How bad is drugs for gains?

How bad is drugs for gains?

Does any user have experiences with it?

Meth is GOAT for weight loss

I'm thinking more about LSD/mushrooms/weed

It shouldn't mess with your gains at all.

you should do heroin... it's better than roids

Alcohol, opiates and amphetamines will fuck with your gains.

LSD and Shrooms shouldn't do anything metabolically, but obviously aren't something you should be doing while you work out. Weed is more or less fine as long as you have the self control not to give into your lowered inhibitions about food, etc.

Weed is a gateway to degeneracy so don't even worry about gains

Just alcohol and opiates. Amphetamines are fine if you remember to eat

>Weed is a gateway to degeneracy
Nope, that's on the user, not the plant. It was used as a narcotic by the classical aryans (primarily the Scythians) for shamanic purposes, and there is limited evidence (cannibis seeds found in containers in burial mounds) to suggest the same of the old norse.

Amphetamines ruin your immune system and systematically drain your body, its almost impossible to keep up.

daily toking lowers testosterone

> shamans and Norse filth not degenerate

Naw, the correlation between degeneracy and weed usage is pretty clear. Weed clearly enhances any base degeneracy several fold

Yep, opiates will fuck your gains because no matter how much you eat your body will wither away, with amphetamines you don't feel hunger and it's very hard to remember to eat if you are coked out of your fucking mind. Alcohol reduces protein synthesis, so drink in moderation.

t. degenerate

Oh look, a nu/pol/ fake christian faggot. What a shock.

I smoke weed but sativa doesn't affect my productivity.

How? Sativa makes me want to do nothing but sleep. Weed is garbage, really. I much more recommend speed.

Worst shit you can do.
I train like 3 years and i not have made significant gains

Taking a shot of liquor after workout raises blood levels of testosterone.

Taking a shot of liquor in a 4-6 hour window after working out produces an even more drastic elevation of testosterone levels in blood.

its literally the opposite

> Knowing anything about /pol/

Degenerate filth confirmed

Weed is great if you're bulking. I used to smoke pretty much everyday in high school and I was making gaaaains. I don't smoke anymore but damn lifting while high is the best.
Weed + PWO = GAINS

Weed is great for bulking aswell for obvious reasons.
I've done LSD a few times but never shrooms, I can't imagine how doing those drugs would mess with your gains to be honest, unless you're microdosing it's not like you use them that often.

Doing molly however will make you look like an absolute sickkunt the day after because it will drain all the water from your body.
Stay away from xans and shit like that though man.

I use to blaze before and after the gym everyday for ~5 years and in my opinion it helped me get stronger and broke mental barriers to lift more weight

Yeah this.

Pic related, me at my plugs house. (The pic is from my old tumblr, inb4 tumblr fag)

Nice nothing like having a Bud that smokes you out with non stop weed in a session, my plug ironically was my gym bro, fucker was yolked

Smokea da ganja here and there will do pretty much nothing to you good or bad, and if it lowers your alcohol intake it can only be a good thing. Taking shrooms by a lake was the first time I really understood why/how people could believe there was something divine in the universe so it could motivate you to clean up your act or it could point you towards a different set of priorities where you turn into a cardiofag who does some pullups and pushups at home.

Hell yeah man, blunts after blunts. Shit I miss high school, those were some good times.

After a party on coke/speed/4FA/MDMA I look cut as fuck. Just make sure you eat enough after to make up for it and you're probably fine.

Weed is fine, but avoid doing it more than a few times a week because I find it to be a distraction
Alcohol should not be done more than once a week IMO
The occasional psychedelic is not an issue.
Anything else is degenerate AF