Would an elliptical machine be acceptable for cardio...

Would an elliptical machine be acceptable for cardio? I'm a complete shut-in so stepping outside for a run isn't something I'm ever going to do, but I need a way to get cardio in during the day.
I'm considering it over a treadmill because if/when I move and get stuck in a non-ground-floor apartment again I won't be thumping on the ceiling on my neighbor all fuckin day


Stomping up and down a ladder at a rapid pace is going to make as much if not more noise than running on a treadmill, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

Wrong, dummy. Back2Physics class.

You're fucking stupid. Stay fat and gay

Have you fucks never had to climb up or down a ladder rapidly? It doesnt magically disperse that energy into the air, it goes down into the fucking ground.
Which, in this case, is my neighbors ceiling, which will *create a lot of noise*

You said greater to or equal noise = you're a dumb bunny.

Running is all your weight moving up and and then down, basically little jumps. A ladder is climbing, your full body weight does not leave the ladder and then land back down on it.

Summation: you are a mouth-breather and a fattarded fag.

Are you fucks capable of ever just answering a simple question or are you too concerned with stuffing more whey protein down your dickholes?
It makes too much fucking noise. Its the same fucking reason you dont skip rope in an apartment.
You're probably the same cocksniffer that slams weights on the floor without thinking "oh hey people live below me"

>skipping rope

Again, that's all your weight leaving the ground and coming back down.

Try another example, dumb bunny.


Whatever get your heart rate up, boyo. You could use a stationary bike for all anyone cares.

If you want to be good at running, run. If you just want to do cardio, do any god damn cardio your heart fucking desires.

>I'm a complete shut-in so stepping outside for a run isn't something I'm ever going to do

Then, why even exercise? What for?

>dumb bunny

It won't be as noisy as a treadmill, but those machines are a fucking fortune, regardless.
Elliptical is pretty good, treadclimber is a meme but it works, Exercycle is my pick for best cardio that won't bother your downstairs neighbour that is also affordable. Another option you may consider is an assault bike, they're very effective for cardio and again, minimal noise.

Cool. I just wanted to make sure because I don't know what the differences between cardio equipment is, aside from being lower impact than running

So my heart doesnt explode before I turn 30, mostly.

>So my heart doesnt explode before I turn 30, mostly.

To what end? So you can spend a few more decades not doing anything worthwhile in doors?

I'm sorry, but it doesn't sound like your life is worth the living.

>I'm a complete shut-in so stepping outside for a run isn't something I'm ever going to do
That's pretty pathetic, dude. Are you afraid of the rest of the humans running around?

not a cardiofag but I thought you were supposed to "jump" as little as possible to not waste energy, am I wrong?

I just like staying indoors more than I do being outdoors. Not sure what the big deal is.

Not OP, but literally hang yourself.

Mods need to ban the shitposters on this board.

You can't even concede some minutes of being outside for the sake of cardio?

He's right though. Introverts should be executed.


people will see me :^(

>It's an "Introverts are all asocial shut-ins" episode

There are some minor differences between different forms of cardio, but at the end of the day, as long as you're getting your heart rate up and getting a good workout, you don't need to sweat it too much.

I use an elliptical for cardio because I have Osgood-Schlatter in both of my knees so treadmills are brutal, and I like that I can go harder on an elliptical.

Sounds like you have bigger problems than your cardiovascular health, user.


buy a jump rope much better/cheaper workout

I think they're just insecure failures who've found a nicer way to describe themselves.

Gas them all, now.


Buy a jump rope and hang yourself, virgin introvert shut in pussy fag boy.

Gas this, loser
*unzips pants*

One step at a time though

I'm reconsidering that but all the cheap ones look like dinky pieces of shit with no significant leg motion

You're mean :^(

How are you ever going to get yourself out if you can't even do it for cardio? Be real with yourself for a moment.

Do you live in a city?

Do cardio at home -> Lose weight -> Feel better about myself in general -> More willing to go outside and be near other living creatures
Do cardio outside -> Feel ashamed every time I do it -> Stop doing it -> Cycle repeats itself

I've tried it before man, it didn't work then and it won't work now. I've gotta work with whatever I know future-me will actually do.

Are you very overweight?

200lb 5'8
So yes but not horrifyingly or anything

Have you read the sticky, user dear?

I've skimmed over it a few times. I already watch my calorie intake to keep it at or below 1500, but my medications slow my metabolism down a lot.
Also again, I mostly need to do cardio to lower my blood pressure. Losing weight is just a bonus. Plus once my heart doesnt feel like it's going to pop every time I do moderate exercise I'll probably be much more willing to go back to doing yoga/bodyweight routines.

Then I wish you god speed, user.
Don't fuck yourself over by stopping

>like ten fucking years of gym memberships