So if a human can go two weeks without food...

So if a human can go two weeks without food, couldn't I just eat nothing for 13 days and then eat a shit ton on the 14th to lose weight?

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Yeah but that's stupid

is that type of practice sustainable? why don;t you adjust your lifestyle to consume less calories each day. something you can manage and maintain for the future.

I only eat once every three days right after I work out. It was hell at first but now I don't even feel hunger until it's time for my meal and I feel satiated immediately afterwards.

Or you could eat a little every day instead and not ruin yourself


Yeah but you'll have to consult a doctor to make sure you don't fuck your shit up and you'll have garbage energy levels and recovery.

It's funny because continuous calorie restriction is worse for your metabolism than fasting.

yes. but you will binge on the 14th. you will not get proper nutrition, and after a few cycles you will die from various vitamin deficiencies.

unless you're really really fat.

You can survive but youll barely be able to move and be unable to think straight etc

that's weird, did u just take a shit on your keyboard and that statement was the outcome?

>youll barely be able to move and be unable to think straight etc

Where the fuck do you people come up with those "facts"?

Humans can easily go 3 weeks without food, and as long as 2 months in extreme cases.

>2 months
even more if you're a fat fuck

>you're literally going to look horrible, lose all your muscle and feel like shit all the time

Ignore the toxins pseudoscience bullshit.


i did a 2 week water fast+pills

its really not that fucking dangerous. yes first week is hell and yes you wil get dizzy when coming out of a hot bath.

but jeez i could go longer and still be fine.

enjoy the insulin spike when you do eat, constant exhaustion and brain fog, and potentially fucking up your metabolism.

Because its the truth you dumb fuck. When someone dies of starvation do you think theu are fine one second and then dead the next? They are in agony and everything hurts as the body breaks down and literaly eats itself for sustanance. Your vision will be the first thing to go as the protien in your eyes will break down to be used elsewhere

TL DR you are a dumb fuck


You must be starving because it appears the protein in your brain has completely broken down.

2 weeks? rofl

niga if you're fat enough you can easily go over a year without eating.

source: a guy went over 1 year without eating.

A Scottish man in 1965 went a year and 17 days without eating any food... just water, tea and multi-vitamins. He dropped 207 kg (455 lbs), he probably lost a ton of muscle mass, but there isn't any medical reason why extended fasts are bad for you, other than mom-science. He even said he didn't really even feel hungry after a while of doing it.

You have to feel for and listen to your body. After two weeks, your body will want to be replenished with nutrients. And you might need to ease into refeeding for a couple days.

If you eat a box of donuts, you might gag it all up. And your stomach might not be able to fit that much food so quickly as it will have shrunk.

It's better to eat one big meal every 72 hours, preferably keto/paleo. You get all the benefits of fasting. If you want to eat a fast food meal or something once in a while that's okay too.

But a two week fast is not something that can be done consecutively for long without doctor supervision. Do your research.

I want to do 40 days at some point but I don't know what supplements you need for that.

0 cal electrolyte supplement.

That's it.

don't you need calcium or some shit for your heart

The problem is with potassium, and that's an electrolyte. Hence, you need electrolyte supplements after a couple weeks.

>17 days
>207 kg

I always fast at least 9 days after a bulk, and the max loss is about 1.5kg/day.

For a fatso, there is no chance it would be above 4kg/day.

God this picture is so good

You think you're not going to be lethargic and in pain after 13 days without food and presumably trying to workout?

I mean I've done a 7 day fast, and there's no pain associated with it. There's some general mental fog but that's about it.

You will die from micronutrient deficiencies. You'll need a multivitamin.

Mmm .. maybe after a couple months or so sure. But if you're talking like 1-2 weeks? No, you won't die.

I mean just apply some basic critical thought, if we as a species couldn't survive a few days without food because we'd die then we wouldn't be here typing right now.

Please try to pay attention.

I said an entire year and 17 days (382 days) which is 1.85ish kg (4 lbs) a day...

reading comprehension you retard, it says
>a year and 17 days


carb is more important to brain

hey mom, when did you learn english?

After a few days, the hunger and fatigue goes away. I went 22 days on just water, tea and multi-vitamins before.

It's more the emotional pain of your body reminding you how "happy" certain foods made you feel.

The good thing is that after a while you "detox" from wanting pizza, huge ice cream sundaes and baconators... and start yearning for steak, a loaf of bread or an ear of corn.

im not your mother

Honest question, do you work or study? I got up to 7 days and had to stop because I could not concentrate on what I was doing.

It was that kinda I'm just gonna sit here and watch movies all day kind of thing.

These days I just keep it to at max 3 days.

Just eat once a day during a 4 hour window,easy
No need to starve yourself
Don't forget
>always drink water sitting down

>do your research
You won't be able to maintain all of the fasting benefits. Autophagy will completely halt at an insulin spike or any amino acids introduced through a meal.

So, uh .. do you know what autophagy is? Cause right now you sound like the 'guy who knows about cars' telling me about refilling my headlight fluid.

Ha, yes I work.

After like a week or so the brainfog goes away. If you would've thugged it out you would would've been fine. If it weren't for the muscle loss, I'd saw that extended fasting is the best way to lose fat... it's completely idiot proof.

I've thought about doing it on some 'var to counter-act the muscle loss a bit.

It's when your body searches for old or unused cells in the body and breaks them down, a function that is at its peak when fasting for longer than 48 hours. The introduction of protein and carbs into the system drop your glucagon levels. I was curious about fasting and autophagy so in read some reports on it. The higher the glucagon, the more active and efficient the body is at removing the superfluous materials. If this is incorrect, enlighten me. Not calling you out, like you obviously did me. I'm here to learn and get facts straight. Caveat is that most of the stuff I read were tests and experiments on non-human subjects.

Right, it does occur in humans like it does every multi-celled organism in existence.

There are studies on humans regarding fastings metabolic effects.

The problem with the idea of "but once you break fast it'll stop working so why bother" is pretty strange logic.

That statement doesn't really make any sense, hence the comparison to headlight fluid.

no , your body will go into starvation mode and you will constipate up.
increase your metabolism by DOING FUCKING STUFF omg this is not rocket science.
give your body a reason to burn. gg.
the easy out to being fit is fat.

Maybe if I get a week off or something I'll try pushing past and reaching the no-mind-fog realm.

Just do what I did... copious amounts of black coffee.

how did you work out during this time in terms of intensity/frequency/volume?

Gotcha. I didn't mean to imply that it stops altogether. Just that true fasting optimizes the process.

My cardio was exactly the same, but in general my lifts went down. Lifted less weight, for less reps, needed more time to rest.

That being said it was mostly a vanity thing, after I broke the fast my lifts recovered at the same level (considering the lost weight).

yes user fasting fixes many things but don't tell that to fit

Yes it would take a couple of months.

/end thread

>It was that kinda I'm just gonna sit here and watch movies all day kind of thing.

Once your body depletes all it's glycogen stores and your body initiates the process of which the liver begins to produce ketones to compensate (ketosis) you have that weird feeling often referred to as "keto flu".

The first time you get it, it sucks, it gets better every time you get into ketosis. It's a myth that only ketogenic diets achieve this state. In this state your body begins to burn fat directly as fuel.

Starting a two week fast today to get rid of the last 15-20 lbs
Going to take a break from lifting and cardio while I fast

Any tips? How do you start and end a fast?

If you wanna rupture your stomach, then sure!

Your going to lose mostly muscle instead of fat b/c your body is going to try and reduce its caloric expenditure and muscles use up a lot of calories. Also your going to revert to basically a retard b/c your body is going to be starving for glucose. The brain needs around 120g of glucose a day to actually work right. Your also going to be really moody, never want to move, and nobody is going to want to be around you. Also when you start eating again you can't start by eating a full fledged meal. After like a week without eating if you eat a complex meal youll develop refeeding syndrome. I see it all the time with anorexics that need ng tubes for food. The rapid change in electrolytes will cause your heart to go haywire and youll develop some dysrythmias, and start vomiting like crazy, itll kill you. Also, it significantly increases your chance of developing diabetes., like every other fad diet.

I forgot to mention youll go into metabolic acidosis because the reaction to breakdown fats into carbs produces ketones which are acidic and toxic in high concentrations. And since your starving yourself for that long your pretty much guaranteed to develop it

Those are some aesthetic donuts

Water fast Mon-Sat

Eat unlimited amount of healthy food on Sunday

If you can stick to that, you will shed weight. But you also have to return to a normal eating schedule (even if its a once-per-day 24 hr fast schedule)

The 5 small meals per day idea is pseudoscience with no actual empirical evidence to back up its claims.

You will lose weight 100%, and gain it back 200%.
It's about finding a sustainable solution, not torturing yourself periodically.

Pizza honestly isn't that bad. Just depends where you get it from

How permanent is this sort of weight loss? I mean, you wont balloon a single bit if you just keep eating your maintenance amount of calories?

Thanks smart guy still doing it

He's probably just banging your mother against the keyboard again.

>You will lose weight 100%, and gain it back 200%.

If you stick to a healthy diet that wont happen tho, right?

Also care to explain the logic behind that?

this was actually a good video

I might look into this thing srs

could work for getting rid of last bit of fat when I'm 90 kg and between 14-16%bf at 6'2"? would this spare most of my muscle? I'd really hate doing this and found myself at the starting point having lost almost all the gains I made in the last 8 months

only thing I can't make sense of is if this is working so miraculously why don't I see proud people posting progress pictures on these threads

Do you think someone begins a fast and immediately begins to starve? Seems like you're the dumb fuck

>fasting fixes many things
What things my friend?

At a certain point we've got to say go read the other 50 threads a day on this topic.

Like seriously, theres a thread on fasting every 10 minutes on Veeky Forums do we need to go through the catalogue of benefits of fasting every single time?

Or maybe (just maybe) you could do your own research like a grownup adult & draw your conclusions from there.

You're a bitch.


Except people have fasted for over a year assuming you get enough electrolytes and a multi-vitamin. Your liver starts producing ketones after you tap your glucogen stores.

Your whole post is paranoia.

That Scottish guy that lost 450 lbs by fasting only gained back 7lbs after a year. After you fast long enough you actually eat much more healthy since you "detox" yourself of ultra-sugary, salty and fatty foods.

After 22 days of fasting a small bag of french fries was fucking disgusting. I'd actually recommend long-term fasting if you are a fat fuck with no self-control... it'll help you "reset" bad habits.

sounds like broscience but can confirm

Did the velocity diet a long time ago (nothing but protein shakes + fiber + fish oil caps) for a month... craved nothing but steak and veg for months after that.

The thought of fried foods literally made me gag and I'm not even one of
type of faggot health people. It just completely destroyed my appetite for processed/shit food.

Of course, I eventually caved anyways :^)

Not many people can stick to prolonged fasts voluntarily

For how long have you been doing this?

Does anyone have those photos of beautiful women intercut with photos of delicious looking food, cause those pics are comfy as fuck.

After 7-10 days you don't even feel hungry or foggy anymore. As long as you get plenty of water, electrolytes and a multi-vitamin, I don't see why you'd have to stop until you reach your weight-loss goal.

I only eat once every 4 days. Strict Keto. Going to do it until I reach my goal weight. It's called water fasting and it's perfectly healthy. You can go for like 40 days but people have gone longer.

Fasting is different than staving you dumb fuck. If you have fat reserves your body will begin using them instead of muscle. And it saves vital organs, (like eyes) for last when everything else it gone.

>no sources

>how do calories work

Yes but how many people even get that far? How many people even consider not eating for only one day? Not very many at all

E-eyes? What the actual fuck, lmao

He just googled "what happens when you die of starvation" and tried to shoehorn that into fasting.

Just like when your mom sees your protein powder and lectures you about the dangers of steroids.