For argument's sake, we'll all agree that squatting with a bar is best

For argument's sake, we'll all agree that squatting with a bar is best.

Now as for squatting without a bar for whatever reason (can't go to a gym, bar hurts back too much, no spotter available, etc.) what is the next best alternative? Would bodyweight squats even be worth it if you can do 20 without breaking a sweat?

Other urls found in this thread:


dumbbell split squats, lunges, leg press and lying leg curl if done appropriately

honestly man any work is good for you

body weight squats, squats with different stances, jumps, running, sports, MMA, sex, yoga etc will work your body in different ways and it's all fine

just b yourself :)

I'm all for squatting alternatives.

I used to do Hindu squats like a madman. I started off with 50 and each consecutive day I added 10. If I ever missed a day I still upped it as if I didn't. I eventually worked up to 220 in one set but stopped for some reason. I was also working out and biking to work. Oftentimes I would do them after my work shift. You'll seriously up your lung capacity if you can do that many in a row.

As of right now I do two variations:
>sandbag bear hug squats
>front squats with super light bar (12 lbs)

I got to 90 front squats this way but it's harder than the hindu squats because you start to lose feeling in your hands for awhile but it's amazing for the back and posterior chain. Plus the quads get a nice pump.

The sandbag squats are so much harder. I use a 100 lb bag and I can't go below parellel or else I'm not coming back up.

>posting an original fit-made image with a 9fag watermark
kill yourself

Do Pistol Squats

>what is the next best alternative?

A Knitting circle

so what is this a suicide mask?

How come nobody mentioned one leg squats?


Do pistol squats. Read "The Naked Warrior" by Pavel. Pretty sbort read and teaches you how to best lecerage your body weight for maximum resistance.

Hex bar

Are you being cheeky or just stupid?

or pistols

Goblet Squats

Sucking dick. That way you can get enough money to buy a fucking gym membership you lazy piece of shit

But what am I saying? We wouldn't want to destroy your manicure pansy

You're weak as fuck, how is anything of what you said an alternative to regular squats?

Do not listen to these guys if you like your knees unexploded.
Pistol squats are a meme.

If I take off that mask will you live?

I didn't say they were better than barbell squats. Did you read the OP?

>Now as for squatting without a bar for whatever reason (can't go to a gym, bar hurts back too much, no spotter available, etc.) what is the next best alternative?

Besides the purpose of doing high reps isn't to gain strength but to gain a high work capacity. What's the purpose of being really strong if you get tired really quickly?

It would be completely painless

You don't need a spotter for squats, just learn how to bail or put the safety bars on

I'm dead serious when I say check what the Hodgetwins did.

their backs are totally fucked and they can't squat so they figured out alternatives that fit them, it may help.

Theyd probably still be worth it. Cyclists do more than just 5 reps, and tend to have massive legs.
