This German family eats this in a week and stays fit

This German family eats this in a week and stays fit.

What the fuck do Americans eat?

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What are those drinks on the bottom left?

bier und mineralwasser, natürlich.

I counted 30 bottles of beer (10 0.5 litre and 20 0.33? litre) and 4 bottles of wine.

You're forgetting to mention the 4hr/day cardio of running away from muds with machetes

Cool meme, president Obongo.

>the revis family of north carolina
>food expenditure for one week: $341.98 (~$85 per person)

Not typical American family.


Not Pictured: The 5 gallons of African and Arabic semen poured into the women and young boy's throat.

Those aren't Germans, they're too white

Americans literally eat Burguers and fries with a MILKSHAKE, I want to puke just thinking about it.

This only happens to wallniggers (i. e. the former Eastern "german people") – threy're almost as degenerated as real niggers, eat shit and suck dicks for banana. We real germans keep our genes pure.

One must understand that we made a mistake in the 1990s: We allowed these degenerated proto-slavs to settle all over The Reich of Western Germany. Now they together with the fugging immigrants try to destroy german culture. Remember: The Merkel is a wall nigger herself ...

>t. mischling
halt die fresse du hurensohn, von wallniggers reden und sich selbst als deutsch bezeichnen.

>we real germans keep our genes pure
>imports 5 million refugees and encourage them to breed with german women

Are they literally alcoholics

>What the fuck do Americans eat?

A lot more candy/other sugary things.

Aha, aus deinem Gestammel und der heftigen Reaktion läßt sich erkennen, daß Du einer dieser degenerierten Ost-"Deutschen" Untermenschen bist, die hoffentlich bald alle ins Gas kommen – zusammen mit Aysche und Ali. Deine Großmutter hat sich vom Russen "vergewaltigen" lassen und Du bist dementsprechend ein lebensunwerter Bankert.

How do you feel about poles/slavs in general?

Faggot, everyone knows the East Germans are the ones who are anti immigration. What you just said is literally the opposite of reality. kys.

dad looks younger than his kids lmao

these people are most of the time crossbreeds themselve and act out of selfhatred because their mothers couldnt keep their legs closed when jamal was hitting on them. its purely falseflaging most of the time.

t americuck

real european men have been drinking a couple beers after work and wine for lunch since forever

>t. Hans Peter Atatürk
speak for yourselve, halfbreed

This, all the polls indicated far more opposition to Muds in the East then the cosmopolitan west

>Buying water
Man them shills gotchu good

they sure as hell eat more veggies than the avg fattymurican. Also, cured meats, liquor, and fresh bread aint a bad thing. Looks like everything else can be accounted for the kids.

I would assume the people on the polish border would be anti-immigration, seeing how Poland is and how safe from terror it is. Seems like the majority of Germany is in on the act if Merkel is still in power and AfD is kaput.

Was postest Du hier noch, Shlomo? Morgen ist Shabbat und Du mußt noch Deine Matzen backen.

Nah, eastern Germans are pretty tough, western "germans" are cucks for sure.

> seeing how Poland is
Poor as shit with an authoritarian government?

Poles have to leave their country to earn money, they are like traveling gypsies all over Europe annoying everybody. Britain quit the EU because of them because in large numbers they are worse than Pakistanis.

>Vollwertige Kohlenhydrate
>Wenig Fleisch, wenig Milchprodukte
Wie können Amerinigger überhaupt mithalten?

How the hell they aren't fat with diet like that?

>Ist mett und nennt mich Juden, weil ich seine Kakerlaken-Gene erkenne
Bleib klassisch, Mehmet. Ist okay, nicht jeder kann Herrenrasse sein.

Außerdem sind Matzah echt lecker. Backt meine Mama immer.

>Merkel is a wallnigger
Yes. These "people" have over 50 years in communism in their collective mind. This leads to such things as the need for a form of collectivity like those traditional nazi paries and AfD propose. I. e. change the ideology but keep the pissy smallminded view of the world. Little do they understand about the qualities of the real Übermensch. Ironically the same need for collectivity and false solidarity leed Merkel to open the borders. Letting the wallniggers immigrate into germany was the germans greatest mistake in modern history.

Rare Kenyan genetics.

digger heul leise. du bist so deutsch wie mein polnischer hund. nur weil du nen mischling bist musst du nich gegen ossis hetzen :^)

>loads of fast food
>no money
Gee, I wonder why they are poor. Fucking niggers...

>stays fit.
>overweight dad
>average, probably skinnyfat mum and children

Committing crimes burns a lot of calories

20 beers + 4 bottles of wine
heavy drinker detected

>Jorg, 45

Fucker looks like he's 70

Ach halt die Fresse Ronny, keiner mag dich. Und deine ebischen Lachfressen kannste dir in deinen Nazi-Arsch schieben ;;;)))))))!!!einself!!!

>no true Scotsman

when anti racist cucks get an error404 and start chimping out towards east germans. classic. now, how is that called again, racism?

not everyone lives somewhere that the tap water is safe to drink

30 beers.

What the fuck? How so many drinks?

I have a family of 4 too, in one week we go through about 2 cartoons of juice but they have 17!
That's insane. Their teeth must be about to fall out too.

Ach ja Shlomo, erzähl' uns weiter von Deinen Wünschen und Träumen. Mein Urgroßvater war in der SS und Waffen-SS (Das Reich") und wir haben die Deutschen Werte in unserer immer hochgehalten – das kennt ihr da drüben im real existierenden Proto-Slaven-Ghetto garnicht mehr. Russisch-jüdisch versipptes Dreckspack.

>not knowing what Mineralwasser is

Volksspalter wie du bekommen als erstes den Strick, wenn der Michel aufwacht. Geh weiter den Besatzungsmächten die Pozze aus dem Anus schlürfen.

What about all the Russian rape babies from ww2?

is ok jakob schmidt-nguyen, wir wissen bescheid :^)

>heavy drinker detected
American detected. Is it true that you don't serve wine at the dinner table and children first try alcohol when they turn 21?

>wir haben deutsche Werte hochgehalten
Dohohoh, biste mett, weil dein Uropa dich am Schniedel gepackt hat (wie er´s damals in der HJ gelernt hat) und überlegene Völker wie wir deine unterdrückten Traumata triggern?


>What about all the Russian rape babies from ww2?
Exactly that is the problem. Eastern germany was under Russian occupation. That is why they are such degenerates that can't even speak proper german.

witzig, wie du zwischen antisemitismus, antigermanismus und allen möglichen formen von rassismus wechselst. wer könnte dahinter stecken? :^)

Isn't fast food literally the cheapest food in America?

How can you tell they're poor?

4 large bottles of beer and wine a night every night is heavy drinking and not recommended by doctors and I am European.

The dad looks like shit for 45, i wonder why.

>What about all the Russian rape babies from ww2?
Russians raping their minds for 60 years did more damage.

nothing is cheaper than pure rice, meat etc. at least if u buy in bulk

Me too! So I have room to do it again

> not pictured: refugee family in the master bedroom and Turkish bull in the basement.

Real European men all died in the world wars, only cucks and immigrants are left

Admit it, Burgerlard, you´d beg on your knees to be one of our shotas right now, eh?

>real germans
Hey Ali Mahmut, in wievielter Generation fickt ihr jetzt schon eure Schwestern, um eure "deutschen Gene" reinzuhalten? 5? 6?
Nichts gegen Inzest, aber büdde haltet euch Untermenschen-Abschaum doch nicht für deutsch. Ihr wart und seid nur Arbeitssklaven.

>not counting your work as expense

Most people are too busy with paid work.

Ist okay, Ronny Kowalowski-Ivanovic, wir wissen auch Bescheid :^)

Normies don't know how to prep meals for a days and stay disciplined.

Veeky Forums is literally master race when it comes to healthy and affordable eating.

that looks great.
Seems to be very little estrogen which has me wondering why they are such beta bleeding heart pussies.
Why is the dad fat when that seems like pretty clean living

>Low middle class black people
>typical American
pick one faggot

Guaranteed they throw a lot of it out when it goes bad. People always mention the food expenditure, but never actual consumption.

left kid looks like immigrant that lied about his age

America still has more ILLEGAL immigrants alone!

Who's the cuck now?

>Why is the dad fat when that seems like pretty clean living
>4 bottles of beer and half a bottle of wine a day
That's like 1000 calories

Iregdnwie lustig, Dir dabei zuzusehen, wie Dir der beschnittene Lörres anschwillt vor Wut, Shlomo. Klar, wir sind hier im anonymen Board, da kannst du alles behaupten und mußt nix glauben. Macht mir nix, ich weiß, was Sache ist. Daher laß' ich dir den Glauben, überlegen zu sein. Hast ja sonst nix, Nigger. Also heul' weiter, wähl' AfD (die sich bald auch "etablieren" wird und dann im Einklang bundesrepublikanischer Wirklichkeitsverzerrung eine weitere Stimme geben wird) und träum' weiter vom Umsturz, während die Amtskohle Monat für Monat den Strom für Dein Kellerloch sichert.

Then move
Why would anyone want to live somewhere that doesn't even have drinkable water

Ach Shlomo, projizier doch deine unterdrückten Wünsche nicht, das fällt auf.
Und jetzt >>>gaskammer

Keine Ahnung, Mehmet, du und dein Hahnrei-Papa Kackdogan vielleicht?

> daddy in the picture
> not top 20% of nigs.

Most people eat fast food every day. I work as a paralegal for divorce, see all family expenses. Almost no one cooks lunch, ever upper middle class only cook dinner 3 days a week.

hast dem falschen geantwortet.
aber nice das der halbdeutsche hier jedem vorwirft kein deutscher zu sein. jo dein opa war bestimmt produkt des lebensborn. träum weiter marouk peter al-haraim. wie ist es so kein volk zu haben, keine herkunft, kein eigenes land. buchstäblich heimatloser spast :^)

>no one wearing a burka

This isn't a real german family, and this picture is offensive to immigrants

Wie, ihr Antifanten lest fit? Oder wie sonst soll ich dein Soziologengeschwafel bitte deuten?

Not really. It's a staple, but it's not REGULAR to have a milkshake as the beverage, but rather the dessert. And it's not a commonality, unless you're one of the poor 600lb life motherfuckers scooting around from fast food joint to fast food joint.

>When will it reopen?
>Says right in the picture when.

This can't be serious.

>then move
user, how unaware are you?
Probably poor to begin with thus living in a shitty area
Would love to move
Cant make enough money to move.
Like is pain.
Be thankful and appreciate your parents in that you get to live so naive about money.
Be humble faggot

>Almost no one cooks lunch
because people fucking work

>Iregdnwie lustig, Dir dabei zuzusehen, wie Dir der beschnittene Lörres anschwillt vor Wut
Gibs zu, da stehste doch drauf ;^)
Außerdem, wieso sollte ich vom Umsturz träumen? Der dumme Michel macht doch eh alles, was wir sagen. Siehs ein, Ronny, die Zeit des """""""""""""deutschen Volkes""""""""""" ist längst vorbei.
Jetzt sind wir am Zug ;^)

And how many poles have been killed by mudslime terrorism in Poland?

>hating based slavs

At least Slavs aren't bending over for pussy ass PC culture

Um, real European men don't drink, because alcohol is haram

in b4 just pull yourself up by your bootstraps


German user's what is the real feeling over there?
Are people scared, worried angry?
Will there be a push back to the obvious globalist attempt on destroying your country and eliminating your bloodlines?
Even as a Jew I root for you all.
The German mind has contributed far to much to humanity and innocent Germans do not deserve the slow painful humilating death the globalist have brought to your door step.

Just get a better job bro.

>then move
yes uproot your entire life because you have to buy water

>amazing technologies

>drinking every day

No gains detected

t. Ali """"""David"""""" Sonboly

Aber du hast das bestimmt, neh? Ach komm, geh weiter von weißer Haut und SS-Uniformen träumen, vielleicht fällt dir dann dein Sandneger-Dasein leichter ;^)

Poles can only afford shitty old cars, tens of thousands die on the roads of Europe. And that's just one way how poverty kills those gypsies.

Shall we still pretend that a dozen or so injured by muh terrorists is a big number? Out of tens of millions of Muslims only a few become terrorists, very similar to white loser males in America.

it's not even always places that are undesirable neighborhoods, most major cities recommend you have a water filter on your tap. Besides why on earth would you base your entire life around having to buy water, its literally 1$/gal if you buy expensive shit like poland springs

Damn I hadn't thought of that thx

>At least Slavs aren't bending over for pussy ass PC culture
Russia is the most Islamized and most PC country in Europe. People get jail time for denying Muhammad or offending the feelings of religious Muslims in any way with anything.