Is this natty achievable?

Is this natty achievable?

no you have to eat vegan to get that big

What is wrong with him? I cant put my finger on it. Its just weird

that skin tone is unlocked when you bench 2pl8 after 10 years

absolute necklet

thin neck.

His skin is fuicking green bro lool

His biceps look like shit
And what the fuck is that belly button

he ate so much vegetables he turned green

>mfw I white balance the image using software and he still looks the same

Is this natty achievable ?

He's got Jimmy Neutron's head profile and the sculpt of those biceps look off

>that sickly skintone and physique
how do i protect myself from veganism?

What are you doing in my swamp

why does this guy always look so yellow/light green? At first I thought it was shitty lighting but its literally every photo

You are what you eat

Can someone edit him to have an aesthetic thick neck. I bet he'd look 10000x better

Sad, he almost looks good

Pecs non-existant, pencil neck, no traps, arms are fucking weird (curl bro 4 sure), dat skintone. It really looks like the picture is shopped.


not to mention the fucking peanut head

I got a similar thing going on around the waist. I just gotta lose more fat to get the good waistline right?

>mulatto (whatever cross-breed he is, it didn't work for him)
>weird mixture of white/black/mestizo traits
>body proportions, head shape, facial features, probably general health of various races got mixed up during the breeding process, and they just don't match
>skin tone of some kind of alien
Basically the products of race-mixing. Also, physiognamy is real.

Might be. It might also be the exercises you're doing, targeting upper over lower abs. Only you can tell.

/pol/ pls leave

Yeah but he's not natty