Who here /alwaystired/ ?

I've been feeling lethargic as fuck lately. I can't bring myself to do anything but lift for an hour every other day. I just feel mentally drained afterwards and just wanna lie down and do nothing for the rest of the day.

How do I break this feeling? I don't wanna be tired and foggy-minded all the time please help

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I also feel this way and don't know why..

You are describing the symptoms of clinical depression

Or marijuana addiction

Or a number of other, rarer things

I hope this thread gets busy. I'm the same

>tired all the time during sunlight
>go to the gym at night, become energetic af after
>doesn't matter how much cardio or heavy squats I do
>can't fall asleep cuz too much energy left
>tried going in the morning once, no energy left past noon

Extreme lethargy post workout can occur when you haven't adapted to the level of strain you're putting your body under. Perhaps your routine is too taxing for you body, try cutting the volume.
Another point is that you shouldn't just slump straight back onto the computer after your session, keep busy with other things going on

1. Go to your doctor
2. Reaearch CFS treatments on phoenix rising forums, especially methylation.

not OP, but I think I'm both depressed and addicted to weed, this is fun

what is your diet like?
do you get enough sleep?

I've had issues with always feeling sleepy in the past.
Did a blood test and it turned out to be iron deficiency.
The doc gave me iron supplements and I felt better within a week.

Same, I can feel the energy creeping back now that I`m doing keto and alternate day fasting.


Clinical depression, most likely. Don't wanna see a shrink, though. Lmoa

what do you mean by alternate day fasting?

not OP
checked out the pheonix rising forum and their methylation protocol



1. General Vitamin Neurological Health Formula [2]: Start with one-quarter tablet and increase dosage as tolerated to 2 tablets daily
2. Hydroxy B12 Mega Drops [3]: 2 drops under the tongue daily
3. MethylMate B [4]: 3 drops under the tongue daily
4. Folinic acid [5]: one-quarter capsule daily
5. Phosphatidyl Serine Complex [6]: 1 softgel capsule daily (or lecithin, see below)

All these supplements can be obtained from holisticheal.com.
The fourth supplement comes in capsules that contain 800 mcg. It will be necessary to open the capsules, dump the powder onto a flat surface, and separate it into quarters using a knife to obtain the daily dose. The powder can be taken orally with water, with or without food.
These supplements can make some patients sleepy, so in those cases they take them at bedtime. In general, they can be taken at any time of day, with or without food.
Phosphatidyl serine can lower cortisol levels. Patients who already have lower than normal cortisol may wish to substitute lecithin [7] (at one softgel daily) for supplement number 5 above. Lecithin is also available from holisticheal.com.
GO SLOWLY. As the methylation cycle block is lifted, toxins are released and processed by the body, and this can lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. IF THIS HAPPENS, try smaller doses, every other day. SLOWLY work up to the full dosages.
Although this treatment approach consists only of nonprescription nutritional supplements, a few patients have reported adverse effects while on it. Therefore, it is necessary that patients be supervised by physicians while receiving this treatment.

Is there any evidence supporting this treatment protocol?

haven't read any of their supporting materials, i just googled it now


Do you have allergies? I've had dark circles under my eyes my whole life, literally have never woken up feeling rested, and get bouts of exhaustion throughout the day.

In my 20's, finally got an allergy test done and turns out i'm allergic to some stuff. Crazy thing is, i don't get stipped up a lot, and meds like claratin and nose spray don't help at all, like they would with a pollen allergy.

I'm now doing immunotherapy, where they inject you with a custom blend of your allergens, so you can slowly build up resistance to them. Only about a month in, pretty sure i'm about to hit the higher dosages soon. Also going to ask if they can cluster the shots so i can get to the mainetenance phase faster.

If you have insurance, i highly recommend getting an allergy test. You can be allergic to things like mold, which is often times basically invisible, and is everywhere in nature, and has multiple kinds you can be allergic to.

holy shit.
never realised this was a thing, I'm gonna look into this thx!

People have had more sucess on freddd's protocol than they did on simplified protocol. The reasons for that is that Rich (author of simplified protocol) recommends using non-optimal forms of B vitamins in doses which are too low for most people.


Research about connection between glutathione and deseases such as chronic fatigue, autism, alzheimer's, etc, and you will find plenty of studies.

Altho this is not a legit study, it explains what these protocols are about.


But if you want to know if this would work for yourself, just order a bottle of sublingual methylcobalamin (Country Life is the recommended brand of b12 on phoenix rising forums, start with no more than 1500mcg) and a bottle of Solgars Metafolin (100x800mcg). Take b12 for 3 days and on 4th day add Metafolin (split a pill in 4 and take in 4 separate doses).

If you experience any effects, good or bad you will know for sure if this protocol is for you. And this potentially life changing information will literally cost you less than 25$ with shipping included.

As freddd likes to say - "As you are playing "You bet your life" however you want, it's your life. Define it however it works, or doesn't work, for yourself. "

Go get your thyroid levels checked. You might be underactive. If so, you can get synthetic thyroxine and be on the recovery in three days

Same here OP. I have been feeling like this since the start of 2015 at the middle of 2015 to the middle of 16 i lost 7 stone yet i still feel down. I got in contact with a counselor maybe he will help. I also took up reading and writing short stories yet still feel down. Even when im in the gym this can happens it happens so bad i end up crying sometimes.

I'm tired because I just lose a ton of blood each day. Paired with an iron deficiency it gets to be problematic.