Is it normal to not have an appetite while fasting? I mean I do want to listen to my body while I'm doing this...

Is it normal to not have an appetite while fasting? I mean I do want to listen to my body while I'm doing this, but it's been 3 days and I've just been drinking and I have no hunger whatsoever. Will this continue? Or is my hunger sense fucked up.

I was just about to make a thread somewhat related. I'm closing in on my fourth day of fasting and I'm hungry as all shit. Have you eaten nothing at all? I've had a few fruits here and there to help with the cravings so that might explain why I have an appetite.

Also, rather than starting a new thread I'd rather ask here. Any general tips for fasting? I'm planning on doing 16 days and switch to a vegetarian diet afterward (mostly cutting out red meat and stuff heavy in carbs).

Same here man haven't felt hungry since day one. I think it is normal from what ive read.

Just fast till you get to where you need to be. No reason to go off it just to "diet"

not op, but currently on my first fast cut. working great so far. 18/6 fast. since this is meant to boost insulin sensitivity, could i fast on a bulk? and would it make any difference?

Leptin, Insuline and so grehlin are dropping.
So Yeah you wont feel hungry if you get used to fasting.
But if your Insuline drops too low you will probably get some craving from time to time. Stay strong and eat clean breh

>eats fruit to help with "cravings"
whew lad youre not fasting and you spiking dat insulin aint good

Your body isn't dumb
If you fast, it will slow down your metabolism and make you less hungry.
And when your fast ends and you start to eat normally, your body will gain as much weight as it possibly can, in order to prepare for the next time you dumbass want to starve it

>If you fast, it will slow down your metabolism
>And when your fast ends and you start to eat normally, your body will gain as much weight as it possibly can, in order to prepare for the next time you dumbass want to starve it


Then go ahead and keep that "fast" for the rest of your life, since apparently your body is fine with it

you're a stupid person

Cool graphic bro, yet yo-yo dieting is a real thing and millions of people are meme'd by it every year

>could i fast on a bulk?
>and would it make any difference?
Theoretically it would improve nutrient partitioning.
>I've had a few fruits here and there to help with the cravings so that might explain why I have an appetite.
Fucking retard.

I've been eating one meal a day and working out daily for the past two weeks, this probably explains why I haven't lost any visible fat. Fucking hell, calories in calories out is a meme.

>eating during fasting
you're a retard.
Eating sporadically like that during a fast is one of the worst things you can do to your metabolic system

Is OMAD aka 23:1 fasting in combination with Keto good for bodyfat % loss?

one meal a day will work for a while but your fat loss will plateau. it's the same as a reduced calorie diet – your metabolism will decrease to match your intake.

OP here, I'm trying to get to the extreme phases of autophagy to do some deep cleansing of my system so I will keep fasting and break it in a few days with light vegetables/fruit. Yes I've only been drinking water.

Otherwise I feel pretty fucking great, except for lower body temperature.

3rd day into fast, feel better then yesterday, no hunger at all but sick cravings, browsing yelp looking at pictures of food lol
>except for lower body temperature.
it's summer how can you not enjoy that?

you're consuming salt though, right?

Nope. Should I be?

only if you want to live

Throw some baking soda or salt in your morning water. It will only help.

no its normal. your stomach adjusts and will shrink over time so physically you're not feeling the same level on hunger that you may have been previously. also if your body is in a "fight or flight" state because you're active or have a lot of stress/anxiety then your normal hunger cues won't be processing because your bodily systems are prioritizing

>your stomach will shrink

I'm no expert, but you might have greater success with intermittant fasting. That is, having a clean vegetable diet most the time. And only 1 or 2 days a week fasting long enough to induce autophagy.

>Intermediate fasting for 3 weeks and only eat dinner
>decide to eat a large ice cream around the 4th week
>throw up half way through

Not sure if it was the increase in food or it made me lactose in tolerant.

>you're retarded
What else is new? Red pill me. This is literally the first time posting here and don't know shit about fasting. Everything I get online about fasting doesn't really explain much.

Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. Thanks for the advice.

> Red pill me

Don't fucking eat



No wonder everyone says this board is filled with narcissistic faggots.

>hey lol let's eat a literal sphere of sugar to help with muh cravings
>body thinks it's gonna eat
>insulin spikes like crazy
>suddenly literally no food
>screams in pain since you got its hopes up but didn't feed it enough
This is what an actual starvation diet is like, it completely circumvents the protective mechanisms of actual fasting.

OP here, I broke my 4 day fast with a banana and then a small salad with carrots, an egg, and some kale. Then for dinner I had salmon, rice and brusselsprouts.

I feel completely fine, probably cause 1) I had already been intermittent fasting and I'm use to eating small quanitties of multiple foods, 2) I ate very slowly and chewed everything very carefully.

>your body will gain as much weight as it possibly can

what are you even saying dude?? that it disobeys the laws of thermodynamics and magically creates extra calories with each meal because it's so hungry after a fast?? Lol get out retard