Excited when working out

how do you guys get excited when you work out? I see people get pumped and genuinely thrilled to go workout meanwhile when I do it, its the most boring shit in the fucking world and I legit have to force myself not to yawn inbetween sets from the boredom of it.
What the fuck is your secret? how do you guys enjoy this shit? Is everyone in the gym on drugs or something?

For me it's like a mindset. I can either choose to be fucking bored and think about other things or I can get hyped as fuck, thinking about all the precious sloots I'm gonna bang.

Change your mind! See yourself as a sick cunt, and work haaaaard!!! GET SHREDDED BRAAAAH!!!!

yes people like this guy here, its drugs right?

I have goals and want to reach them, also I like lifting as an activity. Why are you doing something you don't like/don't care about?

Never gonna make it

Working out is not for everyone i guess. There is just something about being able to lift huge amount of weight.

Seriously, no.

I'm exaggerating a bit. Truth be told, I hate motherfuckes who seems to be too hyped at the gym, running through excercises like vagina juice at a Bierber concert.

But the mindset part is true. I have to be focused and hyped about myself and what my body can do!

You have to find exercises you find engaging, challenging and fun. I know this sounds completely unbelievable but when you get really into working out, you'll understand.

For me, it's the behind the neck overhead press, the bench press, the bent-over row, and the pull-up. I love these movements and just the act of doing them is intensely satisfying. Everything else falls into place once you find what you love.

I'm actually doing so 5x5.
When I'm going to do much lifts, I get a little thrilled because the last thing I want on that day is to stall on a lift, specially if it's something OHP

I stand in front of the bsr, breath , breath, imagine myself like Ronnie Coleman, imagine myself doing the lift and then doing it.

After I did it , part of the fear of failing disappeared, and I keep going and going until I achieve the lifts of the day.


because I use to be very athletic and play sports in my youth to late teens(ice hockey for 10 years, a couple years of basketball and then thai boxing for a year. After college when I started working full time I stopped playing them and gradually after a few years my health has started to deteriorate so I started working out to fix that. But after going to the gym a few times a week for half a year and nearly falling asleep everytime combined with seeing other dudes getting pumped and enjoying it I felt conflicted.

>boredom between sets
I am thankful to catch some breath between sets... If you are bored by lifts you are doing something wrong because I am completely trashed after most of my sets (work sets, not warmups)

>want to lift
>want to lose weight
>want to get Veeky Forums
>like lifting
>absolutely hate having to do things like load the bar, move equipment, etc

It's like a video game, my stats are going up all the time, be it weights reps or sets. It's a great feeling to always be making some type of progress somewhere.

This is my chosen form of exercise. You have to exercise to be healthy but you don't have to lift. If you don't like lifting, go do something else that you do enjoy because you're taking up gym space.

Those people probably do this instead of drugs or in conjunction with drugs.

It's progress for me (especially with the OHP).

>tfw the once impossible weight becomes easy af

So I go into every workout, knowing that I'll add just another tiny layer of muscle. I'm literally getting bigger every single second. It's really not as intangible as a lot of people might think. It's just a matter of time. So fuck yeah I'm excited I can continue building my body.

i legitimately get excited to do tricep pushdowns

>love feeling strong and getting stronger
There's also just something so straightforward and pure that I love about training. Unlike other areas of life you are guaranteed to get out what you put into it. It makes me excited.

no fap and taking an assload of stimulants only pre workout

Change your mindset brah.
Life becomes what you make of it.

I've been training for about 6 years. I went from 6'4, 300lbs and fat, to about 245lbs +/- 15 at about 9-13% depending on the time of year.

The work ethic in the gym meant results, I got addicted to the results and therefore addicted to the work ethic. The results also meant access to a completely different tier of woman. The work ethic translates to my job and hobbies too. My coworkers started treating me different. I've been promoted past my previous peers and my career in general has benefitted enormously.

The work pays off. You get addicted to the work. Every time I go to the gym I know it's one step closer to something that I want out of life. How can you not get excited about that???

my superiority complex motivates me. i lift to make other men feel inadequate or to make them seem less in my eyes. that has driven me for 4 years, now, and i don't think it will ever let-up

Progressive overload and seeing yourself slowly get stronger is what got me hooked.

Keep a log of everything, sets, reps, rest times, total workout time, whatever else, and try to always improve on one metric in every workout.

Seeing yourself improve is better than any drug.

I play hype music before and during my workout. The kind of music that gets me worked up so much that I want to smash a motherfuckers face in for looking at me funny. Great for lifts, bad for social interaction but im not at the gym to make friends.

I just do it knowing I get dat dopamine high for the rest of the day.

>not gonna make it

I unironically love curls because of how much progress I've made last few months on them.

Working out isn't for you, do something different.


Some days I enjoy it. Some days I'm tired after work and just want to die. The mentality that you go in with really effects you. On days that I'm into it I'll hit new PRs on everything. On days where I'm mentally tired I probably won't get all my reps in. I find that caffeine definitely helps.

na man its a mind set gotta imagine yourself as emperor of mankind founder of the imperium of man and you gotta work for it

Fit nerd checking in. I know those feels brah. Going to my lgs and get treated like a chad (even though I'm most definitely not) by a solid 50% of the people. Nerdy girls, ugly or cute, always try to make their presence known to me in blatant and/or awkward ways. I'm just there for a few games of 40k, not to pick up women (nerd girls are usually bat shit crazy).

>how do you guys enjoy this shit?
Dunno, at a certain point I somehow started to appreciate the process more than the actual results. Lifting heavy shit as good as I can (both form and weight) is just really enjoyable to me for some reason.