Are disorders the modern day zodiac sign or should I be concerned that this list describes me entirely?

Are disorders the modern day zodiac sign or should I be concerned that this list describes me entirely?

Personality disorder = you acknowledge you are that way and you find no issue with it.

Ok. That's what I kind of figured, too. Psychology seems more and more like horoscopic shit than actual medicine to me.

Please don't diagnose yourself when there are enough idiots out there with over priced degrees willing to do it for you.

Criteria like that have a use in a very specific range of circumstances, outside of that they're useless. Most people could answer a tentative yes to most criteria. Some of them are also bullshit or close to bullshit too.

It is actual medicine. OCD = you have these traits and you're acutely aware of them because you don't want them.

I'm too jewish with money to have my palm read by a psychiatrist

The whole idea is that you end up in such a state that you have to go to someone like a psychiatrist and they pick an appropriate diagnosis from the main issues you're having. If you're not that bad you probs don't have a problem.

That's nice but some people have actual mental illnesses.

That's not how it works at all. All you're doing is perpetuating stupidity.

I think all of the actual mental illnesses have a physical component. I think most of the modern-day witchcraft ones are just "mental" and all-encompassing, so they deem everyone with some sort of disorder, then medicate them for profits.

When I was younger, bipolar disorder was just acting like a woman.

You are exaggerating your traits to make yourself think you are not normal and feel like a special snowflake

What are you basing this on? Actually learning or your own personal experience?

For instance, I won't throw an object away unless I've broken it, cut it up with scissors, etc. I don't think, "yay, I'm a unique snowflake," but I do know that behavior is not normal.

It seems like everyone I've met in the last 10 years is something...

Either there's something in the water (bc pills) or this shit is hokus pocus

Yeah it must be other people, not the filter you're seeing everything else through. I agree people co-opt this shit without even talking to a doctor/outside person to reality check themselves but writing an entire medical specialty off because of your personal biases seems short sighted.

Maybe writing off psychology as tomfoolery based on my own experiences is a symptom to a disease that has not yet been invented/discovered.

Good point, I think talking about this shit is how people get better/find out they can get help and change instead of staying inside of their own head suffering because they're so sure they're right about everything.

Main thing I don't like about the mental health industry from my personal experiences and people I know is they don't intend to cure you at all.

There don't pressure the people using the drugs to get better, but rather allow them to remain complacent on their Zoloft and Xanax. It's irresponsible as fuck, especially because these are the kind of people with additive personalities who can't break away from the drugs when they start using them.

Except when they don't. Not every single mental illness is treated with drugs, many of the "wishy washy" ones are treated best with cognitive behavioral therapy or variations of it.

the fuq's this

I wish that was the case more often, but probably half the people I know are on something.

I cant throw stuff away either and I'm quite normal. I feel like they served me loyally and dont deserve to be discarded so I hoard everything that's not trash

There are a lot of reasons that's the case; people want an easy fix, doctor's want happy patients, drug companies push drugs. Some people really do need them though.

nice list ya got there, that's a symptom of OCD
coupled with the fact that you post on this board, you may in fact be an obsessive compulsive autistic faggot user

just a heads up

>actually diagnosed with an atypical form of OCD as a kid
>people on Facebook self diagnose this shit all the time to feel special, even though my experience with it ranges from nuisance to fucking debilitating at times
>they just like to claim it because it's a neat personality trait to show off on the internet
This shit pisses me off to no end. I'd kill somebody to not have this shit running through my mind constantly, and these cunts pretend to have it for the sole purpose of pretending it makes you special.