Some of us are never going to make it, will we?

Some of us are never going to make it, will we?

What is this Instagram you looking for a few handy js from your moms friends.

Fuck that bro youre a sick kunt if you wanna be

Cut fag

How much

enough to make your abs show


How much is that

You probably don't actually have any or only the minimal amount. So you'll have to be really skinny see them, if you see the top part of your abs you made it though

Okay. Should my abs always be visible or is it okay to get kinda fat when bulking

Generally up to you to you, around 15-18% bodyfat is a good bulking range over 20% bodyfat is unhealthy

what is my bodyfat right now would you say

Nope. But delusion and spite are surprisingly good preworkouts.

II've never given a bf estimate but I judge around 22-24 which isn't that bad

Workout hard, eat a meal an hour before working out, eat your biggest meal after, last meal the day cut carbs and add cardio and you should see your weight go down.

Keep in mind you won't see your strength go up much while cutting so SS is less effective. You'll still gain strength if youre early into a beginner strength program but don't expect progress for a substantial amount of time, starting from the bar you'll probably get 2 months of linear progress eating maintenance or cutting.

Oh also spend 20-30 mins a couple times a week doing an ab circuit

Getting good abs strictly from compounds is kind of a meme. If you progress weight on abs it will help keep you safe on compounds too.

What should I do for abs.

Planks, side bends and what else?

Zyzz used steroids

Everyone who's ever looked good used steroids.

Do 3 exercises for upper (crunches), lower, and obliques. Choose another three (you can start with crunches again), then do a set of 3, then a plank, and then another set of 3.

I can do a circuit plank circuit 3 times personally but you can add more reps, more circuits, more planks etc to add more progress.

My routine says to add two abs exercises on deadlift and squat day so ill start off with that first then maybe add more as I get stronger

Mine is based on body weight, you can choose two and add weight if you like on those days since you'll be doing them in the gym. Although adding weight will come with time.
Goodluck user

Thank you

Btw is working obliques bad? I heard that overdeveloped obliques look bad for your taper so some people atrophy them.

You'll probably have no issue over working them at least not until you can see them then you can track em just by watching your body

Okay thanks

I'm going to do 4x12 side bends with heavy dumbbell and 4x1 minute of weighted planks