What is this on my forearm about the size of my pinky nail doesn't hurt or anything been there for a few weeks any...

What is this on my forearm about the size of my pinky nail doesn't hurt or anything been there for a few weeks any ideas?

forearm flexors


You don't browse fit obviously often, fuel?

Sorry, dyel?

pop it you pussy

i had something similar recently right on my waistline directly below my belly button. it was firm and sore, but after a few days of ignoring it, I said fuck it and kneaded it into a head. When I finally popped it, a most satisfying eruption of blood and puss shot out like nothing I'd seen before. I thought it just stopped a few inches on the bathroom counter - then I looked up and saw it splattered on the wall a few feet away above the towel rack.

this was about two weeks ago, and the only remnants are a bit of redness and dead skin where it used to be. probably be 100% gone in another week or two

given that's it's on your forearm, it might be awkward to deal with. mine was optimally located, thankfully. still, give it a shot




rip in peace, boyo

What like just squeeze it till something happens

Pretty much, yeah

that's what i was going with


It is melanoma. Go to the doctor asap.

Might be a wart

Ever heard of commas, you dumb shit?

Looks kinda like a basal cell carcinoma, or maybe a wart. See your pcp and stay safe user.

go to doctor

Tests confirm it's the gay.

Melanomas are typically dark on account of them being proliferating melanocytes..the cells that give you skin color.

it's a fucking nipple man!

It's either cancer or spider eggs. Either way you have 36 hours to live.

not all melanomas are dark you dipshit.
op, get this checked, it may be dangerous

Genuine doctor here: if it grows, bleeds, changes color or changes in any way call your doctor for removal
Its possibly squamous cell carcinoma, but this is a VERY benign vorm of cancer (if you have it). Treatment is easy and Always successfull (mostly).

>always (mostly)

Looks like follicultis

Is that a nipple ?

looks like a keloid.
If it is, the last thing you want to do is squeeze it or stimulate it in any way, it'll only grow across your skin

trust me - i'm an always successful (mostly) doctor

It's a tumor, you ded boi