How do i cure premature ejaculation? I can last like 20 minutes of very slow thrusting with breaks on every minute...

How do i cure premature ejaculation? I can last like 20 minutes of very slow thrusting with breaks on every minute, it fucking sucks

and that's with a condom

I'd like to know to.

>tfw got a handjob yesterday
>literally 15 seconds
I'm usually not that bad but man. I gotta work on lasting longer.

a lot of patience and training

just more experience mostly, or something to calm you down (i.e. drugs).

if you're still at the start your heart is pounding in your head and you can't focus your thoughts you'll never be able to not bus nuts.

not ejacn to the max requires you to actually be able to control your thoughts & keep focus, so if you're so excited by what's happening you can't do that then it's not going to happen.


anything to help you calm down a bit.

In Scandinavia we take Snus, which is like nicotine patches you put under your lip.

You know that feeling when you're 80% ready to cum when everything feels awesome`?

You can stay there for a long time and not cum.

I heard drugs do the same.

The important thing is to realize that its only a mental problem.

Therefore what works best is either some drugs that make you give less fuck about your performance (booze, weed work for me) or just fuck plenty of different girls and just get "used to" sex..

There are times when i can fuck for hours.. there are times when i dont even cum and there are time when i nut after literally 1 minute.

Just pls dont try to make your dick less sensitive or something. It has nothing to do with your dick sensitivity. Its purely mental thing.

Masturbate a lot the day you plan to have sex. That can help you get less horny too.

T. Guy whos been through this

To add to this, I've found deep breathing really helps a ton. Focus on your breath and your urge to cum will go down. If you start feeling close, just take a couple second break and find your breath again.

Also, if it does happen before you get your lady off, be considerate and make sure she gets hers. Finger her or eat her out to get her off and I promise she won't even care. Plus you can always go for round two.

Insert something in your urethra to block cums from happening

>tfw cant have hookups/one night stands because I get feels for whoever I stick my dick in
Anybody else know this feel?

Yes, I mean I still do it but ONS sex isn't as comfortable as it is with your SO.

So this way I meet with my friend, all we do is lay on bed and spending night together.
Most of the time we do not even fuck, it's just this comfy feeling we both need or even urge, cuddling and stuff. Might sound gay but whatever.

Anyway, back to the feels I start thinking about everything that led me to this exact moment, starting from very early childhood, fuck me

...with a condom? I can almost last forever with a condom, have to make a real effort to cum.
Maybe I'll be a two pump chump without it though, never tried...

try nofap


I'm the exact opposite. The easier a girl is to fuck the less attracted I am. If I bang on the first date I usually ghost them

>Might sound gay
It definitely sounds gay

The same with my SO. We just talk about our lifes and dreams while cuddling

get an ugly partner, you will last longer

why would you ever wanna go on for more than 20 mins?

"oh I wish I meet a sex god who can fuck me for like 2 hours straight" - said no fucking girl ever.

My gf and all girls ive fucked only wanna fuck for like 5-15 minutes. Vaginas get sore after a while, it is not pleasant for them to get drilled so long.

here's what i did to go from busting in 20 seconds to lasting an hour
>fap at least 2x a day
>edge like crazy. get yourself as close to orgasm as possible, and back off.
>learn when to predict your point of no return, so you can stop before getting there (stopping after the PONR but before climax results in that ruined orgasm shit)
>once you can reliably stop, shift into slowing down and maintaining a pace and reducing the climax response
>this will teach you how and when to slow down so you don't bust accidentally
>finally, start jerking off while holding a hand towel. it'll feel bad at first, but the extra abrasiveness will help train your dick to not be as sensitive to soft stimulation. be careful not to actually wear down the skin, that can hurt like hell.
another pro tip: don't kegel while jerking off or getting head. that'll just make you cum faster.

Agreed. And after a while we just start getting over sensitive in a painful rather than pleasurable way. Cumming through sex is difficult enough for us and it's more frowned upon for us to masturbate so when it comes to it we kind of really want to get there sooner than later. That being said it is kind of awkward if you cum in 10-30 seconds like someone I know and then she has to awkwardly fake it or desperately and hurriedly attempt to finish herself off in the bathroom without bruising egos...

when i was in my teens id fuck with my gf of that time whole nights, but i guess, that we were just freaks
fuck, makes me feel old
and lonely

Theres actually a prescription drug responsible for this but its more of a side effect. I'll wait and if no one says it ill tell you guys at 8pm

finasteride genuinely helped me with premature ejaculation

Whoever says otherwise must be a nympho
Of all the ~30 girls I've fucked, almost all were satisfied (as in came at least once, had a great mood, wanted to fuck again any other day) with up to 15 mins of penetration. Only like 2 of them would NEED me to keep going for 30 mins or more and either I would get tired and could not keep going, or I wouldn't be enjoying it at all (which eventually would make my dick die too)

Focus hard on not shooting in 1 minute. When you master it, shift the focus to enjoying yourself while lasting more than 1 minute, because the girl will enjoy it as well. Then you're golden.