I've been on linear progression for 7 months and Ive hit the following numbers:

I've been on linear progression for 7 months and Ive hit the following numbers:

Squat 115kg 3x5
DL 147,5kg 1x5
OHP 47,5kg 3x5
Bench 75kg 3x5
Barbell row 70kg 3x5 (questionable form)

I'm 186cm (6'1) and I weigh about 73-74kg. Can I still progress on 3x3 or should I switch it up and jump ship to another program?

I also do chinups and dips as an accessory, but they don't seem to do much strength wise

>Inb4 eat more
I'm lean bulking, I eat 160 grams of protein a day. I'm not changing my diet.

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you can switch to some periodized routine if you train for strength (like 5/3/1 for example). If you train for size drop that 3x5 bullshit all together and listen to bodybuilding bros.

>Can I still progress on 3x3
are you? if yes. then don't switch. if no, then switch

what volume should one be looking at for size gains?

Assuming you're a young (18-35) male, you should have progressed *much* more than that in 7 months. What was your starting weight and numbers?

Perhaps your recovery is off. Either eating, sleeping, or some other excess stress

you can deload, switch to 3x3, or switch to a different programme

you're probably not going to be able to eke out much more in the way of linear gains given your weight and understandable reluctance to bulk and cut (which is a dumb strategy for natties). i'd recommend changing to a different plan

i'd not recommend (Wendler's) 5/3/1, unlike . i think it's a trash programme for anyone (low intensity, low frequency, low specificity), but to the extent it's useful, it's not for people who are entering the intermediate phase

consider: Candito's 6 week programme, nSuns 5/3/1 (N.B. this is very different to Wendler's), Nuckols's 28 free programmes, Texas Method...

3-5x8-12 and more isolation

Not as much as you may think. Frequency is key. Along with proper form and feeling and squeezing whatever muscle you're working. At least this is my opinion.

forgot this is Veeky Forums where everyone deadlifts 200 kg after 3 months

protip: His progress is quite okay compared to the average person in real life considering his bodyweight,

I used to be skinnyfat, so I slimmed down to 66,7kg. Every kg gained is muscle.

His progress really isn't. You underestimate what linear progression can properly achieve

not him, but: LP can achieve a lot, conditional on being happy to eat well above surplus. OP doesn't want to do that. his progress is fine, given his constraints

What about Nuckols "The Journey" program compared to stringing together stuff from his 28 free programmes?

100% agree about 5/3/1 OP. I only spun my wheels on that shit.

*well above maintenance

I fell for the SL 5x5 meme, been doing 3 x5 for about 2 months now

Have you been adding 5lb to the bar every time you work out? I feel like your lifts should be better than that. Unless you started as an Auschwitz survivor.

Im not an expert and I'm also a manlet but I weight 20lbs less and am hitting similar numbers in less time. I know everyone is different but yeah.

this?: strongerbyscience.com/complete-strength-training-guide/

it's new to me! i have a lot of trust in Nuckols, though—it's worth considering

Which program would be best for a lean bulking "powerbuilder" (for the lack of a better word)? I don't need crazy progression, just consistent progression. I like the 3 full body workouts a week and I love the barbell.

Most of them are all pretty much the same. They all incorporate main compound lifts and progressive overload via adding weight to the bar. There's nothing special about any of the beginner strength programs. Some just have more accessories than others.

My manlet friend has better push, worse pull/DL and a 10kg lower squat at lower bodyweight (but higher bf%).

I just figure it's because of his short arms/legs.

your ohp and bench seem a little low

Also remember this is kg anons

I figured I could switch to intermediate or a push-biased program.

They are, my wingspan is 190cm if that has anything to do with it

as says: there's nothing special, really. nobody knows what's optimal and effects vary within populations. you'll see in things like nSuns 5/3/1 a sort of numerology, supposedly inspired by Sheiko's programmes. there's no science behind it; it doesn't solve a weird optimisation problem

what works best for me might not work best for you, but they'll all work. you should take a look at each of them (and others) and see which one appeals to you the most

Will do!

Yes. But if he had done it properly, he would be way stronger. As would most people, because very few people do the linear progression properly.

doing it properly means eating well above maintenance, though, and not everyone wants to do that. different people have different goals over different timescales

3x3 is not enough volume to stimulate growth, you can do 3x3 on, say, Fridays and then 5x5 on Mondays.

Yeah that's the one. It's part of his "powerlifters should train more like bodybuilders" philosophy.

Gist of it is: keep reps low on main reps to enforce good form, add an auxiliary lift to fix any weaknesses in form, and then get all of your volume from "bodybuilding" shit.

I mean, it sounds nice on paper. It's similar to 5/3/1 desu, but probably even less intensity.