Why is it so hard to find a 5 day workout plan for a beginner who wants to lose weight?

why is it so hard to find a 5 day workout plan for a beginner who wants to lose weight?

Daily fork putdowns to failure

starting strength dumby

why can't this be the average look of women?

>find a 3 day beginner plan
>run on your rest days

problem solved

Working out won't make you lose weight.

>ass posing in a graveyard
fucking disrespectful

Because they're lazy

I'm doing a 6 day program.

3 days of weights with a ten minute cardio warmup (MWF)
3 days of cardio (TR)
And on the 7th day God rested, so I'm following that.

cosmetic surgery is costly

Do you have legit autism? I won't laugh at you if you do

top kek

Not true. Muscles are hungry things. The more muscle you put on, the more your daily maintenance increases. Keep eating what you started with and in six months, you would've lost heaps of weight.

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

I eat a shit ton of food at 205lbs 6'0 13% bf and i dont get fat

If this was the average look you wouldnt be satisfied with it

"I eat a shit ton of food" means nothing.

Who is this semen demen?


U = upper body and cardio
L = lower body
x = cardio

honestly this is the top tier sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

Every thing is really noteworthy about her and it would be a good night of feeling like you're more than normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively uglier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're just in my league, what's your name"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both in different ((spectrums)). cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

kinda makes you think

count cals + do a 5 day bro split. i.e.: chest, back, arms, legs, shoulders/calves/abs and change it around however you like.

i do chest, back (dls 1st), arm + shoulder(ohp1st), leg (squats 1st) on a 4 day loop with either abs or calves after each workout.

Uh yea I would. Beauty is objective. The only reason men accept the average slags now are because they are thristy betas

you really don't need to do a 5 day to get max gains as a noob lifter. Honestly, I'd say the best plan is essentially just a starting strength plan with minor modifications. The most important mod if you want to max gains is to lift every OTHER day. The 2 day weekend thing is basically just bullshit as to help the "basic noob" hold a set schedule on a calendar. You can shave off a day of rest per/7 if you don't do the double rest day assuming you are eating right.

kol, took you long enough

she's certainly not average imo, maybe face is, (can't really give a /10 -based on a side view) but body is def above average in general. I know thicc is a thing, but when you actually aren't a virgin a big fat ass honestly doesn't have the same appeal as it does in pictures

if he weighs 205 and doesn't get bigger then it does.


Going to upset a lot of Veeky Forums with this advice but, since you only mention losing weight, you could just dl something like Sean T's Insanity or T25 programs. You don't need any equipment for the latter - it's basically a souped-up aerobics program with a lot of lunges, bodyweight squats, burpees, planks, push-ups and so on. It's 5x25min workouts a week and you will sweat your bollocks off.
Don't expect to see any marked weight-loss on SS. Yes, you can potentially lose weight over time on a calorie deficit while doing SS, but weight-loss is not the aim of SS and, assuming you're a beginner, you'll be wasting opportunities for real significant gains on SS that you could achieve later by consuming a calorie surplus.

Also, if you're skinny fat, don't try to cut to 12%/until you see abs or any nonsense like that. You won't look good no matter how much weight you lose. Get down to around 15% and then go SS on a small surplus.

Bw training in the morning
couch to 5k in the evening.

this is true, have been water fasting for 2 months and have been losing weight at a very fast pace.
(hurr durr losing muscle as well) yes but it is faster to get it back later then half assing it with working out and eating less

5 day workout plans are not for beginners


Check out Ross Enamait's infinite intensity program. You can find the book free on libgen.

wouldn't all that cardio fuck up your recovery? Or is it LISS stuff?

Check out athlean X

take any 5 day program, and eat at a deficit to lose weight


Are you retarded?

>Beauty is objective

Veeky Forums everyone.


honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like, "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

>anyway whats this thread about?

Some retard who thinks you need a specific type of programming to lose weight

do you even lurk?
that is fucking pasta


Do nsuns 531
I'm dead fucking serious.
Cardio on the 6th day.
Heavy fork pulldowns also.

modern chemistry has failed to recognize when the kidneys stop filtering this creates interstitial lymphatic stagnation and a state of bodily acidosis in which the body stores fat.

t. genetics student

what kind of disrespectful asshole also planted a pumpkin patch in a graveyard? AND let the spiders take over so badly?

Because you need to primarily change your diet to lose weight.

Exercise should be a daily habit, weight control should be through calorie counting.

What the fuck is so hard? Lift three days, do conditioning three days, eat less.

Fuck, why do you people over think things?

wouldn't conditioning 3x a week on rest days affect recovery? If not, what kind of conditioning? pls respond

Not "hard" conditioning (prowler, sled work, running hills, etc.) but easy conditioning (30 - 60 minute bike ride, walk with a weight vested, etc.)
That will not affect recovery, it actually helps it with the additional blood flow.

hannah stocking

killed me lmao