When did you realize that you hate your single mother for failing to raise you to be happy and feel like she deserves...

When did you realize that you hate your single mother for failing to raise you to be happy and feel like she deserves to feel your pain?

Also how do I run?

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>its my moms fault im a loser
sure thing bra
sure thing

You're a grown man, take responsability for your own failures.

>parent fails to raise kid to be happy
>it's the kid's fault

id love to know how do you raise a child to be happy?

When I realized how far behind I was socially when I got into uni. Don't hate her though, just think she is not able to properly raise a kids.

You run until you feel like your going to die then you keep running.

Don't hit the kid to get him to shut up when he won't stop crying because dad's gone.

so when are you supposed to hit the child?


Doesn't matter that much whether you put the child on the pedestal or the pedestal on the child, they are both forms of abuse

this is gonna be your kid one day

It's possible to teach a kid discipline and work ethic without psychologically traumatizing them during important developmental years.

be someone the child strives to be

Your goal should always be making the child happy long term and never use it as an extension of yourself or a source of attention for self validation

>Also how do I run?
Like how to run from your troubles or how to run a marathon?

If 1) I still want to know that myself, try drugs

If 2) youtube.com/channel/UCbgJOewEE4_yughfx_S_rTw/videos

More of a sprint than a marathon, but lots of it is transferable.

I was raised by a single mother who literally sent me to another continent because she was tired of my shit and sick of raising me yet I still don't wish any pain on her.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Don't hate your mother for failing you. She doesn't hate you. She never did and never will, no matter what you do. It's your responsibility now to better yourself, stop complaining about your life's shortcomings and undo them on your own.

i remember finding out its not normal for your mum to have psychotic breakdowns where she yells shewished she never got me, how her life is shit because she has a kid etc.

>hating your mom


Except my mother kicked my ass if I tried any of that pathetic r9k tfw no gf shit and saved up money to get me into college so I wouldn't be in debt.

t. Eastern European

my mom opened credit cards in my name and maxed them out. I dont think i will ever be able to pay it off.

Shes living in a mental hospital after she bit off her ex's nose. He abused her.

I heard Cambodia is nice this time of year.

Mine managed to retain her sanity after raising me and my Chad older brother. Thank Christ I wasn't born in the West.

some guy will have sex with that thing and maybe even a kid


>tfw raised by both parents in good environment
>tfw ended up on Veeky Forums anyways


why would i go to cambodia? Can someone there make this crushing debt go away, or do you advise to just ditch it?

If you have to resort to hitting your kid you're probably a shitty, weak parent

I never see good parents with normal kids hit them

what ever you say OP
enjoy your future son youtube.com/watch?v=_1eYLC2Augk

>I don't like Trump sign
>Let me scream, cause panic to people thinking I need help, and completely embarrass myself
>that'll really get my point across.
Jesus, and millennials wonder why others don't respect them.

I actually hate my father more. Sure she was a single mother but at least she threw everything she had into it and wasn't a coward.

I love my mom. She tried her best. If my deadbeat dad ever shows up again, I'll feed him his own fucking brain stem.

>he gave the collection agency mom's contact info
>mfw nothing came of it, she doesn't have to pay his debts or anything, but it's the principle of the thing

you run like your daddy ran

LMAO at your life

Yea that's teenage years.

My mother's objectively one of the psycho girls, that, i can't deny. She was real cruel at times, and generally emotional. Borderline, if you wanna call it that. She gave me food and shelter, when i was a weak little shit though, and that's more than anyone has ever done for me. Work has exhausted her, but she didn't throw me out until 19.

I'm also left with a bunch of issues, can't talk to girls, used to be a fat depressed kid, then an alcoholic/junkie teenager. And that was because i blamed her, my dad, and rest of family for my life. That takes energy and time, that could be used to better yourself mentally, and physically.
And when you realize that, you become an adult, and also realize that nobody failed at nothing, but YOU are failing now. It's not that hard to change that though.
