ITT: explain how ths US moon landing is real

ITT: explain how ths US moon landing is real

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Because it had to be to rub it in the face of the Soviets

Former Nazi scientist were taken to the US, did a bunch of dumb science stuff. Some guys get into a rocketship, fly to the moon, walk on it then leave. Showed those fucking commies.

Do moon landing deniers also deny every other space mission?

The United States, employing an organization called the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, sent a rocket into the moon's orbit, where they took down a lander and had a couple of astronauts walk on the moon, as well as take some samples and photographs.

What exactly is hard to explain?

They only focus on the first moon landing without realizing that they were five more.

And it's always the same stupid arguments (muh stars, muh waving flag and muh shadows that I don't know how they fuck work)

The physics teacher at my old highschool worked on the apollo program.

you can see the landing site with a telescope

They put a sticker over every telescope's lens ever produced and sold to trick the population.

>getting back to Earth with a LANDer
Sounds like bullshit if I'm being honest.

>falling into the gravity well of a larger planet from a smaller planet
>sounds like bullshit
Oh no
It's retarded

Imagine being part of one of these missions. Praying to god the whole time that nothing goes wrong. No way nasa today can pull it off, being filled with so many useless women

>No way nasa today can pull it off, being filled with so many useless women

/pol/ go back to your containment board, the Apollo missions were possible thanks to the calculations of human computers: women that excelled at math in a time were supercomputers weren't able to calculate complex things like now. Stop being an ignorant misogynist

Some outright deny space itself, not just space flight.

All flat earthers are moon landing deniers. In there model, the moon is just a big spotlight in the sky, not a place someone could go.

With the technology we have now and since the mission, there are people that can't fathom that people made it to the moon?

If it makes you feel better, there is talks of doing another moon mission.

Why? The only people who care about the moon anymore are helium mining consortiums

Or those Spirit Science fools.

1) Computers were never unable to calculate those things. They were just more expensive than the wages of human computers.

2) Those were not executive positions. Those women made no decisions. They were literally just human calculators. It's nothing more than mental manual labor.

Aren't flat earthers just shitposing irl?

>the apollo missions were possible thanks to the calculations of human computers
Just because the engineers were too lazy to do their own damn calculations doesn't mean that they couldn't have done it if they needed to. Or do I have to start crediting matlab and the receptionist in all my academic papers from now on?

>I have a general faith in the intellectual capacity of the human mind
You're new.

Some, perhaps. The first modern ones definitely were. If you look at old Flat Earth Society writings, it's plain as day that they're kidding. Just having fun coming up with theories to explain observations without saying the world is round. Now though, they have definitely been infiltrated by actual believers.

Consider this. People think vaccines cause autism, that 9/11 either didn't happen at all or that it was an inside job, and that JFK was killed by the CIA. Is it really hard to believe people might be serious when they say they think the Earth is flat?

So Poe's Law basically took over the Flat Earth society?

I mean, it did /pol/ so...

>that 9/11 either didn't happen at all or that it was an inside job, and that JFK was killed by the CIA.
I think that those are people that would rather believe that the United States has such a poweful almighty government that it's capable of killing its president or its own population to achieve its goals and then lie to everyone about what happened than believing that some sandniggers and some crazy commie can destroy two skyscrapers and kill the president right under the government noses.

But unironically believing in Flat Earth is admitting that you don't have brain cells.

Well a lot of Flat Earthers don't just think the world is flat, they think there's some huge government conspiracy enforcing the round earth lie. So I'm not convinced it's an entirely different psychology.

So what's the purpose of that? To trick random sailors into falling from the edge of the world for the lulz?

what evidence do you have of women possessing such a role ?

I've never really understood, and honestly I'm not convinced most of them do either. The only motives I've heard that were concrete at all were that it is either a convoluted embezzlement scheme; that NASA is just a front to get away with higher taxes. Or that anything that supports the round earth is a satanic plot to turn people away from Jesus.

And China, and India.

>all of the moonwalkers will be dead before a manned mission to Mars or even another moon landing

It would be far more expensive and difficult to fake it and keep it a secret for so long than to actually do it.

Seems like a good reason to me. The moon has a lot of Helium-3 stuck to it, and is a lot closer than Jupiter which actually produces Helium-3.

EXACTLY. This is why I've never understood what you gain by lying and saying that the earth is round. Seriously, what do you get out of it?

Not to mention just the risk alone of it being discovered.

The Soviets would've jumped all over it if there was evidence of it being faked, and it would've been a huge morale loss for the U.S. and a morale gain for the soviets.

I'm pretty sure I've heard people argue that the earth was created flat by god, and the governments of the world know about this and lie about it in order to have complete control of the population and to make them value the governments position instead of god's.

So basically some extremely radical form of young earth creationism.

what I don´t get is how they moved Stanley Kubrick and crew to the moon

As we all know, Kubrick was insanely perfectionist. He wouldn't accept anything less than filming on the moon itself.

But, how does lying and saying the world is roung accomplish that?

The USSR confirmed that they landed on the moon. If we faked it and they knew they would be yelling from the fucking mountain tops about it.

user, i dont know if you know this, but helium is valuable.

They can’t explain that part.
Honestly if you’re bored there are quite a few large flat earth Facebook groups. I spend a lot of free time laughing at some of the crap that pops up


Not him but it's not that it's Helium, it's that it's Helium-3, which is very useful for nuclear power.

plus upsidedownland confirmed that the moon landing was occurring due to them picking up and tracking radio signals.

its still true.