the question of why God let's babies have skin cancer is:
"Shut up don't question it it probably makes sense..."

>if you disagree with me you're a liar

the entire book is jewish bullshit prophecies ya mong. You asked for an answer, I gave it.

It's one of the 10 Commandments of God, the only objective basis for morality.

If you lie, you're a liar.

Most of us don't deserve it

Something something genetics or something. Whether they meet their end soon or not doesn't really matter as they would either go to hell or Heaven.

>Objective morality
Get out

The more painful the death the higher of the seven heavens they get

makes me sad that people have such a hard time understanding people that have different axioms from them.

No, my answer was that God punished humans for falling to temptation in the Garden of Eden with curses of suffering and tragedy, but that doesn't contradict his love for us as evidenced by the admission of the faithful into Heaven. Earthly suffering is irrelevant in comparison to the joys of Heaven, and by transcending that suffering through Faith we gain admission.

Ignoring an answer doesn't dispute an answer. I'm also not saying I believe this crap.

>babies born with skin cancer?

The pain we experience brings us closer to God, makes our souls. God loves us and by experiencing pain we are able to move from his image to his likeness.

Go to hell.

Admission does not come by suffering through faith, but by a confession of faith that Jesus is Lord, risen from the dead.

You are correct that the sufferings of this life are nothing next to the joys of heaven, and are nothing next to the horrors of hell.

Go home Mother Teresa. You're evil.

Why post this? You know it'snot convincing, we both know you don't believe this, *I* also know xtians don't believe this.

Do you realise if you commit to christlarping enough to give retarded answers people will just think you're retarded?

>modifying DNA erases all of humanity
This is what Christcucks ACTUALLY believe
Gene modified humans already exist you retard

I'm not even Christian I'm a Muslim. Also, I am not Christlarping

Suffering leads people towards admission, is a better way of saying it.

More like God knows we are monkeys motivated by instant gratification and not motivated by pain.

They are modified to be a core of the satan army, google gene chips, this is a thing.

wait, is that karl marx?

my 100% fucked in head Orthodox Christian mother says that children with diseases are punishment from G-d to their parents
then I ask her, for what crimes did G-d punish children of good friends of our family with deafness? they are Christian as well! that question she can't answer...

You can say it however you want. It's wrong.

>puny thunder god
>protect you from capital G God

>towards submission
You mean

It's in the bible. They asked if a blind man sinned, or his parents sinned, for him to be born blind. Jesus said that neither was the case. The man was born blind because sin entered the world and fucked everything up. It's not how things were created, it's not how things are supposed to be, and it's not how things will ultimately be.

to be clear, I'm not stating that its a theological core of Christianity, its just a general trend that's been used by various Christian theologians to justify to an ignorant and demanding audience why suffering exists at all.
Setting people up in torture camps doesn't increase their Salvation Points or something, that's not what I'm saying.

Maybe he just loves all life equally?

You need Odin to take on the Big G and even I doubt he can beat him since I dont know shit about Norse mythos.

"Lel, ded bebe!"

The trials and tribulations you experience are the reason you're able to experience a life with meaning at all. we should all see that baby's with skin cancer is a problem we have in our power to solve with the tools we've been given, yet everybody's spending their time harping on about it on a Paraguayan Siamese Dolphin and Don Quixote Fanart board. So is it really God's problem, or yours?

>Sounds fucking sadistic.
No one cares how you think things sound.

I'll tell you why suffering exists. It's not difficult to figure out. Just imagine that there is no suffering at all after the Fall of Man.

You are born, everyone is healthy, nobody suffers. The land is not cursed, men and women are not cursed, everything is much better than it is today. You grow up, go to school, find a mate, get a job, have some children, and live out your life in peace and quiet.

Then you die and are cast into a Lake of Fire forever.

That's why there exists suffering, and the curses on men, women, the land, etc. To tell you something is wrong. To tell you there is a problem. To tell you that the world is not right, that there is something fundamentally broken at a level you cannot even experience, but know to be there.

Suffering is there so that you might not end up suffering forever.

Reminder that it is not the suffering of babies and their parents that motivates atheists, but the hatred of God's authority. Atheists in actual fact do not mind that sick children suffer, quite the opposite. Atheists PREFER that dying children suffer and go out of their way to increase the suffering of that child and it's parents. This is why they take savage glee in stripping the dignity from death, turning the passing of a loved one into a bureaucratic exercise in the disposal of biological waste.

God, implying he exsists, doesn't pull the string on the universe. He doesn't babysit it. He doesn't operate it.
He made it a long time ago, and has been watching ever since.

He could be made it without cancer.

If you want to live in the world God existed that will never have cancer, that we call heaven, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.