Has anyone here ever developed any problems from drinking almond milk...

has anyone here ever developed any problems from drinking almond milk? vegans swear its fine is the anti almond milk articles just propaganda to get me to keep drinking cows milk?

It's almond JUICE. Because almonds don't have teats.

and who cares what "vegans" have to say they are fucking retards for their diet choice anyways

there is nothing wrong with it. Almond milk is just a little bit of oils from almonds, water, and thickening agents like xanthan gum and some other gums and stuff.

why don't you just drink regular cow milk?

im lactose intolerant or something. it always congests my nose and constipates me

there is nothing of nutritional value in almond milk, its literally just nut juice. however, unless the milk was sourced from activated almonds then youre in business baby

> vegans swear its fine
it is, you are just used to artificial "milk"

>anti almond milk articles just propaganda to get me to keep drinking cows
also true, every doctor agrees that cow milk harms you

thanks for your great input, fatty

Almond milk is a scam because to make it, the almonds CANNOT be activated, and there is no way to activate the milk after it is made.

but you can activate the almonds prior to making the milk

You could just buy the organic milk that comes in glass bottles. I heard people that are lactose are only lactose to the generic wide produced milk. Maybe your body will have a different reaction to the free ranged not tortured cow milk.

just fucking drink whichever you prefer

>almond milk
I didn't know almonds had tits

I drink a special mind of almond milk that comes from cow udders, user, you should try it.

It's all good, but it's better when activated bro

wait what? how do i "activate" almonds?

>Active almonds

I prefer soy milk since it tastes plain like regular milk. Almond milk is too sweet.

Does it even taste good? Why don't you just drink water and eat some almonds?

Tastes like nutty water and is expensive.

0/10 milk substitute.

Your testosterone levels will collapse if you consistently drink that shit

why would my testosterone levels collapse?

Soy mimics estrogen

Hey buddy, you just fly in from stupid town?

I used to drink it all the time and I am fine. I quit because it is expensive, but I still pick a gallon up when I want to treat myself. It's a better alternative than rice and soy milk.