Timur aka Tamerlane is actually the greatest emperor in the history of humanity...

Timur aka Tamerlane is actually the greatest emperor in the history of humanity. His battle intelligence surpassed Hannibal, his political acumen surpassed Caesar, his territory surpassed Alexander, his ambition surpassed Napoleon. His wisdom surpassed Marcus Aurelius.

In my opinion, he comes above all. I don't know how many people here have read much about Timur, but god damn his story is inspirational. What does Veeky Forums think of him?

I also have only 1 painting/work of art in my house, and its of Timur.

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>best emperor in history
>some horsefucking steppenigger known for ooga boogaing across the middle east
nice try

You should read up on him then. You don't know what one of a kind story you're missing out on

>Genocidal retard horsefucker who did nothing but set all of central asia and persia back by killing a fuckton of people and destroying a ton of infrastructure
>best emperor


Muh tomb

Threads like this make me want to fucking jump off of a bridge I swear

You know Samarkand and Bukhara were the greatest cities on earth during his time right? Law and order was so good that Timur reportedly said "A child could walk with a pot of gold from one end of the empire to the other and nobody would touch him"

Timur was truly a genius.
>In Samarkand and his many travels, Timur, under the guidance of distinguished scholars, was able to learn the Persian, Mongolian, and Turkish languages.
>Timur, mostly considered a barbarian, in fact was a well learned king, and did enjoy the company of scholars —he was tolerant and generous to them against.
>Timur is regarded as a military genius, and as a brilliant tactician with an uncanny ability to work within a highly fluid political structure to win and maintain a loyal following of nomads during his rule in Central Asia. He was also considered extraordinarily intelligent – not only intuitively but also intellectually.

He was literally a nobody who sent a message to a random warlord and asked him to run his army, took over the army
>read pic related
and conquered most of the civilized world. At that time cities in the East that he conquered were larger/more civilized/commercially superior than anything in all of Europe.

He defeated the Ottomans, Indians, Armenians, Mongols, Egyptians, and Persians.


It's from his autobiography, in case you guys are wondering.

>that picture

Jesus Christ...

It's just like my animu desu

He killed millions

i kekd


Because everyone was dead.
>pic related

How about good old Genghis? Timur idolized both Genghis and Alexander. Genghis's armor was larger at his death. Than Timur's was at his death in 1405. The Timurid Empire was enermous don't get me wrong I just think thats a notable point.

Sorry I meant "territory," not "armor," user. Must be my autism.

The Mongol-Empire by Genghis Khan's death in c. 1227 A.D.

The Timurid-Empire by Tamerlane's death in c. 1405 A.D. Now you tell me which one's bigger.

His descendents did create the mughal empire though and ghey ruled till the 19th century.

He is not so much discussed in popular media I guess. I think some episodes of Silk Road were related.

To be fair almost all of that is cold wasteland, an empire of dirt

That's not entirely correct. That map doesn't show his vassal states which were indirectly under his rule, whereas the Genghis map shows his Vassal states.

Anyway, Genghis is pretty awesome too but I just think Timur beats him due to his extremely creative battle/war strategies.

Would you guys be interested in me posting some of his unique battle moves? Want to know if there's interest before I expend energy in a whole reading session followed by a writeup.

>Bro I totally fought 11 men with two swords, believe me.
t. Timur.

Go ahead

>before I expend energy in a whole reading session followed by a writeup.
Why are you lionizing this warlord before doing your research? If Timur was truly great, the Middle East would look much different today. He was a talented opportunist who lacked inhibition. History is replete with such figures.

What Japanese light novel is this?

Nah, kys.

>Would you guys be interested in me posting some of his unique battle moves?
This is the only thing thats keeping me ITT. Go ahead.

>Would you guys be interested in me posting some of his unique battle moves?

>and ghey ruled till the 19th century.
They had lost all centralized power from nearly the beginning of the 18th century and had to resort to becoming a puppet state a few decades later. Congrats for surviving that long but they didn't rule much for a long time before they fell.

>At the time the east was more civilized than the west

The other way around retard

where the fuck is?

Gotta remember it’s not about the size of the territory you control but instead how dense of population it is. Who cares if he controlled so much horse nigger land if it’s empty as fuck

Another Genghis larper from the desert.


It's not empty as fuck you retard. Posts like this make me think how little you guys know about history of the world.

Cities like Rome, Venice, and London had populations of 25k-150k in this period. Timur conquered cities that had populations in the hundreds of thousands. Baghdad had almost 1000k, Delhi had 125k people. Samarkand had 130k people, Tabriz had 150k people, Cairo(who bowed to his rule and became a vassal state when he defeated the Ottoman Bayezid) had 360k people. Bukhara was also a significant city, among tons of others, whose populations I can not recall right now. IIRC there was another city with 400k people, can't recall its name, to compare Paris at the time had 300k.

And he didn't ONLY defeat these "cities," he took the empires that came with them and all their vassal states. He didn't even consider attacking Europe since it was insignificant at the time. All the wealth and riches lied in Asia and along the silk route. His goal was to take China, the richest country of all, that can tell you the capacity of his ambitions/force. Sadly, he died on the way to China, and was never able to conquer it.

He wouldn'tve succeeded anyway.

A military genius was ruling China at the time of Timur. When Timur was making his threats to China, the Yongle Emperor was subjugating Mongols in the Steppes.

To save billions

>Timur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[11] sizable parts of which his campaigns laid to waste.[12] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time.

>17 million people
>empty wasteland


If you want, read the report of the Castillan embassy on Timur here: books.google.com/books?id=ZVkMAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=clavijo#v=onepage&q&f=false

Battle moves is kill

What mongols you fucking retard? Timur had overtaken the Golden Horde all by himself, he was the sole ruler of Mongol lands outside Mongolia.

Not only that, he made deals with the few Mongolian tribes in Mongolia to help him defeat the Yongle.

>Timur's army had heard of the legendary Indian war-elephants. Heavily armoured, tusks bound with swords, these giants struck fear into the hearts of Timur's soldiers.

>But Timur's battle plans were ingenious. He dug himself into safe trenches, and planted in the ground, stakes armed with metal spikes.

>He gave his cavalry caltrops to cripple elephants. The caltrops had four metal spikes, and were designed such that one spike always pointed upwards. His horsemen were taught to engage with elephants, encourage the elephants to chase them, and then drop the caltrops in their paths. The iron spikes would embed themselves in the soft feet of the elephants, hobbling and crippling them.

>But cleverest of all was Timur's ingenious scheme to frighten the elephants into a panic. Bales of dry grass were tied to the backs of buffaloes and camels. These were then driven towards the elephants, and at the last minute, the bales were set on fire. The panic-stricken buffaloes and camels dashed madly among the elephants. Infected by their fear, and confused by the heat and smoke, the war elephants went on a confused rampage, causing death and destruction among their own army.

>Timur's battle tactics were devastatingly effective. Delhi's huge army of horses, elephants and foot-soldiers was routed in a single day. Mallu Khan, the noble who ruled Delhi under Sultan Muhammed II, fled. So did the Sultan.

>The next morning, Timur marched triumphant into Delhi's Jahanpanah Fort. A hundred captured war elephants were paraded and made to bow to him, trumpeting their humility. Their antics pleased Timur; who ordered the elephants sent back to his native Samarkand, accompanied by Delhi's best artisans.

The stories with him and Nasredin Hodja are good.

Timur was marching his army towards the Hodja's home town, and the people all begged the Hodja to save them. So he put on his finest robes, and went out to meet Timur.

"I am the god of the Earth," the Hodja declared, "and I forbid you to march across the Earth one more step towards that town you see in the distance. You must go another way."

Timur was astonished, but decided to put the Hodja to the test, just in case.

"You are the god of the Earth, you say. Well, then. I wish to see you perform a miracle! If you cannot, I will see your head removed from your body."

With that Timur brought forward his daughter, who had been blind since childhood. "I order you to open her eyes, to prove you are as mighty as you say."

The Hodja responded quickly, "Well now, you see, your excellency, it is true I am the god of the Earth, you need not doubt that for one moment. But there are other gods, and I have agreements with the god of the Sky not to trespass in his domain. Part of our agreement is that the skyward parts of a human are his concern, while those closer to the ground are mine. So I may not open your daughter's eyes, but if she has anything below the waist that needs opening, I will be happy to assist you."

>His wisdom surpassed Marcus Aurelius.

This is supposed to be some great achievement? Have you READ Aurelius?


Is this a preferred pronoun I've never heard of? Or are you trying to say they were homosexuals?

An epic war that never was

bumping. timur deserves recognition.

Timur was not related to Muhammad or Chengis, otherwise it would have been bigger


I wish it was armor, that would be awesome.


Nasreddin was walking in the bazaar with a large group of followers. Whatever Nasreddin did, his followers immediately copied. Every few steps Nasreddin would stop and shake his hands in the air, touch his feet and jump up yelling "Hu Hu Hu!". So his followers would also stop and do exactly the same thing.
One of the merchants, who knew Nasreddin, quietly asked him: "What are you doing my old friend? Why are these people imitating you?"
"I have become a Sufi Sheikh," replied Nasreddin. "These are my Murids [spiritual seekers]; I am helping them reach enlightenment!"
"How do you know when they reach enlightenment?"
"That’s the easy part! Every morning I count them. The ones who have left – have reached enlightenment!"

No they weren’t the greatest city on earth was Florence followed by Rome, Barcelona and Bologna

Nasreddin sounds like a fun guy to know

"Hun and Avar, Mongol, Tartar, and Turk. These fierce and squalid tribes of warrior horsemen flailed mankind with red scourges, wasted and destroyed, and then vanished from the ground they had overrun. But in no way worth noting did they count in the advance of mankind."

Isn't there a ton of oil over there?

Oh boy.
Timur had acquainted himself with Nasr Edin and taken on his company as a buffoon. One day, Timur went have a haircut and Nasr Edin accompanied him.

When at the end of the haircut, Timur was shown the result in a mirror, he broke into tears because of how ugly he was.

Almost immediately after Timur broke into tears, Nasr Edin, too, broke into tears, and they both cried for several minutes.

Once Timur stopped crying and realised Nasr Edin was crying too, and told him "Why do you cry, you idiot? If I am crying it is because I found myself to be ugly, but what reason could you possibly have to cry?"

Nasr Edin wiped the tears of his face and replied "Timur, you only took one look at your face in that mirror, and yet you cried for several minutes. Now imagine how I must feel, I who have to look at it for several hours a day."

Yes, we all know about the prosperous oil business of the Mongol empire.

Nasr Edin was sat in the baths with his friends while discussing their culinary prowess. Nasr Edin's friends argued with each other for a long time over who was the best cook. After a while, irked by Nasr Edin's silence, they decided to nag him.

"How about you, Nasr Edin? Why don't you tell us about your culinary exploits? Surely you must have something to share?"

"Of course", replied Nasr Edin. "Listen up you imbeciles for you are about to hear of my culinary prowess".

Guffawing, the two men broke into expectant silence, waiting for the Hodja's words.

"I once mixed bread with snow for a long amount of time:" declared Nasr Edin.

"But... But that's idiotic, Nasr Edin!" burst out his interlocutors.

"Yes." Acknowledged the Hodjah. "And it also tastes terrible."

Who the fuck is nasredin

>Best emperor in history
>Some boyfucking pastanigger known for Mama miaing across the Mediterranean

Intelligent discussion only please

Nasr Edin Shah was widely known as a savant in the area, so one day the local people reunited and asked him to share his wisdom with them, at the local mosque. Nasr Edin agreed, and at the day of the meeting spoke to them.

"Do you know, my children, what it is that I am going to tell you today?"

"No!" replied in unison all of the attendants.

"What! You infidels, you sons of dogs, you bring me here yet you do not know what I will talk to you about?" Furious, he stormed out of the place.

Alarmed, the people reunited to ask for his forgiveness. The Hodjah was not one to hold resentment, so he accepted to speak to them the next day, and on the next day he spoke to them.

"Do you know, brothers of mine, what it is that I will speak to you about today?"

"Yes!" Replied in unison the attendants.

"How dare you! You arrogant dogs, you bring me here and yet you claim to know what I will talk to you about? Twice now you insult me!" And furious, once again, he left.

Alarmed, everyone discussed on how to earn Nasr Edin's forgiveness and gain access to his wisdom. Eventually it was decided that when he asked the question once again, half would say 'yes' and half would say 'no'. They begged for his forgiveness, and once again, Nasr Edin accepted to speak at them the following day.
And on the following day, he spoke to them.

"Do you know, dear friends and brothers, what I will tell you of today?"

"Yes!" Replied half the attendants.

"No!" Replied the other half.

"Blessed be all of you! What you say is like music to my ears." Smiled Nasr Edin at the crowd. "Now those of you do know can tell the ones who don't".

those of you who do know*

We wuz Mongols n shiet

>high level of discourse

Does anyone have that greentext about how he imprisoned and cucked the Ottoman Sultan?

>Timur reportedly said "A child could walk with a pot of gold from one end of the empire to the other and nobody would touch him"
Wow so he said literally verbatim what the Mongols said about theirs?