/plg/ strength lifting general

Press™ edition

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>try mixed grip for the first time ever
>the bar literally flies off the ground


tfw gde

>deadlifting just the bar
I know you have to start somewhere but cmon

Deload during a cut yay or nay?



IS 3x5 a good set/rep range for OHP gains?

make the last rep AMRAP always

No, only reduce volume if completely necessary.

Do you stronk people do the OHP as a main lift?

Can I do Sheiko Advanced Large load ONLY for the squat portion, and mix Advanced small load for deads and bench? I need more volume for squats and less for bench and deads

my OHP is lmao1pl8

feels bad

really? I've heard of doing it like this an know some people that have implemented it ("always train to failure!") but didnt think it made much of a drastic difference

>1pl8 OHP
>2.5pl8 bench


i dont know where my strength falls compared to anybody else, but personally i will always do OHP because i think it's fun + cool

>Bench:105 3x5
>Squat:180 3x5
>Deadlift:210 1x5

Will 2/3/4 plate lifts be possible by the end of the year? Really enjoying powerlifting so far. I'm a male 5'10 at 223 pounds, currently cutting down.

hello chadlex

but user you can already bench 2pl8 for reps. squat 4pl8 for reps and DL nearly 5pl8 for reps

Sorry, America uses the shitty counting system that was in pounds.

>my lifts in kilos


I know. I was bullying you lad

you can reach 2/3/4 by the end of the year if you try hard and stop cutting

How bad will it affect my lifts if I drop down ~30 pounds?

LP until the wheels fall off lad

hard to say. hows shit progressing atm? being in a deficit stop you getting stronger, its just a bit slower. but if you want to stop being fat, youve just got to accept it

wont stop you*

is this true? i am not using mixed grip because of fear of strength imbalance

I don't mind, If I cared about looks I would go a full bodybuilding routine, but honestly powerlifting is kind of fun desu. When I was 10 pounds lighter I was able to get to a 2 plate squat, a 1 plate overhead press, and a 3 plate deadlift I think. I just kind of stopped because I wasn't seeing any changes to my body at all (diet was complete shit, and was my fault no excuses)

So now I'm starting over, just trying to get as strong as possible. I want to drop the excess fat off of my body because: I want to physically look a little bit better, but also as stupid as it may sound I want the end goal of my lifting to be able to do a muscle up with ease. I always wanted to the strength to pull myself back up, if I was ever hanging off of a cliff.

Anyway, powerlifting is nice and easy. go into the gym, focus on the big compound lifts, add 5lbs every time go back in. Simple.

the progression of grips aids goes bare -> chalk -> straps

all double overhand. The strongest men in the world pull double overhand, there's no reason to go mixed grip

Adding 5lbs to the bar every time you go to the gym isnt powerlifting lol

Hey lads, need some advice on some programming: I'm running a 4-day TM split that looks like this:


Friday: Bench 5x5
OHP 3x5
Pull Ups 3x8

Saturday: Squat 5x5
BB Rows 3x5
Weighted Dips 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x12
Ab rolls 3x10


Monday: Bench 1x5
OHP 3x5
Chin Ups 3x8

Tuesday: Squat 1x5
Deadlift 1x5
Weighted Dips 3x10
Preacher Curls 3x10
Ab rolls 3x10

I want to incorporate some more deadlifting, maybe through paused DL's at 90% 3x5 but I'm not quite sure if I should substitute rows for said exercise. All my lifts are advanced intermediate, but my dead is comparatively poor to my squat and bench.

You expect me to lift extremely heavy without having the strength to do so?

its not stupid at all. setting yourself goals like that is important

5lb/session isnt going to last long tho. especially on a cut. although, if you already got to 3pl8 DL etc before, it will be easier to get back than if you were starting from scratch

Pictured: A Master of The Pless™

Benny's 1000lb deadlift begs to differ

I think he meant in training. obviously no one DOHs in comp

in stronkman compås you do, because you use straps

Why are powerlifters fat and ugly?

>there's no reason to do mixed grip

No I think he's just retarded

My man.

Why do fat and ugly people like powerlifting?*

I am extremely fatigued and I do not know what to do.
>sleep isn't the best (but not terrible)
>lifting and running 3x a week each
I just can't recover

Its gotten extremely bad. Yesterday I had to do my working bench sets with just 60kg. I honesty couldn't go anywhere near my usual working volume.
And today I fucking died running and lost several minutes off my time.

How do I enhance recovery? I've got important events I'm training for coming up and if I don't meet a minimum threshold I am boned.

sleep more or cut less

I get around 8 hours a night, but my body can definitely take 12 hours or more if given the chance. (Which I only ever get on the weekend)

There must be more I can do
I am over my weight goal so eating more isn't an option

>Start eating more
>Stop getting full
Come on..


>mfw this song comes on right as im setting up to do OHP

Can't speak for you but I've already lost at least 2-3 reps on my big lifts after dropping around 4kg. My cut has been a fucking shambles though fella, so don't listen to me probs

run less lol. stop eating fried chicken and drinking desu

try nofap

I'd explode
Preparing for a meet, so running is priority for me as of current.
h-how did you know I just had fried chicken

/plg/ BTFO

Denying the conclusion because the argument was flawed is, itself, a fallacy.

No. Federal law says you can't.

That implies the anons speak the truth, which they don't.

Why do I keep having night time panic attacks

>Denying the conclusion because the argument was flawed is, itself, a fallacy.

Have you tried eating super clean? I have much better recovery and performance while cutting when I bring it down to just meat, rice/oats, veggies, nuts, and the occasional fruit.

how does that btfo us tom martin is literally right

a PB means shit if its not the best

Can anyone better explain Spotoshot?
So when it says 5xRPE 9 then that implies that you could potentially do 5 sets of each with a different number of reps because my rps can change, right? And the first day that I do it, it should be done with a weight that I can do for more than 15 reps at RPE 9?

1. Yes.
2. 15 is ok too, it's not really that important though desu. Anything from 15-20 should be fine


how is my form? I'm currently on a 2-week deload before I attempt another squat PR, 1.5 months ago I hit 1x161kg.

thoughts on belts? probably going for either iron tanks, metal, or inzer

you look like a llama, sorry couldn't focus on your squat will try again

Post some evidence that you are not a five foot tall Hobbit homosexual from Brazil or kindly fuck the fuck off

A timestamp picture or a video of a lift would do just fine

thank you

If I were to run spotoshot what should I be doing for my squats and deadlifting? I currently do intermediate medium load Sheiko for squats, but I'm pretty sure I can't manage spotoshot and that together.

as long as youre bulking you can desu, but sheiko is shit anyway, just do spotoshot for squats too
paused squats monday
reverse band squats thursday

This might be the single-handedly dumbest fucking conversation I've ever seen on plg

Waste of money

As long as it is 4in + 10 - 13 mm and single prong, feel free to go with the cheapest piece of shit you can find because it doesn't matter

Unless you specifically want to fund the brands that have bribed the ipf

In which case just bend over and let them fuck your boy pussy

get a quick release. titan longhorn is the only one I know of in the US (I assume youre from)

thats just rude

>single prong

lmao retard. quick release or kys

Quick release is a pain in the ass if you ever need to change tightness for different lifts or if your body weight fluctuates you fat fuck

If you're a little limp wrists are too weak to pull a little tighter on a single prong then you shouldn't be worrying about belts at all you should be picking out a purse


I would do 5x5 squats twice a week with the ssb and LP that as long as possible and not deadlift because deadlifting in training is useless

Anybody else have the Klokov press in their routines? I just added it in today and i really feel it in my lats. I love it

youre thinking of lever. quick release is the best of both worlds. basically double prong but with a handle that makes it easy to take on/off

literally GOAT. but few companies make them. there certainly arent any ipf approved ones at a low price point like lever/prong

Squat 115kg - 253lbs
Deadlift - 145kg - 320lbs
Bench - 90kg - 198lbs
OHP - 65kg - 143lbs
I'm lifting for 2 months, had some experience before it but it was the usual shitty bro split without any focus on eating or anything really
are my stats good? Can i reach 1/2/3/4 for reps by the end of the year?
6'0 and around 185lbs

If you try hard and eat well.

Reminder that powerlifting is inferior to olympic lifting.

What about the stats, are the good/bad for the time training?

You're not actually a beginner so I don't know.

If you were a couch potato it would be almost extraordinary, but you're not so I can't say anything.

Tfw wanna get in the /olg/ but it never seems to be active

Plz link if I missed it

is this ok for TM (excluding upper body)

Squat volume
RDL 3x8

Squat recovery (probably paused squats @60% of monday or something)

Squat Intensity
DL intensity
Front squat 2x3

increments of increase for ID are 2.5kg for both squat and DL, and presumably for front squats as well till it stalls (dunno what to do then btw)

>+5kg Every session
>Delors when you can do only

I have a hard time doing bench and OHP on the same day. Whichever lift I do later just seems impossible to do at any real volume after the fatigue from the previous pressing.

>pl alive and prospering across all age, gender and equipment groups with many Feds and events to choose from, including pro money meets and meets that include the Press™
>ol dead in the us, no Feds, gyms, or coaches to be found

>meets that include the Press™

guys what do for poverty ohp?


Do the press after dynamic effort, not max effort bench

Good luck getting it tight, fag

Quick releases are looser than Sean's b-hole


quick release can be done just as if not tighter than a prong. stay mad beltlet

in fact. quick release is 100% tighter than prong. with prong. you need to pull it tighter than it is to get in in the hole, then it gets slack in it. quick release basically claws onto the hole from the outside so you get no slack

It's almost as though an objectively harder sport would have a smaller member base.

ohp alot.

srs. working for me instagram.com/p/BTrMopfDctA/?taken-by=norsefat

>less poundage moved relative to bw
>no muscle needed, only coordination
>only 2 lifts
>Olympic status ensures it never has to evolve or progress

Reminder that front squats fix everything and make you a better person

... And fucks up your knees and low back

You could add paused deads Monday, sure, but start much lighter than 90% of your 5RM. I don't think a few sets of rows after would hurt anything, as long as you don't treat them as a "must add weight" exercise.

I give up. I want to die.