Without seing the exercises, is this routine good?

monday: CHEST - BICEPS
thursday: BACK - TRICEPS
tuesday: CHEST - BICEPS
friday: BACK - TICEPS

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if roiding, yes

Lol parrot

why not natural?

you're gonna be working your biceps and triceps two days in a row

firstly no. bro splits are inherently bad

second. you cant evaluate the program without knowing sets/reps and exercises. thats literally the program

You have twice the amount of time dedicated to your fucking BICEPS, pathetically small little muscle group, than you have to your legs. Your fucking legs, half of your muscles. Are you retarded?

no one cares about legs

good luck training your back with chicken legs

I'm not op but why fit hate bro split?


because theyre just random shit with no real thought put into the science behind training. but people jump on them because they dont know any better and they fall for the "I dont want to be a powerlifter bro, I just want to look good" meme when the only people who actually know anything about training, whether for strength or hypertrophy, are people who train real athletes

What's the best 3x a week fullbody program for an intermediate lifter?

stats? goals? "intermediate " is a pretty broad term

1/2/2.5/4 x5
6' 175lbs

Reach my natty potential without gaining any body fat

too much time taken to do a week's worth of work outs. i'd say 4/week is optimum, imo.
Try an antagonistic split to really test yourself, even just for one week (this goes for all of you reading this):
- Monday - Chest/Back (BENCH, ROWS, PULLUPS)
- Tuesday - Legs (quadricep emphasis) (SQUATS)
- WEdnesday - Rest
- Thursday - Arms/Shoulders (OHP, various)
- Friday - Legs (hamstring emphasis) (DEADLIFT)

Each workout starts with the heaviest, compound exercise, with accessories as you please.
try to fit in at least 6 sets of accessories per muscle group, per week.
Aim for 4-8 rep range, and then 1-3 for compound.
Mad gains mate

Not sure why nobody mentioned this, but isn't it a smarter idea to do chest/triceps on monday and back/biceps on thursday?

IIRC, bench presses and a lot of chest exercises stress the triceps as well, while a good chunk of back exercises recruit some power from the biceps. Isn't it smarter and more efficient to pair the muscle groups like that?

Not only it'll be less painful, by recruiting biceps on thursdays you'd actually hinder your progress (since you smashed biceps the day before) and induce catabolism.

It's retarded either way. Follow a brosplit program like that and you're only hitting those muscles 4 times a fucking month. Enjoy making zero gains

You stupid, son?

This isn't a bro split.

Bro splits hit each muscle group once a week, this one hits most (other than legs) twice.

OP, I've ran something extremely similar and it's a great routine.

>chest and biceps on the same day

I run chest/arms, back/shoulders, legs/abs twice a week. Get at me.

>mfw also running 500mg test e/ week


Are you retarded?

You'd hit triceps 2x/week. What fucking mental gymnastics have you done to calculate that you'd only train each muscle four times in a month?

What the fuck man

For what purpose

Let's just start this over, OP. Here's a Push/Pull routine with lots of accessories because I know you've got little arms.

Push (A)
>3x5 Squat
>4x5-8 Bench
>4x5-8 OHP
>2x6-12 Lying Triceps Extension
>2x6-12 Triceps Kickback
>3x8-15 Lateral Raise
>3x8-15 Rear delt raise (reverse flys)

Pull (B)
>3x5 deadlift
>4x5-8 Pullups
>4x5-8 dumbbell rows
>2x6-12 Curl
>2x6-12 Hammer or Reverse Curl
>2x8-15 Wrist Extension
>3x8-15 Wrist Flexion

AxBxAxx BxAxBxx

its based around isolating muscle groups, which is retarded and what a brosplit is. it trains shoulders and traps once (it also considers traps separate from the back??). it has chest/bi back/tri which is retarded. also see 2x a week frequency is sub optimal anyway

>3x8-15 Shrugs on B day, after row, before curls.

>chest-biceps two days in a row
>back-triceps two days in a row

You're gonna hurt you self user. You need more recovery time.

just do push/pull, or if you really feel the need to do a split,

chest triceps
back biceps
legs shoulders

chest shoulders and triceps should be worked on the same day, or with a rest day between because of their synergy

same for back and biceps

3 workouts are strength based, 3 are hypertrophy (so it's basically a homebrewed PHAT).

I've experimented with quite a few variations and splits and settled on this one for the next few months.

I feel like disregarding brosplits outright is a bit harsh because of one key intangible: enjoyment.

I love the gym. It's fun for me. And working chest and arms on the same day is hella fun, more so than a fullbody three times a week or whatever is more "optimal". I still make gains, maybe a bit slower than someone on a better routine, but I have a great time doing it.

Big legs look ugly af, i had this routine because i just want aesthetics Ronaldo legs not big ugly legs.

Working compound leg movements releases more hGH because they are the largest muscles. That's why fullbody routines put them at the start of the workout.

If you're paranoid about leg size, then just do them for the strength range of 5 reps, and keep your upper body in hypertrophy range.

>training muscles only 1.5x times a week

How it's better?

Like this?:
Back - Biceps
Chest - Triceps

I try it the first days i went to the gym but my triceps hurt after doing chest so i don't lift enough weight during my workout

Give me opinions mate

Do what you like doing, chest/bis back/tris might fry your arms a bit for a few weeks but your body will adapt.

The best routine is the one you stick to.

What if i had the energy? Can i make more gains?

It's quite a bit of volume, senpai. You need 72 hours for a muscle to recover.


i do deadlift 3 times a week for test btw

Here's a tip friend - the hodgetwins were right. Do whatever the fuck you want to do. Don't listen to advice on this shot forum, including me. Who knows what the people giving you advice look like. Just do what you want and stick to it.

thanks mate

I've heard 24-48 hours depending on the intensity and muscle being trained. Have a link to 72?

with all the knowledge out there current year why are you choosing to do a retarded brosplit

also I dont see an actual routine you fkin cookie cutter

Tell me how snap city looks this summer.

Yeah dude, you're gonna look sick for Chad's pool party, brah.

No problem, bud. For record, I ran chest/shoulders/bis, back/tris, legs/abs for like 8 months last year. Made solid gains, ate tons, and had fun doing it. Pic related, not the biggest guy but I'm happy where it got me.

>i do deadlift 3 times a week for test

Does this work?

Which exercises do you do for shoulders?

You're a dumbass.

OHP, facepulls, and a fuckton of lat raises. 6-10 sets of 12-20.

I should specify, the rep range there was only for the lat raises. OHP I'll either do 5x3 or 4x10 (depending on the day) and favepulls are always 4x20ish.

he is prolly doing like 40% of 90% 1RM... if not it's ticket to snap city

This, when you start doing deadlifts you can get away with doing them 3 times a week because there isn't enough weight to stress the body too much

Jesus christ you're stupid.