Give me a topic and i will do a pseudo-historical scenario on it

Submit your ideas and the first to get digits will be the topic of my story. Examples:
>world war 3
>alternate world war 2
>american communist revolution
>white nationalist revolution
>great resource wars and apocalypse.

Looking forward to doing this, and I'll go as far as the thread will let me. Feel free to also criticize my story and point out any inconsistencies when it starts. It makes me a better story teller. I will try my best to be accurate and logical in the story, while giving a non-biased resolution.

Scramble for Africa never happens.



Okay, sounds good. To preface, in order for this to be logical, Africa is going to be inhabited by stronger empires that the Europeans cannot easily mow through and colonize the continent with. Therefore, we are going to have to insert some new African Empires...

So, the 20th century has just begun. While the British Empire has been able to amass a large colonial empire in parts of the world such as Australia, the West Indies, and the Middle East/Indian subcontinent, no European power has been able to successfully colonize Africa. This is due to the emergence of several strong African empires, ranging from the long-standing Mali Empire (present-day Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger), to the titan Ethiopia in the east. Furthermore, the nation of Liberia has established a presence in West Africa, taking advantage of the techniques used against their ancestors by whites in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Liberia clashes with Benin and the Oyo Empire, while the Kongolese and Zulu have great control over the southern half of the continent. Altogether these nations are extremely strong, and have been able to ward off European influence. The Mali Empire was able to fend off Portuguese and Spanish colonial efforts, securing control of West Africa and limiting European expansion to the new world.



lmao, i forgot that you need digits so i'll let this one fly. I repasted this thing from /pol/ because it never caught on there

>Anne frank gets pregnant from traitorous nazi soldier
>ends up hiding in attic writing diary while experiencing mood swings
>begins penning forward-thinking neo-goth poems about how hitler should be trans
>gets caught
>sent to bergen belsen
>her and the unborn child (which would have went on to become the first trans fuhrer of the 4th reich) get fried

alright, back to Africa

What if the peasant republic of Dithmarschen started mass peasant republican revolutions across the HRE

By the year 1914, the Archduke is assassinated and World War One commences, but while the war happens just like it would in our world at the beginning with Serbia and Russia fighting Germany, things get interesting when the British and Ottomans get involved, and the Allied Powers call upon Ethiopia to join and attack the Ottomans. The rest of the African empires stay neutral, but Ethiopia is able to attack the Ottoman Empire with the British.

By 1917, the Ottoman Empire does not break up, but is rather annexed, with the remnants of the once great Empire being distributed between the British, French, and Ethiopians in an equivalent to the Sykes-Picot Agreement. While Britain gets Western Turkey and parts of Arabia (including constantinople) and France gets Eastern Turkey and most of the Levant, Ethiopia receives the area of Palestine.

Given Ethiopia's intrinsic connection to Israel in the Bible, the Ethiopians cite historical connections to Judaism and Christianity and view themselves as the successors to King Solomon. Consequently, Ethiopia becomes a fusion between a Jewish and christian empire in many ways, controlling Jerusalem, the rest of the Holy Land as well as a rich and vast Ethiopian country. This grabs the attention of European powers, as the country certainly seems to be outpacing countries such as Britain or America in terms of power

By the year 1933, rampant economic turmoil and hyperinflation results in the ascension of the Nazi Party in Germany, and its anti-Semitic ideology. While many Jews still remain in Europe, many have chosen to migrate to Ethiopia now that a friendly regime is in control of the Holy Land. Nevertheless, Hitler continues to portray the Ethiopians and Israelites as the malaise that resulted in the desolation of the European continent. Anti-Ethiopian sentiment flares in Germany along with anti-semitism, but most of the hate is directed at the Ethiopian state.

Looking to continue rallying the German public around the flag, Hitler contemplates doing something which the Italians and European had long failed to do, colonize Ethiopia in the name of Lebensraum.

However, Ethiopia is a strong nation, very strong in fact; well-armed to the point where they could fight and defeat the mighty Ottoman Empire. Hitler needed help in accomplishing his goal, and he consequently reaches out to the British, who have long been toiling for a greater foothold in Africa as well. Promising to award Britain with Israel with the Levant (keep in mind much of it is owned by the French), Hitler is able to enamor the British public. Sir Oswald Mosley is elected Prime Minister, and establishes a Fascist Britain that is natural allies with Nazi Germany.

Prince of tiny German Principality gets invited to become constitutional monarch of the fledgling US, with about the same powers as the president got in our lifetime, while Washington serves as his adviser.

In 1938, after annexing Austria and the Sudetenland, the Germans and British plot their attack on Ethiopia. Using Britain's impeccable navy, they would conduct a landing in Somaliland and move west towards Addis Ababa, while the bulk of British forces attacked south from Constantinople.

Ethiopia, partially aware of the Brit/German desire for their land, employs the help of the French, who are worried about their territorial foothold and the standing between their Fascist neighbors. Ethiopia also attempts to engage in talks with Stalin's USSR to the north, but nothing comes of it as the Russians annex Karelia.

The attack finally happens, but the German Army, lacking a true naval presence, has to slowly be transported by the British through the Mediterranean towards Ethiopian territory. Forces from British Raj land in Somalia, and the war begins. This world's equivalent to the Second World War.

Has to be the homosexual meme himself Von Stueben.

Axis powers get their hands on Penicillin instead

No. He's completely straight, marries a niece of Washington's, and his homeland is annexed sometime in the chaos of the next fifty years.

The war rages on, and the French join in support of Ethiopia. Stalin still remains neutral, but it becomes obvious that the Soviet imperial thirst will soon come into conflict with Hitler's Germany. The war is largely a stalemate, signaling a return to WW1 as the German Blitzkrieg tactics shock and awe Ethiopian Forces in Egypt. The bulk of the fighting is concentrated in the Levant, with the cities of Damascus and Jerusalem being the focal point of the conflict.

France is utterly overwhelmed; the German Army is able to waltz into France and massacre their forces, resulting in German occupation of the country. however, the French colonial outposts stand strong, aided by the Ethiopians. However, Ethiopia knows the only way it will win the war is if it successfully gets the USSR involved. By 1942, the USSR seizes the opportunity and annexes Poland and the rest of Finland, while putting immense pressure on mainland Germany.

Hitler, determining that the war is going well in favor of the Axis, decides to open a second front on the Soviets, invading Eastern Europe with his forces, and leaving the Ethiopian campaign up to the British. He also convinces Mussolini to join the Axis, falsely promising parts of Ethiopia to the Italians that they would never get should the war end in favor of the Axis.

What if instead of being Islamized the ilkannate and the Golden Horde were converted to Chaldean, while the chagatai khanate converts to Vjariana Buddhism like Great Yuan did

Adolf Hitler is born sometime in the first Millenium and attempts to unite all Germanics to invade and Aryanize the Roman Empire

McClellan in 1862 refuses to give up the Army of the Potomac to Burnside, and listens to the troops when they call for him to turn around and march against Washington, adding a third faction to the US civil war.

Did Germany take anything of Poland or just let the USSR get all of it

The USSR allies with the Ethiopians, but the British are able to keep the two sides from meeting or sharing supplies thanks to naval superiority over the Black Sea and Bosphorus. Soviet casualties are huge, but the T-34 and mass production evens things out, and the Eastern Front becomes a brutal front, and ultimately the entirety of the German war effort is put towards holding off Stalin.

However, the Axis seals the deal on the war by recruiting the Mali Empire in West Africa; with comparable strength to Ethiopia thanks to the aid of Western technology, Mali treks across the sahara towards the Ethiopian front, hitting them from the west and opening up 3 fronts. It is simply too much for Ethiopia to handle, and by 1946 Ethiopia capitulates, with the Levantine portion of the country going to Britain and the African portion going to Hitler.

To conclude, the USSR reaches a compromise, with Stalin receiving Karelia and parts of Persia in exchange for peace with the Nazis. Ethiopia is racially cleansed and turned largely into an extension of the German Empire, as Germany is the first country to successfully colonize an African nation. However, a social revolution in the 1960's is successful in deposing the Nazi regime, and all German colonial extensions in Ethiopia are returned to the few remaining ethnic Ethiopians. However, colonialism lasts much longer as well as fascism thanks to the perpetuation of the Nazi and British fascist regimes.

America is wholly isolationist in this matter, yet remains a regional power. It ultimately never falls to fascism, but is rather seen as a libertarian state. Japan would war with China just like it does in our timeline, but they never have the ambition to wage war with the USA, since they never align with Hitler and the Axis.


Poland remains sovereign believe it or not, after the war is over it serves as a buffer state between the Soviets and Germans. Stalin did annex it during the war, but Hitler would attack it and it would be the epicenter of the Eastern Front, altogether avoiding the brutal cold front that maligned the Nazis during Barbarossa.

So pretty much what if the Prussian scheme succeeded?

But not Prussia.

Can’t wait for the next one

Central power victory in WW1 aftermath

ill do one tomorrow. I like these; im actually doing one on /pol/ right now concerning science fiction and Mars.

Good stuff

What if the Irish Potato Famine was more thorough in it’s depopulation of the island?

Rolling for this again

>Op's mom actually loves him