QTDDTHOT - Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Last one's dying, just like my faith in error propagation.

Anyways, here's a thread for quick questions that you were to embarrassed to ask somewhere that isn't an anonymous imageboard. But that's okay, you're not alone.

Speaking of dumb questions, I've recently gotten into running more seriously. My latest half-marathon time was about 1:48. I was wondering, How feasible is it to cut down my time to about 1:35? I'm planning on running the SF half-marathon and wanted to see how feasible of a goal this was. Thoughts?

Other urls found in this thread:


how do i increase pushups? ive been stuck on 40 for 2months now

I'm 173 cm 75 kg Manlet.
Do I reduce my weight to 68kg and then maintain or eat at slight surplus while doing 5x5 +accessories
Do 5x5 earlier but at a deficit (won't be able to get enough protein because meat and protein powder is expensive here)?

18 year old 5'11" Asian male here. Will I grow taller?

My dad is 5'6" and my mom is 5'2", and they both grew up malnourished in some irrelevant literal who country.

Have I reached my genetic potential, or will I be able to hit 6'?


5'11 is enough
Also there are other ways to get taller
>fom roll upper spine
>stretch hip flexors
>wear insoles

>>fom roll upper spine
>>stretch hip flexors
How do these help with height? Just curious.

Any brand you recommend? Also, how much should I wear before it starts to look ridiculous/high heels? 0.5", 1", 1.5", 2"?

Seems like an interesting approach.

However I'd like to point out that I'm at about 22-24%bf right now according to the us navy formula while candito says you should recomp from 18-20 to 13%

What do?

Posture. With the foam rolling hug yourself to better expose spine. Feels great btw and get a very hard foam roller
I have 0.8cm for medical reasons. I don't think people will notice 2" insoles I mean how could they if you still fit in the shoe?

>I have 0.8cm for medical reasons. I don't think people will notice 2" insoles I mean how could they if you still fit in the shoe?
kek true, but doesn't it affect your gait and make you look odd/stand out? But anyway, which insoles brand should I get?

Cut down then recomp. You'll make gains anyway on a degicit if you're a beginner. Start 5x5 now no matter what why wait?

Should consist of cork and leather I guess. The fuck do I know about insole brands? Who wears them for non medical reasons?

>Who wears them for non medical reasons?

My reasons for waiting are twofold: I'm not very consistent so I am trying to stick to 20minsof daily cardio and tracking my food. Secondly nutritional issues. If I eat like I'm eating rn I'll get only 1g protein per kilo.
But you're right. I should get the membership asap

Thanks a ton

You're 5'11 azn with gamer posture. You ARE tall

Nah senpai, I live in America and feel average as fuck. Lots of short Asians, sure, but damn I feel like a manlet when those hoards of international Chinese students walk together

I remember reading if you have a push pull imbalance with stronger pushing, your pecs will pull your shoulders forward and round them.
What are the symptoms of stribger pull?

Protein. Take it every day, or just on gym days?

Pushups mostly work triceps and chest, so isolations of both of those groups will lead to an overall increase

Unless you're incredibly sensitive about it, don't worry. If you are incredibly sensitive about it, stop it. Height doesn't matter unless you make it matter, just be the best you can be physically, mentally and personality-wise.
>inb4 but these cherrypicked pictures of people on the internet prove that you're wrong

Your protein intake shouldnt vary. Just eat the amount of proteins you consume on your training Day.

Why would the international Chinese ones be any taller? Aren't they mostly around 5"6?


Also: 2g/kg bodyweight is enough. Its not harmfull to eat more though, just not nescessary.

Hey I'm 6'2" 190 i used to be a competitive swimmer so I have some lean mass still but rn im just skinny fat. I also have been smoking cigarettes for about a year now. Do cigarettes impact gains a lot? 20 y.o. btw

Maybe you're just doing better pushups.

While in cutting im slowly losing weight but I dont appear leaner. I thought it might be water retention or some shit, but I look the same as a month ago. ?

Is it possible that I'm losing muscle if my lifts stay the same or go up during a cut?

where have you started where are you now and how big is the deficit?

Hey, are you working out?

Las month was at 75 kg, Now at 72. Currently eating ~1750 kcal and doping 20 mins of cardio every day. About bodyfat in bot that sure. I can see well defined top, but the lowest ones are just kind of outlined and there is still some lower belly flab

I lift tues/thurs/sat and have work sometimes on those days, Housekeeping for around 6 or more hours.
Should I only have yesterday as a rest day and lift today on a day off? Would doing this affect my performance?

In bot= im not

Damn non english autocorrect

And missed saying that in talking about top and bot abs. Not my day

Am I supposed to feel bodyweight squats mostly in my inner thighs (Abductors)? I just read over the squat section of starting strength and I finally feel it there for the first time and I didn't have any knee pain. I got an injury around 2-3 weeks in when I started lifting.

Just go on you lose weight and I too lose the lower back and lower belly fat after everything else so dont worry too much about that. It will eventually go away if your bodyfat ist low enough.

Anybody have a suggestion for a good 6 days a week program focusing on strenght ?

Doing stronglifts 5x5. Should I add accessory workouts for my upper arms? They don't feel worked enough.

2suns 531 lp has a 6day version.

Do you mean your biceps? Go ahead it's fine

What are some good recipes for lentils? How to make them more tasty or in large bunches

You should feel it in your glutes, adductors and hamstrings

Lower test maybe

What does it feel like to have arms that are 3x the size they were when you were a skinny little fella? Is it weird? I can't even imagine....

6'0'' & 240lb

I'm very lost guys

I hate seeing myself in mirrors and outside in windows in public. I hate eating compulsively and just out of fucking boredom. I hate feeling disgusting when I'm walking with my gut jiggling about

I don't know what to do. I've been fat all throughout conscious life and never developed any social skills because of a fatherless childhood

I really need guidance. Does anyone recommend any websites or books to get started with? I've already read the sticky

I want to run for miles without heavy baggage and walk on the beach without feeling like a slob anymore

what does fit think about tall grills? tall as in 6ft or even taller

everything just seems smaller user

Tell me the difference in results appearance wise.

>lunges and squats only bodyweight sets of 30±
>those with weights and less reps

hey lads i had a girl come up and take pictures of me during my ohp

what should i of done

also will doing planks & situps along with SL 5x5 be enough to develop a strong core

So if you have a lot of testosterone, you build a lot muscle, are more dominant and aggressive, have a better mood etc.
It would be best to maximize your test, right?

But what if I wanted the benefits of estrogen Shiny hair, clear skin, boyish face etc?

If high estrogen stymies testosterone and vice versa, would it be better to cycle focus on one hormone?

Like, for one month, you lift weights, eat red meat, eat certain legumes, eat fats, all so you can build muscle.
Then the next month, do cardio, eat soy, abstain from fats to get the benefits of estrogen.

Would that work?

Stop eating. Stop comaining.
Go to the gym.

I have maybe 2-3 lbs to reach my goal weight but I'm lean now, and after months of cutting, my moods are terrible, my lifts are shit, and i've started bingeing because I'm so hungry.

Time to stop cutting? Or keep going? How do I stop thinking that i'll be happy once I'm very lean?

How does one dominate in bed? Not in a BDSM kind of way, but in a way where you're telling her what to do?

Like, what kind of things do I say or do

>telling her what to do
>telling her
You already fucked up. Never gonna make it.

None because that's babyweight

Alright boys give it to me straight I really need some help here. I used to be in """"decent""" shape a few years back but recently it has all gone to shit.

I'm skinny fat as fuck and I don't know how best to tackle it. I have a pencil neck and sparrow legs but have a lot of fat around my stomach. I'm 6'0 and 77kg at 26 years old.

I work at a bar and spend 50 hours on my feet but nothing strenuous. On working days I work from 10am to 10pm. I have two days a week where I can go to the gym (will change this to add a third somewhere).

What the fuck should I do? What should my calories be? Should I do HIIT too? How do I get my metabolism back?

I have membership to a good gym with a pool and running track too.

Pics related bully me as much as I deserve to be

Bonus: I'm going on holiday in 10 weeks is there anything I can do for then?

I love me some big bitches.

>suck my dick
>bend over (spank)
>you like that?
>tell me how much you love this dick


verbally is easy, physically even easier

What do you mean you can only train 2 day a week you start work at 10am you lazy fuck.

My lifts are going up on a bulk but I'm not getting any bigger or heavier

I don't understand

pic related its a shitshow

What's your surplus and total calorie amount

GSLP is better than both

Is that any good for a intermediate routine? I'm coming from 5/3/1 BBB

Bro read the title it's a beginner program.

If you want a intermediate try a different 531 program or sheiko 4day for example

155lbs bw 3500 calories per day

Going to recheck my portions. Maybe I'm making a mistake somewhere.

Is it okay to do lateral raises on free days for broader shoulders? Im doing SL.

>that tingly nice feel when you climb the rope in gym class

What's the reason behind this? Do you ever feel it when you're working core or legs? What will happen if I trigger it and ride it out, let it haaaaappen?

What's the difference?

>americans have to climb a rope in gym class

I thought this was a meme

I just finished up a few cycles of 5/3/1, how would I go about estimating my new 1RM? Would I just take my current TM and divide it by .9?

PH3: Layne Norton's Power And Hypertrophy

anyone know if this is a good system, im looking to change shit up. for the longest time ive just done back/bis, chest/tris, rest, legs/shoulders. repeat

The underside is stronger than the overside on your forearms

you require less strength when using mixed grip, but at the (low) risk of snapping your bicep tendon and you have to switch between sets to avoid muscle a-symmetry

also using consisten mixed grip minimizes strength gainz in the forearms

Thanks user

is this a pic of you? feet seem hella close


hook-grip is a nice variation olylifters use. It allows you to hold more weight but hurts like a motherfucker if you're doing several reps. But there's no risk of snapping your shit up with hook.

What are some possible factors that could limit muscle growth?
I've been going to the gym for almost 1,5 years and haven't made any progress in strength or muscle mass past the first four months despite consuming enough protein and eating at a caloric surplus.

Nah, I just found it online


pic related

This chick stopped messaging e awhile ago from college and recently her friend followed me on instagram
and messaged me saying if i go to this college and she also said "what is up with you and katie".
whats this all about? katie is the grill i talked to awhile ago. I replied we just talked and thats it,
she went on to to compliment me on a few things and that was it. Should i have hopes up?

What's the relationship between DB and barbell bench?
Say if I barbell bench 80kg for 5, how much should I DB bench?

Stress, bad sleep.

I have really bad anxiety and depression and find it very difficult to make any strength progress despite other factors being in check. When I have a better day than normal I hit PRs.

>"what is up with you and katie"
>she went on to to compliment me on a few things and that was it

Wants to make sure you and Katie are over so that she can make a move on you.

left them at the couch user

All good i found em, fuggin left them on the washer

What's Veeky Forums's opinion on the potato diet?


Thinking of doing it for a week or two just to kick things off

How do you stop yourself from checking out girls at the gym. When a 9/10 starts doing hip thrusts directly in front of me despite other space being available I can't help but notice. I assume its pretty poor etiquette to check out people at the gym, since they're just trying to do their workout too. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

women only go to the gym for attention
they want you to look
they know you want to look
but if they catch you, you're a creep
good luck my friend

only answer is HOME GYM

doing any "diet" is setting yourself up for failure

>What's Veeky Forums's opinion on the potato diet?
The only advice you should ever take into consideration is on the /sticky/, go read it.

Cant touch chest when doing pendlay rows, should I deload?
Also is that okay that my torso is inclined down, I have long legs


Use your heavy AMRAP sets to calculate a new 1rm

anybody ever do blood-flow restriction workout? ive heard good things

Hey guys!
Is a PPL+full body over one week a good routine?
Like PXPLXFX. With cardio on two X days. I tried a PPLPPLX but fucked up my shoulders. Also considering ULXULXX but I feel the upper days are way to intense to perform properly for me.

Can someone explain to me what concurrent training is? or at least point me in the right direction as to where i can learn about it

I like to do FXXPLQQQ%77

Anybody have experience with thrombosed hemorrhoids? It's really uncomfortable to sit down and it is big and purple and swollen

Asking for a friend

how do I implement accessories to SS? work the neglected muscles after the workout or on rest days?


>What does it feel like to have arms that are 3x the size they were when you were a skinny little fella? Is it weird? I can't even imagine....
Everything feels smaller and more fragile then they used to be.

I have always punched walls and door when angry, but lately I have actually punched holes into doors, stuff just breaks easier now because of the additional punching power.