Counting calories

How the fuck do you bother measuring every little thing that goes into your body? How the fuck do I mesure a "knife" of butter?

just round up to the nearest 25. dab of ketchup? 25
2 slices of bread is 90? now it's 100

>butter at all

Step 1: get some kitchen scales
Step 2: weigh bread
Step 3: apply butter to bread
Step 4: weigh bread with butter
Step 5: calculate the difference
Step 6: calculate how many calories the amount of butter found in step 5 has.

You could weigh it on a scale. You could use a tablespoon (or whatever measuring spoon euros have) to scoop it out. You could also not use butter at all because it's extremely calorie dense and not a great idea to eat while cutting.

If you cook something in oil, how do you factor in how many calories from that oil got into the food?

>know how many kcal in each macro
>know the macros of what you eat
>keep in mind the density of the food to sort of calculate weight out of volume
If you have at least 80 IQ points you can get used to it and do it subconsciously.

Now you know why people eat bro foods. Easier to track

I found that it is much better to just learn how to eyeball protein so you get enough each day then just weigh yourself everyday and eat more/less carbs and fats depending on your goal

include them all or just stop using oil

Pour a tablespoon of oil into a measuring spoon

If you want to be autistic about it, which you clearly do, take one typical knife full of butter weigh it one time and use that as your average value from then on or if being conservative assume slightly more.

>using a knife as a measurement tool
>not weighing food on a food scale in grams in 2017 for 100% accuracy

>tracking anything at all

that's some bullshit and you guys know it. Why would you even do this?

kys nigger

By getting a set of measuring spoons, scooping out 2 teaspoons of butter on the bread, and then spreading it with a knife.

are you high? Its so people can accurately track their calories to gain/loose weight. How exactly is that bullshit?

This. Same goes for weightlifting too. Just throw them do das on there.

It's a lot easier when you measure a meal you like once and just east it whenever and you already have the macros written down. I mostly eat from about 6 meals i choose from

You can also use fit recipes online

I tend to just pour the oil from the pan onto the plate and dab it up with the food I'm eating. Makes me sound like a fat slob but I need all those sweet sweet fat cals.

i create a set diet
it's worked pretty well so far

Lose weight -> Cut out the shit foods, eat clean foods that are not calorie dense, and eat them in normal portions. Done
Gain weight -> Eat bigger portions and snack on some calorie dense foods such as peanut butter/peanuts/yogurt etc. Done

analogy makes no sense

There, why do you need to count again?

food scale, and estimating, desu

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