Jocko Podcast - Discipline and Leadership

Does anybody else here listen to the Jocko Podcast? I just started listening and really dig what this man has to say about discipline and leadership. I think his principles are very applicable to fitness in general. In fact, because of him, I've been inspired to sign up for an introductory boxing class next semester at school.

Background on Jocko Willink
>20 years in Navy Seals
>served in Iraq
>black belt in BJJ
>author of 3 books
>host of the Jocko Podcast
>co-founder of Echelon Front, a company that helps businesses with leadership challenges

I'm interested in discussing the topics of leadership and discipline with like minded individuals. If you are into these types of things or if you are into the military, I highly recommend checking out his podcast. He has also been featured on the Joe Rogan Experience as well as other podcasts to talk about MMA and BJJ. Side note: does anybody have any advice for somebody looking to get into boxing? At least from a strength training persepective.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you haven't read "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" I'd definitely recommend that, it's basically how to be a leader the book.


It's definitely on my list. I have so many books I want to read but I spend so little time actually reading... Maybe that is something that I could work on as part of my disciplinary habits.

Some of the other books concerning these topics:
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Extreme Ownership (Jocko's book)
About Face
Once an Eagle

Here's a link to a list of books that Jocko has talked about on his podcast:

Here's a link to lists of required or recommended reading by the US Armed Forces:

The Navy's section on core attributes is of particular interest and relevance to this discussion.

How did you come across the podcast? What are your thoughts on it? Have you read any of Jocko's books? If so, would you recommend them? Have you been applying any of the principles you've learned from the podcast to your life? If so, how have they affected you?

These questions are directed at you, but anybody reading this is free to respond with their own experiences.

Good evening, Echo.

I haven't listened to it but I liked Extreme Ownership. Also, I prefer How to Talk to Anyone rather than the Carnegie

I just heard it on last week's joe rogan. Downloaded the first few of the Jocko cast, pretty interesting.

JRE and Jocko are getting me interested in ju jitsu

This is...

I had a stressful week and ended up complaining the whole time talking to my brother, he stopped me mid sentence and said I sound like a bitch complaining about shit right now and I should listen to Jocko's podcast, I gave it a listen and have been hooked ever since, his ideas about being a man and personal ownership really helped me.

His books are also awesome and something that should be in schools..

yeah, i like it. i wish echo wasn't such a dumbass though, he never has anything relevant to say. it would be better if he had another seal guy as co-host.


I thought maybe he is socially awkward?

I've caught him a few times while watching the cams, he doesn't look very social..

What about that book did you prefer to Carnegie's book? I always hear HTWFAIP listed as one of the best self improvement books.

Awesome man! Glad to hear you've decided to work on improving yourself and "stop being a bitch" ;)

Sorry, friend, I'm not Echo. Just someone who is interested in improving himself :)

Look for a local gym. Assuming you're in or near a decent sized city there should be plenty. Good on you, man. If you pursue this interest I hope it's fulfilling and works out for you.

Jocko is a great source especially if he is your one of your first. If you've been on the Internet a while he's a bit one-dimensional relatively speaking and chances are you've heard the stuff he's talking about before.

I just opened up Amazon to check out his books, didn't even have to search. Extreme Ownership was the first in the list of recommended for me. Guess I'll be checking it out.

I actually disagree. While at times Echo can be annoying and sound a bit whiny, I feel like more often than not he is able to provoke Jocko into expanding on a view point or into looking at subjects from a different point of view. That is an important aspect to the show, otherwise we would just have Jocko being Jocko and saying everything he thinks without being challenged. Echo not being a seal helps with that too. If he had Laif or any of his other seal buddies on then it might start to just sound like an echo chamber with those two constantly agreeing an never expanding on issues they feel like they thoroughly covered, even if they didn't.

I'm not sure I follow. How do you mean one-dimensional? What other resources are there?


I guarantee his kids will grow up to hate him.

Good podcast though.

Just finished extreme ownership. Killed it in about 3 days. Chapters go 70% stories of ramadi and other battles then 30% business application. Aside from the 80s name drops of the book it's actually a solid read. Would recommend 10/10. Only just under 300 pages tho so get it used it's damn good but $25+ for a book that short is a little ehhhhh. I'd still pay full price for it though.

Hey joko why did this black guy fuck my wife?

because....he failed TO TAKE EXTREME OWNERSHIP


I like echo. He's the perfect type of foil for Jocko. Plays off well

Moving on...

I found out about jocko after binging jordan peterson awhile back, fucking asshole is making me want to get super fit, super disciplined, and then go join the navy.

good thing I'm a scaredy cat atm so I won't, checkmate faggots

>echo is probably in this thread right now

echo how can I make mental fortitude gains and stop being a pussy ass bitch