Does recomp work on keto? Like...

Does recomp work on keto? Like, if I eat at maintenance and lift real heavy can I increase lean body mass and burn body fat?

why are you on keto in the 1st place ?
If you're serious about making gains, get off that diet

I'm skinnyfat so I just need to lose fat really

well lift hard and often with a healthy ''normal'' diet, you will gain muscle and lose fat

You can build muscle while you lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight. Ketosis has a muscle sparring effect so you can easily maintain existing muscle while building new muscle. If you keep eating right and going to the gym you will make it. Every year that goes by you will keep getting a better body. The cutting and dirty bulking meme is shit just keep up healthy habits and the results will show.

So breakfast lunch dinner kind of thing?

I've never really had a 'normal' diet ever. 'Normal' for me was always just get home from school/work and eat a shitload of whatever, usually fast food.

>6 dish meme diet
that will be 70 dollars sir

My only worry is not eating enough so to speak.

Like, if I follow a 'normal' diet with just a load of veggies and lean meat, I'd probably be full on like 800 calories and not get enough protein either.

At least on keto the fats will give me shitloads of calories so I don't eat too little.

You don't have to worry about eating too little if you're a fatty.

Also I would absolutely do keto for at least a couple months since your endocrine system and brain are fucked from junk food. Once you break your addiction to sugar you can start adding in complex starches if you want down the road.

Okay sweet

And last question, when I'm tracking, should I like force myself to eat around my kcal amount? Like, imagine I've had 1300 calories and all the protein I need, and my cutting amount is 1800, should I eat some more fats just to get closer to 1800 so the deficit isn't too big?

I recommend you the Paleo diet, WITH oats, lentils and brown rice and dairy (only in the form of whey powder)

The worst type of food is processed, and the good thing about keto is it has none. Neither does paleo diet.

You could also try to consume carbs only before working out and see how that goes.

If you can make gains on keto that's awesome, but personally I've tried it and stopped 2 weeks in because I was losing my gains

You don't need very much protein. On a pure ketogenic diet it would only be like 10 percent of your calories. You're going to have to work harder to get enough fat. Listen to "Dom D’Agostino — The Power of the Ketogenic Diet" if you would like ketosis tips from a fucking beast with a PhD. Another thing to throw in would be some fast days to break your food addiction. It's hard to sleep while fasted but you should be able to go all day without eating until dinner time no problem.

>The worst type of food is processed
>dairy (only in the form of whey powder)
wouldn't it be better to just like
eat more actual food than eat processed powder made from processed milk?

absolutely. I don't consume whey or any dairy myself, but I don't even suggest to avoid whey anymore, because apparently everyone on Veeky Forums is too broke to afford other forms of proteins

Yeah always more fats. Just eat the same amount of calories you would on regular diet but just from fats and protein mainly. So if you want to lose weight go to slight deficit, maintenance calories for maintenance etc. In skinnyfat case maintenance probably works the best because you need to build muscle as well otherwise you look like a skeleton.
Keto is great for cutting because you don't feel hungry and have more energy so it's effortless plus all the other health benefits

>I recommend you the Paleo diet, WITH oats, lentils and brown rice and dairy (only in the form of whey powder)

So then a normal, not paleo at all diet

>plus all the other health benefits

It's not a healthy diet.

well, the point of paleo is to eat food like our ancestors used to eat, aka whatever they found out there in the wild
Oats and shit came up later in time and is therefore not part of paleo, yet it is healthy and beneficial. That's why I recommend Paleo + extras that make sense for someone that lifts

It would be more accurate to just say avoid processed foods. Paleo is paleo, if you add non-paleo foods it stops being paleo. It's just a normal diet.

>well, the point of paleo is to eat food like our ancestors used to eat, aka whatever they found out there in the wild

so paleo people eat poisonous berries and die and shit?

>and the good thing about keto is it has none
100% false

Keto diet is healthy and has helped me gain muscle AND lose weight after 4 plates, but plenty of processed foods are fine on keto, some are even encouraged, same as paleo

Haven't tried paleo but I'm pretty sure it's marketed meme nonsense in the wake of the keto diet

>plenty of processed foods are fine on keto, some are even encouraged

name some

>Keto diet is healthy

Cease and desist

Bacon is the posterfood of keto


I was able to help my asthma alot with it, as well as had more energy, i lost fat and kept my strenght (even increased on certain lifts).
Just need to do research on it to make sure you get enough micronutrients and veggies to balance out the hard fats

Butters, yogurts, bacon, cheese

Off the top of my head.

Cool, but it's not a healthy diet.

Don't feed the trolls son

I thought bacon was simply pig flesh ?

If you cut it yourself from the pig or an unprocessed pork belly, sure

Conversely, bacon is the single most carcinogenic and health-problem linked processed meat available in the supermarket

Maybe it is or maybe it's not, atleast i got benefits from it.

But still i lost weight eating 180g or more fat a day, doesnt that go completely agaisnt science?

We are all gonna make it

>But still i lost weight eating 180g or more fat a day, doesnt that go completely agaisnt science?

That's 1620 calories. Why would that go against science?

Are there brands of bacon thats not so processed and ok to eat? I love keto but want to avoid processed food as much as possibel

I was referring to common misconception that fat calories turn into fat on your body which clearly is not so. My average calories were 2300 per day with 115-130g protein.

sticky m8

a meal with lots of vegetables, a bit of complex carbs (potato, whole wheat pasta/bread or whole grain rice) and a non-fried meat, can't go wrong.

>fat calories turn into fat on your body

Like all calories, they do. But if you eat below maintenance, you burn more than you store.